Please don’t take this satirical thought seriously, just take it for what it is, total nonsense.
The Alabama ruling was specifically for one case. However, they made a very general ruling which will could be used to argue all kinds of things that make no sense. The court even acknowledged this but said something along the lines of “it is not this courts duty to determine other cases”. Essentially “The clinic is being sued for wrongful death of a child and they argued this law doesnt apply to frozen embryos. We have decided it does and the case can move forward. We acknowledge this sets a terrible precedent but we don’t care. Also here are some Bible quotes because the Supreme Court of Alabama uses the Bible for legal arguments and somehow this isn’t religious law” 11 months ago
Personally, I think every woman should go to jail for keeping her eggs in her ovaries. That’s child imprisonment.
How dare they. 11 months ago
Every egg shed is another egg dead. We need to outlaw tampons and start using corks instead.
Again, don’t take my satire seriously, the whole situation is absurd. 11 months ago
Every woman should empty her menstrual cup into a test tube and mail it in. 11 months ago
Every sperm is sacred, every sperm is great. If a sperm is wasted, God gets quite irate.