No more lawyers
Yeah I don’t know about that. A company with that much IP would just sell rights to the highest bidder and stay afloat for ages. If Nintendo sells even just one of their main franchises like Mario, Zelda, Pokémon etc they’re gonna be fine for a long time and someone else is gonna sue the emulator guys all the same.
For example Sega, who went basically belly-up decades ago just sued Memento Mori devs for copyright infringement of in-game mechanics. 3 months ago
If Nintendo went belly up today, Microsoft would buy them.
That’d be kind of sad. 3 months ago
If Microsoft went belly up today, the retro community and linux community would have a field day. 3 months ago
Oracle or someone worse would buy them. That’s how capitalism works. 3 months ago
These days Microsoft are a major contributor to the Linux kernel, though. Sure, they’re trying to hold onto the desktop but on the server they’ve pretty much switched camps. 3 months ago
Considering the difficulties Microsoft had buying up Activision, I don’t think they will be allowed to buy up another game company of any remotely big size. 3 months ago
Now that trumps in charge. Microsoft could buy the Whitehouse and no one would bat an eyelash.