Do they at least have mermaids?
Thanks for getting my hopes up, jerk.
Submitted 1 year ago by to [deleted]
Comments 1 year ago 1 year ago
They do, but the fish part is on top instead. 1 year ago
That’s… I can work with that 1 year ago
Yes her hair was green as seaweed, Her skin was blue and pale, Her legs they are a work of art, I loved that girl with all my heart, And I don’t give a damn about the upper part, Cause that’s how I get my tail! (The Mermaid by Great Big Sea) 1 year ago
OH YEAH BABY 1 year ago
this sign has such a strong Niagara vibe 1 year ago
I wonder if this means they are skilled enough to sell me only female fish for my breeding colonies…
It’s a pain trying to explain how to sex fish (of specific sexible varieties) to the people working… fortunately I found a LFS that just has me wash my hands then I can net my own. 1 year ago
There’s one of those in this town that is amazing. Not only do they have a massive selection and a knowledgeable staff, it’s basically a tiny zoo. They used to have a mountain lion and an alligator (they died), but they still have macaws, cockatoos, a colony of degus, all kinds of turtles and lizards, etc. Not for sale, just to look at. And they encourage kids to come in and look around. 1 year ago
Sweet, there’s one sort of like that a town over from me, except the other animals are mostly available for adoption through local rescue groups. Most except the two macaws, owner rescued them 20+ years back and they bonded to him and each other so they stay and have free roam of the shop, and occasionally he’ll have a large reptile around that isn’t available, as a show and tell sort of setup. Importantly, since they are from rescue groups, they make sure adopters know what they are getting themselves into.
The other difference is they do almost exclusively marine, and their freshwater fish typically are sickly. (Still not as bad as big box, last time I got Rosie’s for a new breeding colony from petsmart, only 1 dozen of the 8 dozen survived more than a week, and the problem wasn’t the tank… so I don’t do that anymore). But they do know their shit, and they do have an amazing selection if you do marine. 1 year ago
Please don’t the fish 1 year ago
This must be the American side of the boarder eh? 1 year ago
but fish are cuter 1 year ago
@FlyingSquid IRTA Pound Fish 1 year ago
Wet and wild 1 year ago