Mods and admins can fuck off
- Comment on Survey finds UK households overwhelmingly satisfied with newly installed heat pumps 1 day ago:
But… But… I’ve been assured by many old people that heat pumps are super inefficient, waste tons of electricity, and only work about 10 degrees from outside temps!
Surely these people wouldn’t have lied or misrepresented the facts in order to support their own warped worldviews where renewable energy and efficiency measures are evil and Jesus wants them to shoot up power substations near solar projects…
… I really need to move out of the Bible belt…
- Comment on USA | CDC ordered to stop working with WHO immediately, upending expectations of an extended withdrawal 2 days ago:
You know, it would be real cool if everyone just decided to ignore him and keep cooperating with the world.
- Comment on Displaced Gazans mass at Israeli barrier waiting to reach north 4 days ago:
How long before Israel declares it a hamas outpost and bombs the shit out of it?
- Comment on Will solar panels overrun farmland? The two are more likely to coexist. 6 days ago:
I have lived near two solar projects in Ohio in the last decade.
In both instances the fields had been completely unused for years. With one being completely unmaintained and growing wild, to the delight of all manner of critters I’m sure.
Both had been sold by the property owners, and not to industrial owners. One was even helping power my house and a local hospital when they got it turned on.
Both had people in pickup trucks plow through during construction that damaged a ton of stuff.
Both had sudden extremely vocal opposition out of nowhere, with signs popping up all over yards and intersections about how we should be using farmland “for food, not wokeness”
Both have had drive-by shootings in the middle of the night after completion that ultimately only damaged a couple things (probably because rednecks aren’t exactly accurate when shooting from a moving vehicle, nor do they usually know the important tech bits to target for maximum damage)
I just think it’s interesting that people who have never set foot on a farm suddenly got concerned about a plot of land already not being used for farming that would continue going unfarmed. Especially since some of them I knew personally and up to a point had been praising the solar projects for “freeing people from profit hungry power companies”
Almost like they didn’t know much about it until someone told them what to think…
- Comment on Tajikistan launches crackdown on 'witchcraft' and fortune-telling 6 days ago:
Historically they aren’t even okay with you talking to your imaginary friend who’s gonna do you a solid after you die if it’s not the exact same flavor of imaginary friend.
And I mean exact
- Comment on Petition: Prohibit publishers irrevocably disabling video games they have already sold 2 weeks ago:
No worries, I wasn’t specific enough in the first reply.
- Comment on Starfield's abandoned gore and dismemberment system sure would have made it less grey 2 weeks ago:
I had put so many hours into trying to sort my bases for NG that I didn’t even want to try and start over for NG+.
If I ever DO decide to pick it up again, assuming the save is still compatible I made a separate save file before finishing the game just to be sure.
Who knows, maybe someone will make mods to make it the game we all wanted it to be and I’ll give it another go.
- Comment on Petition: Prohibit publishers irrevocably disabling video games they have already sold 2 weeks ago:
I’m assimung someone who goes around to tell people “stop signing petitions” feels smugly superior? That should be pretty self evident.
Or are you thinking I meant “people who sign petitions are the ones who feel smugly superior” because that’s the exact opposite.
- Comment on Petition: Prohibit publishers irrevocably disabling video games they have already sold 2 weeks ago:
It lets someone feel smugly superior for not participating in a group activity, and usually that’s the hilight of their week.
- Comment on Starfield's abandoned gore and dismemberment system sure would have made it less grey 2 weeks ago:
Star field couple have been a lot of things if people who haven’t picked up a controller in decades hadn’t decided to try and make it as generic and casual as possible.
And maybe it’s just me, but the second I
finished the portal and restarted the game
, I lost all interest in playing the game itself.
They made the content of individual plays not matter to me, so once I did a few speed runs to the finish line I just deleted the game and haven’t played it since.
Also i could never figure out their base management system. I was hoping for something like “fallout 4 settlements in space” but all I got was “way less complicated Satisfactory”.
I stopped playing about a month after it came out, so there’s a chance they fixed some issues that I didn’t know were issues, but I still haven’t had the desire to try playing it again.
- Comment on Can you see yourself cutting off by a generation of gaming? 2 weeks ago:
I see no reason to “cut myself off” at any point, I still find games released in the last few years that look interesting, and some with release dates TBD that look neat.
I haven’t bought a new console since July 2015 and have no plans to buy a new generation any time soon.
When my current console dies, I might upgrade, but likely I will find a cheap used replacement and keep playing what I already have.
Someday I will update all my stuff, just not today.
- Comment on New York becomes first US city with congestion charge 3 weeks ago:
Gotta love that small government allowing states and smaller to govern themselves rather than trying to butt in where they aren’t welcome, right Republicans?
- Comment on Half-Life 3 rumours are about again after a teaser from G-Man's voice actor 4 weeks ago:
Oh look, it’s that time of the decade again.
More half life 3 rumors.
Wake me when Gabe holds a copy in his hand to announce it to the world.
- Comment on Has the USA turned into an oligarchy? 4 weeks ago:
I say this in nearly complete seriousness:
Always has been
- Comment on Important 4 weeks ago:
Literally doing so right now.
Sorry I failed my solidarity test, Luigi.
- Comment on British ex-soldier pleads not guilty to Bloody Sunday killings 1 month ago:
Tiocfaidh ár lá.
- Comment on What's next after Half-Life? 1 month ago:
Perfect dark was my JAM back in the day.
I still have my original cartridge, but unfortunately my n64 is either in a box in someone’s basement, or a landfill, as the friend I let borrow it (and my star wars games) left it at a friend’s house and the friend moved states.
PD was the first video game my sister and I played together. We never managed to finish it when we were young.
- Comment on Manor Lords is getting new maps, building upgrades and reworks for the marketplace and ale distribution 2 months ago:
Ive seen it being played by almost everyone on my friends lists at one point or another
honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s hundreds of thousands, if not millions.
- Comment on Manor Lords is getting new maps, building upgrades and reworks for the marketplace and ale distribution 2 months ago:
It’s a neat game. I’ve put a couple dozen hours into a few villages over the last few months. There’s still a lot to improve on, but based on the little I’ve learned about the developer this seems like more of a passion project than a money maker.
Chug along, little dev, there’s dozens of us waiting for updates! *dozens!×
- Comment on BIOMES 2 months ago:
I’m thinking of River Tam, from Firefly.
Whether she can or can’t do that is still debatable, but she did tell Jayne she could. And she can read minds, so it’s not entirely out of the question…
- Comment on BIOMES 2 months ago:
And she can kill you with her brain.
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 2 months ago:
It’s the “Burning other magic rocks” party.
- Comment on Marine Scientists 2 months ago:
There’s a reason every science team down there has someone carrying a gun.
They know what lies in the deep.
- Comment on Day 122 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 2 months ago:
Idk how hard water coding is, but I imagine it’s hard since good looking water seems rare.
That is some damn fine looking water
Excellent shots.
- Comment on Half-Life 2 is currently 100% off for its 20th anniversary, plus a major update 2 months ago:
Damn, I already bought it!
… 13 years ago…
But I can use this when gifting to people, right? There’s a couple people I want to send these as a gift to get them to play it.
If not well then I guess I can’t be super passive aggressive in telling them to play it because they don’t have an excuse anymore and actually have to use words…
- Comment on A guy just got arrested in Houston US for allegedly being an ISIS member. I grew up in Reagan and 911 era are these people just saying this or are they actively buying bombs? 2 months ago:
Reminder that George Tekei is still alive and he was put in an Internment camp.
- Comment on What's the capital of France? 2 months ago:
- Comment on Need for Speed: what is the best title of the series? 2 months ago:
The OG most wanted is hands down my favorite of all time.
I dropped $40 just to play on my Xbox around 10 years ago.
I’d buy it again if I didn’t already have it installed.
- Comment on topical 2 months ago:
The Maquis have a lot of good points.
- Comment on Indiana Jones doesn't "endorse" Nazis, Bethesda assure, just in case you were confused by him repeatedly murdering them 2 months ago:
“It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not weakness, that is life.” - Jean-Luc Picard
You make valid points. I know I’ve heard enough people who start off with “the nazis sure were bad, BUT…” and proceed to fangirl over every technological achievement made by Germany, even those that came after the allies.
There’s certainly a line where it goes from “fantasy parody of real life” to “someone wrote a fan fiction about the fourth Reich and clearly has a crush on Hitler whether they want to admit it or not”
Literally the only way they would have conquered the world is through the wonders of “Sci Fi Magic Bullshit” ™️