- Comment on 'Writing is on the wall for spinning rust': IBM joins Pure Storage in claiming disk drives will go the way of the dodo in enterprises 22 hours ago:
Yea but isn’t that more because SanDisk is going to fully focus on that? Or what am I missing?
- Comment on Owing your home today is nearly impossible, but even if you did the ever increasing property taxes will bury you 1 day ago:
Yea generally electronics is depreciated every 3 to 5 years. But I can imagine that after 3 years of children usage they are done for. That aside though, I think what you would be more looking for is a fair tax system.
What I think that the problem with local property taxes is that if a city relies on it too much to pay for everything then this causes too many issues. For a poor city this could mean that if they don’t increase the taxes they can’t afford basic school care which people expect. So they moved to riched areas who can provide that. Or they move because of the higher taxes. This in turn lowers the property value and decreases the taxes further. Which in turn increases the problem.
So I believe the educational budget should be provided by the central government so the same kind of quality in schools is given nationwide. This can of course be applied to other costs a city is making.
In addition to this I think a property tax should be progressive and link to your overall assets. If you just own one house and you don’t have any more assets. Then why should you be taxed as much as somebody who owns a lot more (of course if the house is 2m and you’re living of social security it is a different story. L
- Comment on If Nintendo went belly up today the retro community would have a field day 3 months ago:
Funny, but aside from that they will also need approval in Europe and some other countries.
- Comment on If Nintendo went belly up today the retro community would have a field day 3 months ago:
Considering the difficulties Microsoft had buying up Activision, I don’t think they will be allowed to buy up another game company of any remotely big size.
- Comment on YouTube is Losing The War Against Adblockers 6 months ago:
Like Twitch you mean? I think that has been blocked as well. And other addblockers can even skip adds within yt videos
- Comment on Your TV set has become a digital billboard. And it’s only getting worse. 6 months ago:
Wasn’t even needed. Just downloaded the app with another downloaded app and then installed it. Then it props you what launcher you want. Plenty of videos on yt about this.
- Comment on German police raid properties as pro-Palestinian group banned 9 months ago:…/germany-bans-neo-nazi-group-with-…
I mean they raid them as well no? Or what do you mean?
- Comment on EU to hit Apple with €500m fine over antitrust music streaming complaint from Spotify 1 year ago:
I am also wondering where that amount comes from. Though I do not think it should be based on profit. A company can also be unprofitable on purpose in a region in order to destroy the competition an gain market share. Then after conquering the market they increase the prices again.
In this case I suppose it also be difficult to quantify the fine. Of course the duration of the anti-competitive behaviour should also be taken into consideration and apples low willingness to better itself. Is there any article explaining the 500m euro?
- Comment on This scary AI recognizes passwords by the sound of your typing 1 year ago:
Wouldn’t it also be able to crack it in the future as long as it’s accurate enough? As long as it’s able to accurately recognise what key is which it can crack it like the enigma code.