- Comment on Masahiro Sakurai refused to add Dolby Surround to a Kirby game because players had to sit through the logo 9 months ago:
I got the impression that “removing” means removing before it was really implemented. Like, it was planned and decided upon, but it wasn't ready. He checked the license and went “nope, not having it” and scrapped the feature. It doesn't truly become clear in the text, of course, but that's how I read this.
- Comment on Masahiro Sakurai refused to add Dolby Surround to a Kirby game because players had to sit through the logo 9 months ago:
luckily, most games are easily modded: Just put a 1-2 frames black video file where the brand logos used to be. Done.
- Comment on Masahiro Sakurai refused to add Dolby Surround to a Kirby game because players had to sit through the logo 9 months ago:
oh, it was the racing game? I must have gone through the text too quickly then. Yet, if we're pragmatic: How many people would have really enjoyed that game (which wasn't stellar to begin with) more with properly encoded surround sound, and how many would have enjoyed it a tad less because of the annoying logo spam on startup? I don't think Surround-Sound-enjoyers were the target audience for that one.
- Comment on Masahiro Sakurai refused to add Dolby Surround to a Kirby game because players had to sit through the logo 9 months ago:
You need to toake into account that we're talking about a Kirby game here, which are all 2/2.5/sometimes 3D platformers. So The real effect of Dolby in such a thing would have been close to zero.
- Comment on Netris is an open-source cloud gaming platform with Stadia-like features using Proton 9 months ago:
Publishers will like a database because it can be modified. If they were forced to implement such a system (thus abandoning all 'sell the same game to the same person twice' for different platforms), they'd oppose a blockchain system hard, since it would make it pricier to:
a) publish seven bazillion versions of any given game
b) revoke ownership of games just because it's cheaper to do that than honor the deal they made with customers
c) correct any data-fuckups they will inevitably make because they went for the cheapest route possible to implement this, and it went pear-shaped from day 3 onwards - Comment on How would you decorate this room? 9 months ago:
RGB. Lots and lots of RGB.
- Comment on Earthquake detection kit 9 months ago:
Or you overdosed your insulin... Again... How many times does that need to happen before you finally pay attention when the doctor explains the correct dosage, Jeff?!
- Comment on xkcd #2925: Earth Formation Site 9 months ago:
I wonder how they got it into their cake holes before Newton finally brought us all to the ground by inventing Gravity.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
disable the edit button. easy.
- Comment on xkcd #2925: Earth Formation Site 10 months ago:
Uhm ackchually Earth has been moving through space all this time, so this isn't the place, it's just the atoms which did it.
- Comment on Chinese battery developer unveils new tech with 1,300-mile range that could revolutionize EVs: 'An important piece of the puzzle' 10 months ago:
Our weekly "miracle battery that can <insert absurdly high claim here>" give us today.
- Comment on Washington's Lottery AI site turned user photo into porn 10 months ago:
Can we talk less about AI inevitably doing what AI always dies and fuck up and instead talk about the website that uses AI resources to dangle an even more juicy carrot in front of desperate people throwing away their money with the lottery?
- Comment on He is my evening nightstand duck, we get each other 1 year ago:
A duck walked up to my sleeping room stand and he asked the zombie next to the stand quak quak quak
"Hey, got any... sleep?"
Zombie in bed said that he did not but finally getting any would be really hot, so mind dimming your light?
The duck said "I might"
Then he collapsed on spot - Submitted 1 year ago to | 4 comments
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on Data contamination expert 👌 1 year ago:
we need a bot that deletes comments and replaces them with some faulty grammar yoda-speak.
- Comment on Bitmagnet Allows People to Run Their Own Decentralized Torrent Indexer Locally 1 year ago:
Anything that ends the bullshit one has to put up with with private trackers is a boon
- Comment on I love Home Assistant, but... 1 year ago:
I'm always very wary of systems that require a user to deviate as much from the "usual" structure almost all other services use. HAOS has really weird configs and "all the functionality" that presumably breaks when you use docker and don't have the supervisor for docker... well... If what HA did was the way to go... whi is it that tons of services use docker's rather powerful internal networking features just fine but HA of all things can't do that and requires weird addons that for some reason cannot live on any other system than a Debian with weirdly specific modifications (bye bye cgroupsv2)? This will break most other functionality of that host Debian. I mean... if only there was a widespread-way to provide a highly customized Linux kernel in an ephemeral environment that can just be plugged in and out of a host machine without changing the host machine itself.... Nah, can't have that, let's cause more overhead with a VM...
I'm not willing to make that kind of modifications to my whole setup just for HA and in the long run, this rift between "the way it's usually done" and "The HA-Way" will become bigger and bigger, causing more and more problems.
- Comment on Are there any games like Diablo but not Diablo because Diablo? 1 year ago:
As an addition to all the great titles already mentioned: Wolcen
It was pretty rough around the edges when it released, but they since finished it and I liked it quite a lot.
- Comment on How does employing a rapist not constitute an unsafe work environment for female employees? 1 year ago:
I bet you are fun at parties :P
- Comment on Um. I choose cow. 1 year ago:
and nobody defined, what "milk" is either. And where it comes from. Be careful, friend. Some offers are just too good to be true.
- Comment on Um. I choose cow. 1 year ago:
No one said you could keep the milk
- Comment on FLOSS communities right now 1 year ago: fair, there are threads though. That one is on the users.
- Comment on Deep 1 year ago:
Well, if that is a 15cm diameter gemstone, he'd better not loose it. She won't just drop her... Load. If it was that easy, midwifes were out of business.
- Comment on YouTube now suggests new content *by colour* 1 year ago:
Colorblind people be like:
- Comment on I live every day in fear that dark gary will one day return 1 year ago:
Episode 2: Return of the Gary
- Comment on They complained about this ad... 1 year ago:
Well, for many younger folks that's almost as far away as the French revolution.
- Comment on Fake news, fake penis... 1 year ago:
Just imagine the wobble that goes through this array of assorted dragon dicks when someone bumps that shelf.
- Comment on Fake news, fake penis... 1 year ago:
what about dildo producers?
Dildo designers?
Dildo community managers? - Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
or an adblocker and tampermonkey for that matter