Sometimes dumb ideas don’t leave until I draw them.
Literally doing so right now.
Sorry I failed my solidarity test, Luigi.
Submitted 2 months ago by to [deleted]
Sometimes dumb ideas don’t leave until I draw them.
Literally doing so right now.
Sorry I failed my solidarity test, Luigi.
To our fallen soldiers, know that Luigi appreciates your resistance against adversity. Luigi respects your contributions to incremental change. Luigi knows perfect is the enemy of good, and just how much we need good right now. Do not feel shame in failure, but solace in knowing you tried in earnest.
Idk I might have one more in me though
It can wait.
Technically it was already 2025 in many places before you posted this. Nice unattainable resolution, dork!
I posted this at at 6:30AM on GMT-5, and the farthest out time zone due to some funny quirks is GMT+14 for the line islands. So to everyone in like, New Zeland and Christmas Islands, I sincerely apologize!
I want to say I won’t either, but I got 6 and a half hours left. And I’m gonna use coffee to be able to stay up a bit later tonight. So who knows?
It feels like a toss up to me as well, but I’m going to try my damnedest. I crossed the 24hr mark because I wasn’t exactly planning to do this, but now I feel weirdly invested. We got the same clock, 6 hours to go!
I didn’t :(
I have faith in you, soldier.
I lasted 10 hours 26 minutes and 23 seconds
Still almost 16 hours to go here, not gonna happen.
“We choose to do these things not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” - JFK, holding it in 2 months ago
Lemmy shows its support for lugi in the only way it knows how. Not shifting. 2 months ago
People in my street will be very annoyed when I drive my car today! 2 months ago
Your gearbox will suffer for uhc’s sins 2 months ago
Shoulda got a CVT.