- Comment on When people in constitutional monarchies pledge loyalty to the monarch, is it actually for real, or just symbolic / a pro-forma thing? 1 day ago:
Interesting addition here, we don’t even have an official national anthem. There isn’t even an “official” version of the lyrics for the song we use as the de-facto national anthem.
We just all kind of collectively agreed upon the first verse, and mentally update it whenever a monarch dies and a new gender is required.
- Comment on Is it OK for a baby's head to be rolled all the way back on its neck? 1 week ago:
I wouldn’t worry about it then. Babies are a lot floppier than you’d expect - it won’t be doing any harm :)
- Comment on Is it OK for a baby's head to be rolled all the way back on its neck? 1 week ago:
Maybe the baby’s just a bobble head.
Unless the baby looked malnourished or uncared for, I wouldn’t worry. Babies are far more resilient, bendy and adaptable than we give them credit for.
Also, unless there’s a developmental issue, a seven month old would easily be able to hold their head unassisted. Is it possible the baby was just trying to look at things?
- Comment on HELP! How do I help educate my son about his body when I know nothing about boys?? 2 weeks ago:
Porn is as representative of real sex as action scenes are of real fights.
It’s a stylised and codified version of things that specifically is designed to appeal to our lizard brains.
Also, get used to saying the word ‘sex’ around him. It’s weird at first, but the best way to make it clear that it’s all a normal part of growing up, is by acting like it’s a normal part of growing up.
- Comment on Is thinly-veiled political whinging really a question just because you used a question mark? 2 weeks ago:
I’m not entirely sure I read your comment correctly, but it sounds like you’ve never heard the word “whinging” before.
For the avoidance of doubt, it’s a real word. It rhymes with “hinging”.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Seconded. As soon as you hit 40, every other visit to the doctor involves talking about something going wrong below the waist.
- Comment on Why there is no photos of earth from space? 2 weeks ago:
I pop this on the telly for my kids when they have nightmares. It’s interesting enough to distract them, yet gentle enough to lull them to sleep again.
- Comment on Some examples of video games with an UI layout ripped off of another game? 2 weeks ago:
It seems pretty fundamental, but fighting games have had pretty much the same basic UI layout since Street Fighter II. Before then there was a degree of variability as to how the different elements were laid out. Since SFII, it’s always been Timer in the middle and Health bars on either side of that.
- Comment on Recreate old chess pieces 3 weeks ago:
I didn’t know imagetostl took glbs! I honestly wouldn’t even have expected it!
I’ll definitely be using that then. Blender is great, but I’m tied to my machine - I’d much rather use online tools when I can.
Thanks for that :)
- Comment on Recreate old chess pieces 3 weeks ago:
If you have at least one of each piece remaining, then yep - it’s easy!
The technology you’re after is called photogrammetry, and there are two inexpensive ways that I use often (there are more, but these are the two I rely on)
KIRI Engine - I have a subscription, but I think there is a free tier. You take about twenty photos of the object from different angles, upload for processing, and you get a 3D model back that you can print.
TRELLIS - take a single photograph and upload to here:
You will receive a 3D model back that you can import into Blender, run a mesh operation to merge by distance (to create a watertight model), export as STL and then print.
KIRI Engine requires more work upfront, with all the photos, but is the best at recreating existing things accurately.
TRELLIS requires more work at the end, because it doesn’t automatically create printable models, and it isn’t a finished product yet, but it is the closest thing to actual witchcraft I’ve experienced.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
People are still people, and money is just there to facilitate transactions required for the stuff you need.
Part of the problem is that a bunch of not-rights have decided that instead the point of money is to accrue it like some kind of high score.
If you are so rich that you no longer experience the normal problems associated with being a person, such as bad hair days, then you’ve probably become a weirdo yourself.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
I’d have paid off my student loans and mortgage already, as that’s the first thing I’d do as soon as I received the money.
I guess a typical Friday would involve me waking up at noon, pottering about in my pyjamas for a few hours, then working on whatever project I have on the go. I’m one of those people who has an obsession-of-the-month, and I can’t imagine that would change.
I’d have more time to spend with my kids and partner than I do, which I imagine would be nice.
On the whole, I don’t think it’d be wildly different to how I live now - only that without the pressure that I have to work so many hours a day, I’d have more time to spend with my family.
- Comment on Why was Hitler so mean and hateful toward one group or another? I find it hard to believe he woke up one day and said you and you suck but these people over here are good. Taking it so far as killing? 4 weeks ago:
Approaching this cynically, all right-wing politicians blame groups as others as being the cause of their country’s societal ills. That’s just how it works.
Jewish people were just one of the targeted groups, along with LGBT people, disabled people, and communists.
One universal truth throughout history is that it’s hard to unite people behind a common goal, but it’s easy to unite people against a common enemy.
Listen to any right wing politicians from around the world - their plans for making things better all start with getting rid of someone (be it a group of people or a governmental department).
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
I remember that show. It was like Muppet Babies except with crows.
- Comment on Why do AI bros and other staunch AI defenders seem happy about the potential of killing off the creative industries? 1 month ago:
The invention of production lines didn’t mean that nobody appreciated hand-built cars any longer - it just meant a cheaper option was now available to more people.
The invention of phonographs, records, cd etc, didn’t mean that nobody appreciated live music anymore - it just meant that there was now a more accessible option available.
Every job in arts and engineering can, has and will be automated to some extent - it doesn’t mean the death of those industries, or a lack of appreciation for the creativity involved.
I think the real benefit comes from when the creatives use the tools to do the heavy lifting. Every new innovation sees a glut of low-effort money-saving cash-ins. After a while, however, these fall to the wayside as the people who actually have the skills take over again.
More than ten years ago, I wrote a song for my daughter. I recorded it, animated a little video, and uploaded it to youTube. I’d written several more songs for her, but had never found the time necessary to actually record the songs and create videos for them. Because of AI tools, I’ve finally been able to make significant headway on a couple of songs that I hope to upload within the next fortnight.
We’re just in a transition period. Like George Lucas’s over-reliance on CG in the prequels - although it looked pretty great at the time but now looks thoroughly artificial.
- Comment on Has the USA turned into an oligarchy? 2 months ago:
Speaking of the nice paint job, it’s a good job you guys made that Eagle thing official. That makes it nice and clear that you’re not at risk of transitioning from democracy to dictatorship.
- Comment on Is there a way to search for specific words on a site? 2 months ago:
For any that don’t already know, this is a universal shortcut, and works across all kinds of different programs.
CTRL+F = Find
- Comment on What do people (as in, IRL) actually think of the [alleged] perpetrator involved in the NYC shooting? 2 months ago:
The only thing I’ve heard general consensus on is how attractive he is.
- Comment on In the US, is this actually the moment past the point of no return? 3 months ago:
From an outsider’s perspective, I think a lot of people think you guys sailed past the point of no return back in the 80s.
- Comment on Why do the majority of women still take their partner's last name? 3 months ago:
I think the only correct answer will be “there are lots of different reasons”.
My wife took my last name, even though it’s not a good one and I suggested that we pick a new one.
Here are a couple of her reasons:
She wanted us to have the same surname.
She was very close friends with my cousins growing up, so the name didn’t seem weird to her.
Tradition - she’d always assumed she would change her name to her husband’s name, so that seemed the most normal thing to do.
- Comment on How far away are we from someone using AI to create an animated TV show by themselves. 3 months ago:
We could technically do it now, but you’d need a ton of quality control.
A basic workflow:
Use an image generator to generate start (and optionally end) frames of each scene.
Use a video generator like Runway to create the scene.
Use something to generate the speech, either a realistic text-to-speech engine or a record the dialog yourself and use AI voice changing software.
Use a lip synch AI to match the mouth flaps to the audio.
Generate music using something like Udio
Job done.
All these technologies exist and in some capacity are available to use. The only issue at the moment is consistent quality. This is coming on in leaps and bounds, however.
- Comment on Is there ever a situation where a doctor can legally refuse to render aid to someone? 4 months ago:
At our GP surgery, there are a couple of doctors who won’t consult on birth control matters for religious reasons.
There’s just a sign at the reception saying that if you need to discuss birth control, please let the receptionist know and they’ll be sure to assign a different doctor.
- Comment on Why don't we just gather up all the ocean's trash and all the nonrecyclables, put them in a rocket, and launch it into the sun? 4 months ago:
I love the optimism here, but unless there was a significant potential for profit, none of the people who have the resources to begin collecting ocean plastics could care less.
The sad truth is that the majority of the world’s resources are owned and controlled by a handful of psychopaths.
- Comment on Do PhDs HAVE to use Dr? 4 months ago:
Only in the US and a select few other countries…
In other places, ‘Professor’ is a specific academic rank - there’ll only be a few professors in a university.
- Comment on Why did it take so damn long for humanity to "learn" how to draw/paint realistic images? 4 months ago:
chefs kiss
- Comment on Why did it take so damn long for humanity to "learn" how to draw/paint realistic images? 4 months ago:
If you’d have seen the marble sculptures when they were new, you would have described them as anything but realistic. We now know that many, if not most, sculptures were painted in bright garish colours.
Why paint a delicately crafted sculpture with a dodgy paint job? Party taste, perhaps, but more definitely because that was what was available.
The paints that we have now are carefully designed, mixed and stored to deliver a wide range of colours of a consistent quality (and even modern companies like GW struggle with that!).
The further back you go, the fewer pigments there are and the less sophisticated the binders are. It’s no coincidence that the rapid explosion in science and trade of the Renaissance led to the rapid development of paints. Even in those days, an artist didn’t buy paint, they made it - access to new raw ingredients was all that was needed.
So, why the Renaissance? Because it’s the earliest point in time it could have been possible.
- Comment on College students used Meta’s smart glasses to dox people in real time 5 months ago:
I read that book about 30 years ago! I didn’t remember the eye-scanning gargoyle, but for some reason I still remember the phrase “Ultima Ratio Regum” from the nuclear powered gun.
- Comment on Was the creation of the universe politically motivated or was it done for other reasons? 5 months ago:
I don’t think the word needs to imply a creator necessarily.
“Clouds are created when water vapour in the air condenses”.
“Black holes are created when giant stars collapse”.
I’ll concede that going on to question political motive implies a creator, though.
- Comment on How do I avoid enshitification of my keyboard and mouse 5 months ago:
I assume you’re talking about the Unifying feature.
I’ve got no direct experience, but there are a few people who say that despite Firefox not being listed as supported, it works fine.
As for the spying, I can see how that could be a concern, but I don’t think it’s too likely.
For convenience, I’m guessing they’re using a web interface to the settings in the same way that your router does. They’ve made a Chrome plugin, so that’s probably the route they want you to take because they know it works.
Logitech is a global brand, an they’d get into a lot of trouble in a lot of countries if they were gathering keypress data etc.
- Comment on American tourists visiting the EU, what do you think of it? 5 months ago:
Where did you go?