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- Comment on [Tom Warren] The PS5 Pro still hasn’t sold out in the US or UK. Looks like the $700 price point will mean this console will be readily available this holiday 5 months ago:
And Windows is hard
- Comment on This is fine. 8 months ago:
And watch a whole lot of YouTube videos!
- Comment on Saudi Aramco chief calls energy transition strategy a 'misguided' failure 11 months ago:
guy who’s country is built on nothing but oil money doesnt want the world to stop buying oil
Im not even a little surprised
- Comment on Latam Airlines: Fifty hurt as jet to NZ hit by 'technical' issue 11 months ago:
Boeing aircraft and technical issues, I can’t think of a more iconic duo.
- Comment on Amazon saved children's voices recorded by Alexa even after parents asked for it to be deleted. Now it's paying a $25 million fine. 1 year ago:
Why not 150%. At a bare minimum every single dollar brought in by illegal action deserves to be taken.