- Comment on When fighter jets are scrambled to intercept a plane for security reasons, what can they actually do? 4 days ago:
So on 9/11 the fighters scrambled to intercept United 91 had no weapons installed. There were no orders but one of the two pilots sad the plan was to ram the cockpit bringing down the both their plane and the passenger plane.
I’ll add that very few fighter pilots will ever scramble a plane. There is a large checklist pilots go through before taking off particularly a fighter. When a fighter is scrambled that’s all skipped.
- Comment on Marco Rubio reveals that what Zelensky did before cameras started rolling is reason why he should apologize 6 days ago:
The Daily Mail song.
- Comment on Why don't states in the US come up with their own health insurance program? So people can pay into it prolly less then what they pay now and the state put the money in a bank and use the interest for 1 week ago:
Partially. ACA is mostly based on the compromise plan to appease republicans when Clinton was trying to do health care reform in 1993. It failed and led to the Republicans taking control of the senate for the fist time in 40 years.
It set the stage for the pattern of Dems ignoring the left portion of the party for a compromise proposal with the Republicans. The Republicans bail on the compromise and nothing happens.
Voters are pissed at the Dems for not doing anything and put the Republicans in power the next election. Basically the template for the pattern we still see today.
- Comment on Nearly a Year Later, Mozilla is Still Promoting OneRep. 3 weeks ago:
Pocket. A closed source binary blob in a “open source” project.
Orbit: AI productivity tool.
Anonym: Ad server.
Locking down extensions.
Cutting 250 jobs while raising executive pay 400%.
In 2021 the CEO made 5.5 million. They got about 7 million in donations that year.
80% of their revenue is from google. But google encourages them to waste the money on stuff not related to the browser because it’s competition to chrome. Their job us to look like a viable competitor but not be good one.
The browser is constantly getting worse on performance, user experience, and customizability.
They have gone from 34% user share to 2.2%. So clearly I’m not alone in my opinion of the current state of the browser.
- Comment on ‘If 1.5m Germans have them there must be something in it’: how balcony solar is taking off 3 weeks ago:
There are two main inverter approaches. One big inverter that takes the DC from a bunch of panels and converts it into AC and micro inverters where each panel gets it’s own small one placed directly under the panel.
The micro inverters cost around $150 each. So you need around 10 panels before the single inverter becomes a good choice.
Installers love the micro because the install is easier. However as a owner with say 30 panels you now have 30 points of possible failure instead of the 1.
- Comment on Electric cars took 89% of Norway market in 2024 2 months ago:
I was in Norway last year. There were a LOT of Teslas on the road.
- Comment on USA | High-speed passenger train collides with firetruck in Florida, injuring 15 people 2 months ago:
People here are always ignoring the rail signs. This time it was a fire trunk. Sunrail is a Orlando light rail that has regular deaths and accidents.
- Comment on Pope slams 'cruelty' of strike killing Gaza children 2 months ago:
Because everything up to now was fine. /s
- Comment on duhh 3 months ago:
ATP in the corner. “Am I a joke to you ?”
- Comment on [Clip] A Quick Getaway - Dan Da Dan 3 months ago:
Ghost steals a guys penis and balls. He and psychic friend try to get them back.
Episode 7 turns into a real tearjerker.
- Comment on Watching passport bros get bodied by SEA women is a complete mood. Get rekt manlet. 3 months ago:
I’m going to regret this but what is a gunt?
- Comment on Where to start? 3 months ago:
TNG season 3. The first two sessions are pretty rough. Start with 3. If you ever do a rewatch then try starting with season 1. Then try DS9.
TOS is good if you can handle the very low budget look.
- Comment on China powers up the world's largest open-sea offshore solar farm 3 months ago:
The cool water can improve solar panel efficiency. Hotter panels produce less energy.
- Comment on burden of knowledge 3 months ago:
They keep growing until they die. If they live long enough they get so big they either can’t get enough food or oxygen and die.
They have urinary ducts in their eyes and when they meet other lobsters they piss on each others face. If they have fought in the last week or so the loser backs down. If not they fight.
The biggest male lobster knows where the others live and once a week visits the other lobsters. Pisses in their face and then beats them up.
When a female enters estrus she goes to the biggest lobster’s den. He then beats her to help her molt. When her shell is removed they mate.
She is allowed to stay for a few days during the vulnerable period when her shell regrows and hardens. Unless another female comes by. The he kicks her out and the new girl moves in after mating.
- Comment on “Star Trek Origin” Movie Reportedly Headed To Greenlight For Production Start In Early 2025 3 months ago:
Recasting one actor for a character that race isn’t an important characteristic isn’t white washing.
The problem with Into Darkness is how bad the writing and acting are. They took one of the most popular Star Trek movies and remade it badly.
- Comment on “Star Trek Origin” Movie Reportedly Headed To Greenlight For Production Start In Early 2025 3 months ago:
Presumably Alex Kurtzman.
- Comment on Beware Hollywood’s digital demolition: it’s as if your favourite films and TV shows never existed 5 months ago:
For ntsc vhs players it wasnt a component in the vcr that was made for copy protection. They would add garbled color burst signals. This would desync the automatic color burst sync system on the vcr.
CRT TVs didn’t need this component but some fancy tvs would also have the same problem with macrovission.
The color burst system was actually a pretty cool invention from the time broadcast started to add color. They needed to be able stay compatible with existing black and white tv.
The solution was to not change the black and white image being sent but add the color offset information on a higher frequency and color TVs would combine the signals.
This was easy for CRT as the electron beam would sweep across the screen changing intensity as it hit each black and white pixel.
To display color each black and white pixel was a RGB triangle of pixels. So you would add small offset to the beam up or down to make it more or less green and left or right to adjust the red and blue.
Those adjustment knobs on old tvs were in part you manually targeting the beam adjustment to hit the pixels just right.
VCRs didn’t usually have these adjustments so they needed a auto system to keep the color synced in the recording.
- Comment on What can I do with US$10K that is a good investment? 5 months ago:
Low risk but inflation is above 3% so you are looking at less than 2% effective granted it’s a fairly safe investment.
- Comment on What can I do with US$10K that is a good investment? 5 months ago:
Money market or CD is going to have terrible return. You will be lucky to match inflation. Get a low overhead SP 500 index fund. By low overhead I’m taking .15% or less. You should be able to find .125% with a bit of poking around.
- Comment on Ubisoft's Board is Launching an Investigation Into The Company Struggles 5 months ago:
Ubisoft isn’t making money. That’s something wrong as far as the board is concerned.
- Comment on - a website that rates mobile games for their "dark patterns" 5 months ago:
Interestingly enough Luca Galante the creator spent 10 years coding digital slot machines. He used a lot of the techniques used by them to keep you playing. He just did it in a way to maximize fun instead of micro transactions.
- Comment on “Model collapse” threatens to kill progress on generative AIs 5 months ago:
The solution for this is usually counter training. Granted my experience is on the opposite end training ai vision systems to id real objects.
So you train up your detector ai on hand tagged images. When it gets good you use it to train a generator ai until the generator is good at fooling the detector.
Then you train the detector on new tagged real data and the new ai generated data. Once it’s good at detection again you train the generator ai on the new detector.
Repeate several times and you usually get a solid detector and a good generator as a side effect.
The thing is you need new real human tagged data for each new generation. None of the companies want to generate new human tagged data sets as it’s expensive.
- Comment on There is no history on the History channel. There's nothing true on TruTV. There's no music on music television. There's no science on the science channel. 5 months ago:
In Africa because of the large number of languages they put pictures of what’s in the package on the label. Gerber baby food had some issues when it first sold in Africa.
- Comment on There is no history on the History channel. There's nothing true on TruTV. There's no music on music television. There's no science on the science channel. 5 months ago:
And it worked before streaming came around. Now cable subscriptions are in free fall and they don’t know what to do.
- Comment on San Francisco says ‘good riddance’ as X prepares to leave 6 months ago:
Reading some interviews with her and she does seem to think money makes right.
- Comment on Studios are cracking down on some of the internet’s most popular pirating sites 6 months ago:
It’s just for home lan use.
- Comment on Studios are cracking down on some of the internet’s most popular pirating sites 6 months ago:
They license the anime so they do pay the studios that create anime. I know for a fact that anime studios factor in the ability to license shows in the decision on what to produce and budget.
- Comment on Studios are cracking down on some of the internet’s most popular pirating sites 6 months ago:
For me it’s easier to rip it once and then have it available on my tv, phone, or computer. It can also remember what episode is next. Plus no annoying mandatory commercials every time you put the disk in the player.
- Comment on San Francisco says ‘good riddance’ as X prepares to leave 6 months ago:
Yeah I think he is expecting an Atlas Shrugged moment. where everything collapses as the intellectuals (him) walk away from the foolish socity.
- Comment on Nissan develops paint that keeps cars cool in summer heat 6 months ago:
Anything to not add a cooling system to the ev batteries.