- Comment on Massive botnet that appeared overnight is delivering record-size DDoSes 1 day ago:
You may remember them from…
- Comment on Started Kingdom Come: Deliverance 1 Today 2 weeks ago:
The gear gets hurt during fights but even at my low level 7 I can go sharpen my sword again and I’ve enough coins to fix whatever got damaged in the last ambush. It’s not ridiculous either. Only my chest and helmet were really damaged. But yes, it’s all very slow paced.
- Comment on Started Kingdom Come: Deliverance 1 Today 2 weeks ago:
Had given up on it two years ago and with the release of the second decided to revisit. The combat is clunky as fuck, but I really do enjoy the heart of the game, for lack of a better word.
I just wish it crashed less T_T No real saves and constant full freeze with hard reboots is not fun.
Which should tell you how much I do enjoy what I get to play that I’ve sunk about thirty hours so far. Getting my first horse and hunting game in the woods to feed the sick, being ambushed by a gang of three brigands and their dog to fend them off, barely. Stumbling upon a burnt hut in the woods and discovering a treasure… The sense of discovery and exploration is spot on. Losing all that because fuck knows what, not so much.
- Comment on It's 2025 now, what are the games you'll be starting the year with? 2 months ago:
Started Grim Dawn (ARPG) and Genesis Order (AVN, although I suppose that one is fairly recent).
- Comment on Name a game game: "...and then it ends with you fighting A GOD." 2 months ago:
Most of the Dark Souls are like that, ain’t they? I’m too weak sauce to ever reach those levels, though. Black Myth Wukong has you starting Heaven’s entire army, so I guess that qualifies too (I’m assuming you end up fighting a god at the end, but again, I’m not worthy)
- Comment on ugh i wish 3 months ago:
Only for a few seconds. And he’s not even boiling. After that he’s fine.
- Comment on Fitness app Strava gives away location of Biden, Trump and other leaders, French newspaper says. 4 months ago:
You think the rest of the world doesn’t follow the news when a lunatic is in the run with an actual chance of getting elected?
Turns out we have journalists, in France! - Comment on Clever, clever 4 months ago:
Sounds like something ChatGPT would write : perfectly sensible English, yet the underlying logic makes no sense.
- Comment on is this controversial? tell mum? 4 months ago:
Does it have sound effects with the character voice?
- Comment on Civilization VI: Just another knowledge check 4X game 5 months ago:
“It even provides”, I’m guessing
- Comment on Fuck this. I am creating a new language. Some guy in 2006. 1 year ago:
You know how everything has LCD screens these days? And sometimes you’ll witness a good old crash? I know I’ve seen quite a few.
I’m guessing something like that. - Comment on FLOSS communities right now 1 year ago:
Searching shit is pretty damn important and Discord isn’t optimal, definitely. But somehow it’s better at searching than Lemmy! Now how does that happen?
- Comment on Oopsi Woopsi 1 year ago:
Programming socks were a mistake.
- Comment on Programming Horror Game 1 year ago:
Anti-peeking filter is looking dope! Nobody will be able to look at my screen anymore, me included!
- Comment on Programming Horror Game 1 year ago:
That feels like that scene in Amadeus, when Mozart dictates his music to Salieri.
- Comment on Programming Horror Game 1 year ago:
Albino? There was an albino in my IT and the poor dude would literally be like 4 inches from the screen at all times. I guess that must be pretty close to his experience, yeah.
- Comment on Best games that can be completed in under ten hours? 1 year ago:
That’s the kind of quality content that needs to be stickied for further reference or something!
- Comment on Not mocking cobol devs but yall are severely underpaid for keeping fintech alive 1 year ago:
Well, you could do like many US people and visit Ireland, I suppose :)
- Comment on Not mocking cobol devs but yall are severely underpaid for keeping fintech alive 1 year ago:
For real. Even just talking to your fellow coding monkeys helps. It’s ironic that for example here in France, despite all our workers rights and revolutionary tradition, speaking about your salary is still a social faux-pas. And who benefits? Certainly not us.
- Comment on Not mocking cobol devs but yall are severely underpaid for keeping fintech alive 1 year ago:
The OGs are. The new trainees ain’t.
Which makes sense, but they are still being seriously taken advantage of. - Comment on Not mocking cobol devs but yall are severely underpaid for keeping fintech alive 1 year ago:
That’s because the COBOL OGs are retired/ing and the industry has been training young people telling them “yeah, sorry, this is all we can pay you”. Here in Europe, they’ll take unemployed people from a different industry, put them on a training course, and bang! you’ve got a grateful new dev who doesn’t know how much they are worth.
You just gotta keep spreading the message. I keep happily sharing my salary, especially with younger, less experienced devs, so we can all win better. - Comment on I'll just be a quick 3h 1 year ago:
Me right now, discovering that our archives data have file sizes… sometimes in bytes, sometimes in kilobytes. I found some pattern this morning thinking I could know which was which, then the pattern collapsed at some date in the past.
Joy. - Comment on The classic font size exploit 1 year ago:
You joke but I bet font embedding in webpages is like a big open door for hackers to get into your machine.
- Comment on With the news of the latest Assasins Creed day 1 Denuvo patch. This community just keeps proving itself. Be Patient. 1 year ago:
What a beautiful image!
- Comment on Steal What Is Stolen 1 year ago:
Stealing implies depriving the original owner of something that you know possess.
The entire digital medium invalidates this concern by its very nature, yet we keep reintroducing it anyway. - Comment on Ya gotta keep up with the times! 1 year ago:
More likely a single Excel file somewhere on the network shared by the entire company. It’s grrrrreat!
- Comment on Ya gotta keep up with the times! 1 year ago:
Next thing, you gonna tell us SSLv3 isn’t military grade?!
- Comment on After 6 hours 1 year ago:
The ones I have seen so far are probably written by the same people who don’t understand the usefulness of comments, I reckon. And maintained with the same enthusiasm.
- Comment on After 6 hours 1 year ago:
After many years (10+), I finally find a company that actually, really, implements CI/CD. Then I look at the tests and it’s actually the most inane shit imaginable, tacked on top of ancient existing code, not maintained. I spent more time fixing the stupid tests than actually fixing the bugs I was tasked fixing. Amazing.
- Comment on Thought I would share my success 1 year ago:
The sad part is feeling so happy yet having no one to really share it with, because most likely you were working alone to solve the issue and when you explain the whole thing it sounds so silly… like trying to explain how funny a joke you made was. “I guess you had to be there”.