- Comment on Wheel of Time - for both the book and show fans 3 weeks ago:
Don’t worry you’ll reread it again 😋
Part of the pros of it being so long is by the time you’re done you can start over again and it feels fresh hahs.
- Comment on What do you call your first cousin's child? 4 months ago:
Your grandmother’s sister is your grandaunt, and you use grand and great the same way you do for mother/father but with aunt/uncle.
So I think your fourth cousin twice removed was on the Thresher but someone may correct me.
- Comment on The Longest Journey, a game series that lived up to its name 5 months ago:
Yeah Dreamfall was a much darker game in setting and themes, and I remember that while the protagonist tried some humor here and there it was just not as rewarding to interact with certain impractical things or be goofy like you could with April. April’s journal was also worth reading for some funny summaries of events, but Zoe’s was generally pretty dry and more pragmatic.
- Comment on The Longest Journey, a game series that lived up to its name 5 months ago:
I still remember getting stuck on some underwater puzzle in Arcadia and dropping the game for a while before coming back and admitting defeat with a walkthrough guide. Definitely a game where you need to hang up your pride sometimes haha. I enjoyed both games, though Dreamfall was sadly missing some of the humor and silliness (it did try… a little). I have fond memories of the series though.
- Comment on Is overwatch 2 really that bad? 5 months ago:
This is really well articulated and puts into words the reason I stopped playing. I was one of those non FPS players who really thrived on Sym and Moira and Mercy and I felt welcomed and appreciated when it first came out. I just had fun and that made me want to try to get better and kept me coming back. As they kept retooling things, especially with Sym 3.0, I felt they were deliberately pushing me and people like me out. Instead of having a fun, wild and playful team game for my friends to all have a good time in, it became just another FPS game.
- Comment on Good game soundtracks? 7 months ago:
I’m a sucker for a cello. When I’m testing new audio equipment I put on Austin Wintory’s soundtrack to Journey. So, so beautiful.
- Comment on Good game soundtracks? 7 months ago:
Stellaris has a fine soundtrack, but I found myself vibing way more playing it with FlyByNo’s soundtrack for Endless Space. Endless Space didn’t have the staying power with me that Stellaris did but that soundtrack is chef’s kiss .
- Comment on What is the actual point of a bra? 7 months ago:
Hmm I didn’t know that, thanks for the info. There’s probably a major factor of sample bias in that perception too, as Western women who wear bras and whose breasts naturally look like the African women’s wouldn’t be recognized as being similar, unless you’re intimate or sharing a home. It seems I fell for the propaganda, or “bra-paganda”, if you will.
- Comment on What is the actual point of a bra? 7 months ago:
Correct, in fact size, shape, perkiness, all of the cosmetic factors seem to have no correlation to milk production. The major factors seem to be age, genetics, stress and hormone levels.
- Comment on What is the actual point of a bra? 7 months ago:
It can cause some damage, in that the tissues inside the breast can lengthen and lose their firmness. It doesn’t damage function in any way but it could be considered premature aging. There’s that picture of the white woman with the African tribeswomen and they’re comparing their breasts, because the African women were so interested in how her breasts were a different shape than theirs. If you’ve seen pictures of people from cultures who don’t wear clothing that supports breasts, you can see the difference in shape that constantly fighting against gravity makes.
- Comment on What is the actual point of a bra? 7 months ago:
Breasts can get heavy, and the sensation of the gravity constantly pulling down on your skin and soft tissues can be very uncomfortable. If you get sweaty, moisture can get trapped underneath and cause rashes or fungal infections. Moving about, they can get in the way of your arm movements and if jumping or running the movement can be downright painful. Imagine piercing your ears with a heavy weight and then shaking your head. You would want to minimize their movement!
Historically, women have used woven cloth bandeaus, breast bands, belts, straps, stays, corsets, bralets, bodices and all sorts of things to try to minimize movement and support breast tissue. Bras are just the most common contemporary thing.
- Comment on Planning to propose in a few months, what should I look for in a good value engagement ring? 7 months ago:
Body chemistry is weird. There are people who tarnish silver by wearing it, people who are allergic to silver or even gold and break out in hives where it touches their skin but can wear something like titanium or surgical steel. My skin turns green or gray with some of my costume jewelry but sterling silver I wear consistently never tarnishes. It’s just a highly personalized thing that should really be up to the person who’s going to be wearing it.
- Comment on Planning to propose in a few months, what should I look for in a good value engagement ring? 7 months ago:
For the record, whether or not silver tarnishes when worn is a matter of body chemistry. Some people’s skin oils contain sulfur compounds and some don’t. Silver jewelry does scratch, but some people never need to polish their jewelry if it’s being worn regularly. It’s another reason to make buying a ring a collaboration.
- Comment on Planning to propose in a few months, what should I look for in a good value engagement ring? 7 months ago:
Also, she wants an expensive ring regardless of what she told you. She wants a giant rock on her finger when she shows it off…
Nope, no. No no. As a married woman with married friends not a single one of them wanted a ring any more expensive than $500 or so, the average was about $300. Big rocks get left in the jewelry box because they get caught on things. One of my friends has two engagement rings, one with the big rock and another she picked out with her now husband. Guess which one she wears? This is from a sample size of about 25 women I know personally with a 0% instance rate of what you describe. My own engagement ring was about $35 with shipping because I like sterling silver and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
- Comment on Ice Cream 8 months ago:
Joined! I make my own ice cream and I’m looking forward to finding and sharing recipes
- Comment on I've been making my own Mead for a few months now. I'm absolutely loving it! 11 months ago:
You might have a local apiary too, sometimes small businesses aren’t really that visible online. You could look on Facebook but I found mine at our town’s annual street fair. You could try going to a nearby farmer’s market and see if anyone is selling honey there too.
- Comment on I've been making my own Mead for a few months now. I'm absolutely loving it! 11 months ago:
The recipes I’m finding are all for a gallon or more at a time, do you think it’s worth doing a smaller test batch (like 1/2 gallon) or does it work better with the whole gallon?
- Comment on I've been making my own Mead for a few months now. I'm absolutely loving it! 11 months ago:
Hmmm we have a local apiary, maybe I’ll try it too!
- Comment on Are there any games like Diablo but not Diablo because Diablo? 1 year ago:
Ok, is a Diablo-like a thing I can call it then? It’s just such a specific type of game, the isometric top down view RPG with classes, customizable character leveling, randomly generated levels with area themes, randomized loot, a town hub and inventory etc. I’ve always heard those games called Rogue-likes but I never played Rogue.
- Comment on Are there any games like Diablo but not Diablo because Diablo? 1 year ago:
I haven’t played it. My impression is that it was trying very hard to cater to the mobile market. I heard it suffered from a lot of design changes and ended up being sold and then patched up and released by a new team to cut their losses. Meanwhile, Torchlight 2 may be older but it was made with love and care and a strong vision. It’s dirt cheap now too so it’s not hard to get your money’s worth out of it.
- Comment on Are there any games like Diablo but not Diablo because Diablo? 1 year ago:
Torchlight 2 spoiled me for basically the whole genre. It is a classic Roguelike but has so many thoughtful player centric quality of life features. Inventory is full but don’t want to stop kicking butt? You have a pet that can run back to town for you, sell your stuff, and even buy a “shopping list” of potions and scrolls for you. It’ll even run and pick up loot for you. I have trouble playing other games in the genre because I keep running into problems Torchlight 2 solved that I didn’t even think about. It also has mods available to add even more or keep things fresh. It’s getting old but because of that you can run it on anything. It’s a damn good game.
- Comment on What is a good, healthy, unhurtful, socially positive way to express anger? 1 year ago:
Using it to fuel the motivation to change things. Get mad that you tripped over a cable? Time to finally do something about cable management. Is your boss or your job making you furious? Take the time to explore new opportunities. Pissed at how politics are going? Find out who represents your district and write them an email about the topic and make your voice heard. Anger can be a good thing when it makes someone get off their butt and make a change for the better.
- Comment on Whats the best way to remove mold stains from clothes? 1 year ago:
You could try a direct application of white vinegar to the stain, and if that doesn’t seem to get it out, leaving it in bright sunlight might help. However if you’re in a spot that isn’t seeing much sun currently then I definitely second the suggestion to take it to a dry cleaner’s.
- Comment on Why can I only do things in fake? 1 year ago:
OP: I have trouble with procrastination and executive functioning Lemmy: Sounds familiar, maybe you should get checked out for this extremely common disorder where those are two major symptoms of it You: Armchair psychiatrists! Big pharma shills!
I mean, yeah it feels like ADHD talk is everywhere here because there’s a lot of ADHD people on Lemmy. That’s just because of the nature of the platform and a big chunk of who it appeals to. You don’t think that we might be able to recognize thoughts, patterns, behaviors and emotions that we ourselves have gone through? Sure OP might not have it but it doesn’t do any harm for them to learn it’s a possibility and do more research into it.
- Comment on So long, small phones 1 year ago:
Yeah the older android version is what killed it for me really, as I would have even kept using it as a wireless device. I couldn’t install my preferred browser, email app, reddit is fun etc on it after enough years. I even rooted it and looked into installing a new version of Android on it but couldn’t haha. It was compact, comfortable to hold, but big enough to use an onscreen keyboard without much trouble and read text etc. I was really disappointed to learn that there just were no phones compatible with 4G/LTE running Android 8 and or higher that size, not even cheapie ones.
- Comment on So long, small phones 1 year ago:
I’m a staunch and unyielding small phone user and this does, admittedly, describe me. I used my LG Optimus (4.75" or 120mm) for something like 6 or 7 years and I loved it. I don’t use my phone for games or video and just want something I can always tuck in a pocket (on women’s clothes this means tiny). It was the perfect size for my hand. When it stopped working because of the 3G/4G change over I upgraded to the smallest, most decent phone I could find: a Samsung Galaxy S7. I am still using it something like 5 years later and I would never go bigger than this, it fits comfortably in one hand, is light, and the battery is replaceable and lasts me all day. It sticks out of pants pockets but fits in a coat or jacket pocket. I would be willing to pay a higher up front cost to get a new phone if it was exactly what I wanted though, about 5" with no bloatware, replaceable battery, headphone jack, and a great camera.
- Comment on How do you go about preserving fruits & vegetables? 1 year ago:
Not sure if you’re thinking of long or short term, but I’ve found that if I want to have, say, 2lbs of stawberries last me until I can eat them that a vinegar rinse in the sink will stave off the mold. It also has the benefit of killing off some common bacteria like e coli and staphylococcus aureus if you let it sit for long enough. Whenever I get fresh fruit that I’m not going to eat that day or the next, I’ll clean it by dumping it in a colander and spraying it thoroughly with a spritz bottle full of food grade white vinegar and letting it sit for at least 5min, sometimes a half hour. Then I rinse it with water, let it dry a bit and then put it in the fridge. Strawberries will last over a week generally, and they usually go soft or ferment before they go moldy.
- Comment on [REPOST] Woman says she started wearing ‘terrible wigs’ after work banned her pink hair 1 year ago:
If playfully poking fun at authority by demonstrating how the intended consequences of petty rules can be subverted creatively irks you, you’re in the wrong community, hun.