- Comment on What host names do you use? 14 hours ago:
I have node named pve too. Small world.
- Comment on The Volkswagen ID. EVERY1 is an affordable EV for the masses 2 days ago:
Well I drive a heavily touch-screenified car, and I hate it. Have had the damn thing for almost a year but I still get nervous when I have to adjust the A/C.
- Comment on The Volkswagen ID. EVERY1 is an affordable EV for the masses 2 days ago:
They won’t stop until even the pedals are touch buttons, are they?
- Comment on List of Jeff Bezos Companies 5 days ago:
That is woke. Banned.
- Comment on Brother accused of locking down third-party printer ink cartridges via forced firmware updates, removing older firmware versions from support portals 5 days ago:
You can have devices on your wifi network without giving them access to the internet. You set your firewall (which, for most people, is the router that comes with the internet subscription) to block all internet traffic while still allowing them to communicate with the other devices on the same local network. Fairly straightforward on most routers with a little bit of time spent looking up the basics.
- Comment on Cars will need fewer screens and more buttons to earn a 5-star safety rating in Europe | Euro NCAP will introduce new testing rules in 2026 requiring physical controls for the highest safety score 1 week ago:
I genuinely don’t see the problem with those. Amber lights on the left side of the car light up, that can only mean one thing. There is no ambiguity there whether they’re playing snake or just flashing. I have never, on no occasion, found myself confused by those.
- Comment on Hope you weren’t planning to play PhysX games on Nvidia’s new 50-series GPUs 2 weeks ago:
The only part of physx in that game that I remember is that it used to cause massive performance and stability issues.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Twice, because usually it’s two sticks.
In any case, RAM failure is rare enough that quadrupling its chances is not gonna make any meaningful difference. Even if it does, RAM is the easiest thing to replace in a PC. Don’t even need to go offline while waiting for a new stick. Someone who’s got the cash to build that thing in the first place won’t be too upset by the cost of another 32gb stick either, I don’t think.
- Comment on New thermoelectric generator converts vehicle exhaust heat into electricity, boosting fuel efficiency 3 weeks ago:
This concept isn’t new either. Factories have been using very similar methods to use the heat of the exhaust gasses to power the sensors and whatnot on top of their smoke stacks for some time now, for example.
- Comment on PSN Is Still Down After 14 Hours And No One Knows Why 4 weeks ago:
Nobody’s gonna dispute the necessity of some sort of server somewhere in the mix. But does it need to be something like PSN? A central 3rd party service that most games only use because they’re forced to?
- Comment on what was the last game you played in 2024? 2 months ago:
Stellaris. As a hyper-aggressive, warmongering, Rome-obsessed species of lovebirds. All the organic aliens have been turned into GMO livestock and all the machine aliens have been forced into slavery. I bomb the planets into oblivion not because I need to, but because I imagine my pretty birds would enjoy doing it.
- Comment on Migrating from Nextcloud AIO to Owncloud Infinite Scale: Good Idea? 3 months ago:
Podman has a built-in automatic update feature that monitors the source repo. Could be useful for you.
- Comment on T-Mobile, AT&T oppose unlocking rule, claim locked phones are good for users 4 months ago:
How does that work? Based on imei perhaps? Does spoofing that not do the trick?
- Comment on Smart TVs take snapshots of what you watch multiple times per second 5 months ago:
Yes. It could talk to another smart device and ask it to send its packages. You could be careful and connect none of the smart crap in your house to your network, but the smart fridge in your upstairs neighbor’s kitchen could still be helping with smuggling your data out. Or your devices could be connected to some unsecured network around.
In any case, the only surefire way to stop your data from getting smuggled out is to physically kill all the wireless connectivity capabilities of the device. Disconnect antennae, desolder chips, scrape out pcb traces. Otherwise you’re just hoping the firmware is not doing anything funny. Fortunately I think these are all hypotheticals that have not (yet) been observed in real smart home products.
- Comment on If tomorrow it was announced that aliens were real, highly intelligent, and in communication with our governments, no one would be talking about it by Halloween 5 months ago:
The clue is in the name. The U stands for unidentified, which means you don’t know what it is, which does not in turn mean that it’s aliens. The only thing those videos proved was that someone’s camera recorded something weird. Prove that those weird things were actually aliens and not some obscure sensor glitch or weather phenomenon or a secret government tech demo, then we’ll freak out.
- Comment on How many squirrels do you think you could take in a fight to the death? 5 months ago:
You said no weapons, but no mention of armor.
Wrap me in some chain mail or kevlar or whatever, and set me loose. I will rain down an ungodly firestorm upon any number of squirrels. They’re gonna have to call the United Nations and get a binding resolution to keep me from destroying them. I will massacre them. I will fuck them up.
- Comment on Lemmy wouldn't really takeoff to replace Reddit until it's content is search indexable 5 months ago:
Its niches are nowhere near as strong as reddit though. The only reason I can’t ditch reddit is small hobby subs and stuff like that. Their alternatives on lemmy are just not good enough, because of a hideous combination of lack of users and fragmentation.
- Comment on Bluetooth 6.0 adds centimeter-level accuracy for device tracking — upgraded version also improves device pairing 5 months ago:
Wait, don’t Bluetooth devices randomize their macs like wifi to hide their identities from unpaired devices?
- Comment on Nissan develops paint that keeps cars cool in summer heat 6 months ago:
They found a very interesting way of selling their hybrid cars as full on EVs. Their e-power stuff are small ICEs working as generators for electric motors that then drive the wheels. Apparently the fact that the wheels get all their power from an electric motor makes it definitely not a hybrid no sir, despite the fact the cars have tiny ass batteries and the single source of power for the whole system is the ICE. Also they somehow have worse fuel efficiency than many contemporary ICEs that cost quite a bit less. I don’t understand Nissan.
- Comment on Pizza 6 months ago:
Are you capacitance-shaming her?
- Comment on Pizza 6 months ago:
Correction: she’s 35 Farads.
- Comment on Toot toot 6 months ago:
Yeah obviously made up for fake internet points. There’s no way there was a third toot, it’s just impossible. I don’t buy it.
- Comment on Rain on Other Worlds 6 months ago:
There are approximately two metric shit tons of planets. I assume scientists have better things to do with their time than to sit around and think of names to give to every single one of those.
- Comment on NASA Ping 6 months ago:
I know the frustration of trying to reprogram cheap Chinese esp32 knock offs that refuse to enter bootloader mode. Those nasa guys have to be some of the most patient people on earth. Up there with special education teachers.
- Comment on Gecko 7 months ago:
Different in what way? Does it regrow as an underdeveloped shadow of its former self?
- Comment on Before it's too late! 7 months ago:
He teaches to groan. NOTHING SEXUAL.
- Comment on What song would cause you to do this to yourself ? 7 months ago:
It’s the one where the dude brags about being filthy rich and wearing expensive clothes, I think.
- Comment on How are engine sounds in racing games played ? 8 months ago:
All sounds are short clicks that just repeat rapidly, if you think about it.
- Comment on Am I supposed to ask stupid questions here, or *not* ask stupid questions? 9 months ago:
Tbh it never was. It was practically as weak as a password could get, even before becoming a meme.
- Comment on Am I supposed to ask stupid questions here, or *not* ask stupid questions? 9 months ago:
Finally, a safe space to ask women how far they’re along.