- Comment on Muslims and Mormons are basically the same thing 1 week ago:
Yes, 2000 years ago Christian writers borrowed heavily from the other religions and mystery cults they were living and working with.
Smith’s copypasta use of Masonic Rituals from New York as “passed down by God” in the 1830sm is a -little- different.
- Comment on Muslims and Mormons are basically the same thing 1 week ago:
Smith stole from any source he could find. Most of the Mormon temple rituals are based on Masonic Temple rituals from around the same time period. John Smith was a member of a Masonic Lodge and assumed no one would notice or tell their new congregation that they used to do the same thing with their drinking buddies back East.
- Comment on Anyone remember this? 2 weeks ago:
Yes, if all had been perfect it should have only taken about an hour but dialup internet was ditzy and unreliable so I spent a huge chunk of that weekend getting a full download.
- Comment on Anyone remember this? 2 weeks ago:
I sure remember the HOURS it took me to download that sucker on my 14.4kb modem. I was blessed by the gods with a parent in the computer industry even then so we had a 2nd phone line that I could monopolize for a day of agonizingly watching and praying not to lose connection again.
- Comment on Is Civilization 7 not fun? 4 weeks ago:
This right here.
I played 6 at launch and it was a huge downgrade from 5 but now it’s been updated so much it’s now unrecognizable from what was released as 6.
Every patch, update, and DLC will change it incrementally back into a similar experience as the others. They like to try to get real wild with the initial release but it tends to get back to the same sort of things eventually.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Thank you! I didn’t want to have to dig up the episode by hand. The YT short missed the excellent stinger that seals this joke.
- Comment on Tough question 4 weeks ago:
Both are recoverable but the astrology daughter is much cheaper to handle. Tarot, crystals, and star charts don’t eat retirement funds.
Daughter with a Psychic, much tougher call.
- Comment on Austin Powers was made approximately as long ago as Austin spent frozen. 1 month ago:
Imagine an unfrozen '97 James Bond played by Pierce Brosnin.
- Comment on Explicit deepfake scandal shuts down Pennsylvania school 3 months ago:
The lawsuit was about the fact the school knew for months about the problem and did nothing to address it. If they plausibly couldn’t know, it wouldn’t have been their fault but this was reported to the admin repeatedly and they did nothing.
- Comment on Cowboy 3 months ago:
- Comment on Are illegal streaming sites really getting shut down a lot lately or has it always been like this? 3 months ago:
There’s always churn and turnover, I’ve been part of communities that lost up to 3 of the top 5 sites for something etc. and the community bounces back in a couple of months. Streaming sites aren’t horrifically difficult to set up so they will often reappear shortly with similar interface.
- Comment on Voice Actor David Wald Leaves Role as Gajeel in Fairy Tail, Will Not Return to Crunchyroll Following Claims Company Opened His Mail, Gave Away Contents 3 months ago:
Unfortunately it’s gonna be the mailroom intern who followed directions from someone else to open all “that other mail”, not the person who made the decision.
- Comment on Source: Father, H. , Son, H. Spirit, H. (2024). Visions from God 4 months ago:
That’s what the “Personal Communication” citation type is for.
- Comment on Trickle down 4 months ago:
I was taking control of a big department in a non-profit where funds were tight but I had a lot of flexibility so I read a book about how to reward employees instead of money. I was hoping for non-tangible rewards like first pick of schedule or Employee of the Month type stuff.
Every single suggestion in the book was something that needed money to be spent first but not given to the employee. It had a whole chapter about how giving cash was rude and terrible and your employees would hate you for it so you had to give gift cards or worthless garbage to give them instead.
This was nonsense advice. Nothing motivates like cash. In the end I just taped my own $20 bills to the back of the ‘Certificates of Achievement’ I have for good work and warned them it was a personal gift and not from the org.
- Comment on Stages of grief 7 months ago:
- Comment on Sitting and shitting on my high horse 7 months ago:
Nonsense, posting on that toilet without styrups would be damn near impossible.
- Comment on "The Apothecary Diaries" Season 2 New Visual, PV 8 months ago:
I watched the Brother Cadfael mysteries on PBS when I was growing up and this reminds me of that favorably.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
The location of the wreck wasn’t found until 1985 and it was definitely still a popular disaster story to tell. I remember books about it in my elementary school library in the late 1980s alongside volcanos and dinosaurs.
- Comment on Starbuck milkshake is like tobacco 9 months ago:
I agree that Starbucks isn’t the best for you but there’s a wide range of drinks between black coffee and milkshake.
- Comment on We have to stop ignoring AI’s hallucination problem 9 months ago:
Bullshit, fuzzy matching is a lot older than this AI LLM.
- Comment on We have to stop ignoring AI’s hallucination problem 9 months ago:
Yes, synonym searching doesn’t strictly mean the thesaurus. There are a lot of different ways to connect related terms and some variation in how they are handled from one system to the next. Letting machine learning into the mix is a very new step in a process that Library and Information Sci has been working on for decades.
- Comment on We have to stop ignoring AI’s hallucination problem 9 months ago:
Searching with synonym matching is almost.decades old at this point. I worked on it as an undergrad in the early 2000s.and it wasn’t new then, just complicated. Google’s version improved over other search algorithms for a long time.and then trashed it by letting AI take over.
- Comment on How Airbnb accidentally screwed the US housing market and made $100 billion 9 months ago:
Visiting my husband’s home town where this has happened and all his parent’s friends have moved into trailers because the houses where they raised their kids were bought for insane amounts but then they couldn’t afford a smaller house in the same town. Where we live now on the East Coast, we can no longer stay in our school district for less than half a million because doctors from larger urban areas keep buying the houses in our school district and we’re being forced 60+100 miles out from my hometown where we raised our young kids to even begin to afford housing.
- Comment on Ideas 10 months ago:
Only here for everyone else who got Ace of Base’s “Wheel of Fortune” stuck in their head after this post.
- Comment on what is this game 10 months ago:
Yeah, Baldur’s Gate 3 for certain. Shadowheart, Astariaon and Wyll, left to right. The red icon mean Wyll has 70% chance to hit with that Eldritch Blast.
- Comment on Ska came before Raggae 🏁>>>🇯🇲 10 months ago:
Source on his being innocent? I don’t remember that being even likely given the evidence, but it’s been like 35 years so I’m curious what came to light.
- Comment on My body, my choice. 10 months ago:
All y’all getting preachy about *don’t", think about how our society treats alcohol and then tell me how drugs are different enough to be “bad” when alcohol is legal and widespread.
- Comment on Goodbye MatPat, thanks for everything 1 year ago:
I found out yesterday from this post.
- Comment on Starbucks accused of rigging payments in app for nearly $900 million gain over 5 years by consumer watchdog group 1 year ago:
Except Dunkin. I can’t get a coffee worth shit at Dunkin.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
My spouse a co-op partner have our co- battle station in our bedroom due to a tiny house so when we rebuilt our desktops we opted for totally opaque cases from BeQuiet and they are great!