- Comment on Harry and Ron were always bored in class because Rowling's magic system is boring as hell 3 days ago:
I’m currently going though the books and from what I can tell, Harry especially takes issues with some teachers. He hates history and doesn’t understand divination but he’s fine with charms, defense against the dark arts and even potions once Snape no longer teaches it.
It’s just that during the lessons she describes, they usually have stuff like Quidditch or Voldemort stuff going on so they don’t really pay attention. They also don’t like doing homework so they let Hermione do it for them. And they still did pretty well on the OWLs so all in all, I think they were fine with class but by and large, she just doesn’t really write about classes that went their regular course.
- Comment on They got everything covered 5 days ago:
Could do with a lil Tuesday catering today
- Comment on Is this green or blue? 5 days ago:
- Comment on There Are Other People In The World 1 week ago:
I always think this when I see people with main character syndrome. Folks that just seem impervious to the thought they might be inconveniencing others.
Me, I overcorrect so much that I now need therapy because I am constantly thinking of others first.
- Comment on Let me tell you something, I haven't even begun to peak. 1 week ago:
Maybe don’t have kids in the first place if they make you unhappy.
Besides, if the kid had a say in it I doubt they would consent if they knew what kinda future they were heading into.
- Comment on Sun God 1 week ago:
The beach is great. The only issue is that on days worth going, lots of other folks will be there.
We heat up the planet by 4 or 5 degrees, it’s gonna get much less crowded. It’ll be like a perfect, permanent vacation.
- Comment on Sun God 1 week ago:
Yeah I prefer summer to winter so if we get summer and super summer now I would enjoy that until I’m dead and after that, why should I care?
/s just in case.
- Comment on Why do the femcels and the incels not.... date each other? 3 weeks ago:
I’m not sure but I would guess that there are ‘standards’ involved. Usually guys who go incel see a physical relationship as some sort of conquest.
They are more interesed in the act than the person. And for that act, they want it to be some sort of achievement so rather than getting to know someone they only go by shallow characteristics.
But usually incels are either physically unattractive or socially (very) awkward or a combination of both, making them unable to complete their conquest. Get rejected enough times and they’ll tell themselves the problem lies with women in general.
I dunno about femcels, mostly because I’ve never seen one irl. I imagine they are also physically unattractive and/or socially awkward so they would never be ‘targeted’ by incel types.
The guys I knew that fit the profile would also not be too keen on personal hygiene, healthy habits like proper food and drink and exercise and they dismissed pretty much anything mainstream society deems positive. Most of what they say or do comes from a negative place. I can imagine girls don’t really go for a guy like that, regardless if they are femcels or not.
- Comment on Should I be Concerned? 3 weeks ago:
If you enjoy things, just you wait until you discover stuff
- Comment on Should I be Concerned? 3 weeks ago:
Give it a couple of iterations and it’ll just say ‘things’
- Comment on 23-Year-Old Elon Musk Rep Granted Energy Dept. IT Access Without Security Clearance 4 weeks ago:
Imagine having worked there for years. You follow all those opsec and cybersecurity rules painstakingly because it’s all so important and everything. And then some student waltzes in and just does whatever.
- Comment on historical inaccuracies 4 weeks ago:
Yeah I missed the one hand bit because I overestimated how awake I was
- Comment on historical inaccuracies 4 weeks ago:
Oh I completely read over that part
- Comment on historical inaccuracies 4 weeks ago:
What? Ukraine is a pretty large country, living in it doesn’t mean you’re some nuclear monster now
- Comment on okra stealing whore 4 weeks ago:
Yeah he’s not pleased with the guy’s okra pouring efficiency
- Comment on [Help Requested] Port Forwarding w/ Qbittorrent & Gluetun Docker Compose? 4 weeks ago:
Typo in your network_mode of the qbit container?
- Comment on Can Americans afford beans though? 4 weeks ago:
What about beans? Don’t you want someone to care about you?
- Comment on Does anyone actually know what MAGA all agree they are getting out of all this? 4 weeks ago:
“Look in his eyes, it’s all lies. The stars after v be stripes have been swiped, washed out and wiped and replaced with his own face”
It was written about W but I think it applies again
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Brocycle I gotta say social anxiety is f’in hard if you go to any gathering. Kudos to your friend for asking for help and at least showing up. Most people just make up some excuse why they can’t come, or they awkwardly come in, stand in a corner somewhere or cling to anyone they already know all night.
If you get into this situation, best thing you can do is introduce your buddy to someone they might get along with and get them started. If the conversation gets going, you can just go. If the convo dries up, they’ll find you again.
- Comment on What is your self-hosting setup for home thermostat? 4 weeks ago:
I have the T6 as my main but I cannot do per-room heating because my Sonoff TRV’s cannot talk to it in HA. I got the T6 before working with HA though. In my country the T6 is WiFi and you need the Resideo app.
- Comment on Go into debt if you have to 2 months ago:
I’ll assume you mean parents because you’d have to be one heck of an inventor
- Comment on Go into debt if you have to 2 months ago:
For anyone seriously considering this: how the fuck did you end up with that kind of money in your early twenties? Either you’re business savvy in which case you won’t consider this or daddy’s rich in which case you should talk to your dad first.
- Comment on Day 170 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 2 months ago:
Isn’t Blue Shift the same story but from the eyes of Barney?
- Comment on They're waiting for you Pioneer. In the test, chamber. 2 months ago:
It all looks really cool! As someone who has played both Half Life and Satisfactory, I salute you and your epic creation.
- Comment on Important 2 months ago:
Idk I might have one more in me though
- Comment on I knew it. Vaccines got him. 2 months ago:
Just here to note that the name Wild Geerters is a spoof of Geert Wilders, the leader of the Dutch far right party PVV.
- Comment on They're waiting for you Pioneer. In the test, chamber. 2 months ago:
How’d you make that laser thing? Is that the somersloop machine?
- Comment on The great tracker blocker conundrum 2 months ago:
They say there are no plans to develop for Windows at this time
- Comment on The great tracker blocker conundrum 2 months ago:
My biggest issue with Ladybird is that I will have to switch to Linux. I know Windows sucks and everything but the way I use my pc I need Windows. It has excellent audio processing support, drivers that just work, gaming is a lot more complete especially since I have an Nvidia GPU but the most important one is I have the HP G2 which uses Windows Mixed Reality.
If Vivaldi’s ad blocker does somehow stop functioning and they will become just another chronium browser, I’ll just try to install AdGuard on my Linux server again but it’s difficult if you use Docker and Nginx.
- Comment on The great tracker blocker conundrum 2 months ago:
So what remains? Firefox or one of its forks? I’ve tried Pale Moon for a while, didn’t really fit