QC Chemist
- Comment on (Troubleshooting) Advice for improvement 2 days ago:
I agree that it’s probably a speed issue. When I first started printing, I was seeing just how fast I could go with PLA and tuning for that. Decided to try out PETG a few months later, and it was a disaster. Layers weren’t bonding properly, and the filament would bridge across points on the print. Once I backed print speed down to 50, I started to get much better results.
- Comment on so, this is how it ends 1 week ago:
I didn’t know that existed
- Comment on so, this is how it ends 1 week ago:
I am Groot!
- Comment on Top executive shot dead outside New York hotel 2 months ago:
For the hell these executives put sick people through so they can make a buck, I’m surprised it hasn’t been happening on a regular basis. I understand gunning down CEOs in the street isn’t fine, but part of me finds it hard to feel it wasn’t deserved.
- Comment on Pee posting? 4 months ago:
Coptering a feel
- Comment on Server Update September 2024 5 months ago:
Congratulations! May the two of you be very happy.
- Comment on Sovol SV06 stringing issue 7 months ago:
I’m going to make the assumption that is PETG you are working with. I had cobwebs like that when I tried moving over from doing PLA. There were a few things I had to work out to get better prints.
- Slow down the print speed and work up once you get acceptable prints. Try 40 to 50mm/s to start.
- Increase filament retraction. Default I think is like 0.2mm, try 1.0mm instead.
- Increase the travel speed. I’ve used 350mm/s, which helps break strings, as someone else already suggested.
- Drop the extruder temperature. PETG gets more stringy as it gets hotter. Lower temp may help, and if you aren’t trying to print at warp speed, bonding should still be good. Do small test prints to see where your cutoff is. Also, if the cooling fan on that Sovol is a bit anemic then printing cooler lets each layer solidify before the next one gets added. Hopefully you get things worked out, good luck.
- Comment on Could anyone explain the linguistics around the word "shit"? 7 months ago:
Saw the question and thought of exactly this video. Great skit.
- Comment on Roku says 576,000 user accounts hacked after second security incident | TechCrunch 10 months ago:
I bought a couple Sceptre TVs six years ago, been great.
- Comment on Got a new windows 98 gaming PC, and boi she's huge!! 11 months ago:
I still have a spindle of Lightscribe cd’s around the house somewhere…
- Comment on bioluminescence 11 months ago:
Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball
- Submitted 11 months ago to | 4 comments
- Comment on Thanks for getting my hopes up, jerk. 1 year ago:
Yes her hair was green as seaweed, Her skin was blue and pale, Her legs they are a work of art, I loved that girl with all my heart, And I don’t give a damn about the upper part, Cause that’s how I get my tail! (The Mermaid by Great Big Sea)
- Comment on Google Photos Alternative 1 year ago:
It’s a dual drive redundant setup. Unless something catastrophic happens, I doubt both drives will go out at the same time. I could do an offsite backup as well, but just haven’t.
- Comment on Google Photos Alternative 1 year ago:
Been using a Synology NAS for the past year for automatic photo backups. Take a photo, it gets copied to my drive at home so long as there’s internet access available. No issues so far. Turned off my backups to Google.
- Comment on wyd 1 year ago:
Is that what a horseshoe is supposed to look like?
- Comment on xkcd #2868: Label the States 1 year ago:
North and South Dakota now have a Middle Dakota buffer zone.
- Comment on We have had guns for 200 years but mass shootings only became common in the last 30. So what changed? 1 year ago:
The NRA has a bloody hand in promoting this culture. Decades of escalating fearmongering brought them members, money, and political influence. It also took them far off course from their original goals promoting safety and responsibility. They now exist solely to promote more firearms sales at any cost, and actively push legislation against any attempts to regulate ownership. I enjoy going to the range once in a while to do some target shooting, and used to hunt years ago, but will never be a NRA member. I have no respect for this organization and what they’ve become.
- Comment on Has HP printers always been this bad? 1 year ago:
In the 80s and 90s HP printers were great. They just worked, even in rough dirty manufacturing environments. You could just about drop kick one, and it would still print out a page for you. Now they’re crap. The investment firm that owns the brand is past beating the dead horse, now trying to squeeze every last dollar out of the carcas.
- Comment on What is your favorite programming language? 1 year ago:
Thanks, I’ll look for a copy.
- Comment on What is your favorite programming language? 1 year ago:
Logo. 🐢
Yeah, not really a programmer. Logo and Basic were pretty much the extent of my learning as a kid back in the early 80’s. Wouldn’t mind getting into python if I had some spare time. Keep coming across stuff where being able to do python scripting would be useful.
- Comment on What quality PLA filament brand have you standardized on? 1 year ago:
I’ve really like the Overture PLA Plus that I’ve used so far. Makes nice prints with fine details. Threads on a support stand screw came out much better I expected. Using an Ender 3 S1 Pro with the 0.4mm tip. Just got a roll of Polymaker PLA Pro in the mail today actually, hoping I have time to try it this weekend. Expecting good things from it.
- Comment on What show took you the longest to get into? 1 year ago:
West Wing. When it came out years ago, (24 actually…) I saw a couple episodes and it didn’t interest me. But about 8 years ago I ended up watching every episode on Netflix and loved it. But wow, if I had to slog through to season 4 of a show to enjoy it, I would never get there.
- Comment on Is this a left or right in swing exterior door? 1 year ago:
Right hand inswing. If you were standing outside to open the door, it would swing inward to the right.