- Comment on Is the pipeline true, fellas? 1 week ago:
No, we’re both basically anrarcho-communists.
- Comment on Is the pipeline true, fellas? 1 week ago:
I’m divorced and very anti-nazi, so it must be something else.
- Comment on Good morning. 1 week ago:
I’m sorry to hear that. I miss a lot, both the sex and the feeling of closeness with someone. My social life in general has more or less evaporated in the past few years, so the challenge of navigating someone new isn’t even an option for me.
- Comment on I feel my life is empty. Is there any way to stop this? 1 week ago:
I’m curious what kind of human contact you’ve “tried” that didn’t work. There’s a world of difference between contact that is mediated through the context of work or planned leisure activities with relative strangers and organic meaningful interaction. Humans need to be social and feel useful to those around them. If that is lacking in your life, I suggest volunteering somewhere. Your local humane society almost certainly needs volunteers who can wash dogs and cats, or help visitors interact with the animals. Or there are likely a number of places you can volunteer to help people who are hungry or unhoused.
- Comment on Good morning. 1 week ago:
Oh my, now I’m blushing.
- Comment on Good morning. 1 week ago:
If a woman did that to me I’d propose on the spot.
- Comment on Mexican president blasts US for harboring drug cartels 2 weeks ago:
Legalize drugs. It’s the only real way to end the violence.
- Comment on ICE Wants to Know If You’re Posting Negative Things About It Online 2 weeks ago:
ICE is full of sub literate rent-a-cops who want cover for their racism.
- Comment on ICE Wants to Know If You’re Posting Negative Things About It Online 2 weeks ago:
Maybe 30% of ICE personnel would understand that being the gestapo represents a “branding problem,” maybe 1% are ethical enough to feel bad about it but not enough to quit.
- Comment on ICE Wants to Know If You’re Posting Negative Things About It Online 2 weeks ago:
That seems overly complicated and counterproductive. How can ICE watch you fuck its mother if it’s sucking your balls? They should do that after you fuck its mother.
- Comment on Hyper-Normalization 3 weeks ago:
The Victor Pelevin novel Homo Zapiens touches on this a little as well.
- Comment on Twitterrific team launches new ‘Tapestry’ iPhone app for Bluesky, Mastodon, RSS, more 3 weeks ago:
I can’t either, looks like this is just for reading.
- Comment on I took the term "Tree Skirt" literally 1 month ago:
That’s really cool and creative. Is it uncomfortable to wear?
- Comment on Trying to reverse climate change won’t save us, scientists warn 3 months ago:
Not sure why you’re being downvoted. Glaciers formed over millennia. If they melt, they’re gone, even if we drop CO2 to pre-industrial levels. The Antarctic ice sheet is millions of years of snow that fell at the rate of a few inches a year and just didn’t melt. If significant portions of that fall off and melt, it’ll be millions of years more for the water it adds to the oceans to cycle back to the ice sheet again. The changes we have made will not be reversed automatically or in many cases at all.
- Comment on Trying to reverse climate change won’t save us, scientists warn 3 months ago:
Because it won’t work? That’s what I got from the article. I’m not sure what else you’re implying.
- Comment on Pressure vs Temp 4 months ago:
Gender chain-melted state? Gender superglass? Gender string-net liquid?
- Comment on bitey 4 months ago:
How is this calculated? Presumably you could directly measure all but the T-Rex and pliosaur, but how are those bits forces calculated?
- Comment on Should you trust that doctor? 4 months ago:
The meme references training, not physical ability. Strange should arguably be overlaid on Bones.
- Comment on let's settle this 4 months ago:
<pushes glasses up> it was actually Flavor-Aid.
- Comment on Badgers 4 months ago:
I remember learning that after my dad told me stories about badgers near the Minnesota farm where he grew up killing dogs significantly larger than dachshunds and thinking “how the fuck does that work??”
- Comment on Do you have what it takes to become a geologist? 4 months ago:
“That’s how I got the nickname ‘the Doc Ellis of geology’”
- Comment on You'll have to use pto time to drown, but make sure it's approved first 4 months ago:
Sadly, it might end just fine for the boss. The employee would be better off going to the press first.
- Comment on If Trump loses the election and flees to another country to avoid his sentencing in his (multiple) lawsuits, does the Secret Service have to go with him? 4 months ago:
I’m pretty sure the options would be to arrest him or be fired for insubordination.
- Comment on Phonebooks 4 months ago:
Charles Bukowski wrote maybe the most beautiful paean to the fact of the telephone book:
- Comment on If Trump loses the election and flees to another country to avoid his sentencing in his (multiple) lawsuits, does the Secret Service have to go with him? 4 months ago:
More to the point, if there is a warrant issued for his arrest, his secret service detail would need to arrest him.
- Comment on Amazon's Monopoly of the tech industry is ruining the US economy 5 months ago:
They don’t want to carry inventory because Amazon doesn’t. The prices are higher because vendors are contractually obligated to sell on Amazon at their lowest price. So retailers, with a need to have a physical presence and having to buy at more or less the same price a product is available for on Amazon, get fucked. Their only hope is vendors who make a “different” product to sell at other outlets. An example of what I mean is, Poppi soda sells for $20/12 pack on Amazon. They sell a 15 pack at Costco for the same price. Because it’s a “different” product they are not in breach of contract.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
IIRC, 36” was the biggest standard CRT that was sold do consumers, after that you were looking at rear projection screens which got as big as 80” (maybe more, not sure.).
- Comment on $-3 doesn't go as far as it used to... 5 months ago:
Here’s the real question: is that the actual MC 900 ft Jesus or just someone who likes the name?
- Comment on Flying Ants 5 months ago:
Is the facepalm because now the people want to know more about the ants?
- Comment on In Leaked Audio, Amazon Cloud CEO Says AI Will Soon Make Human Programmers a Thing of the Past 6 months ago:
In fact, being stupid is probably a benefit.