Adobe should embrace fucking itself
Adobe Says Artists Should Embrace AI If They Want to be Successful.
Submitted 4 months ago by to
Comments 4 months ago 4 months ago
Adobe should get comfortable with users not using AI 3 months ago
Artists embraced Adobe long enough. It’s time for a change. 3 months ago
[deleted] 3 months ago
I recently moved to Affinity Photo with no complaints but I’m not a power user. 4 months ago
So we downvote here when we disagree with an article? Wouldn’t you wanna upvote it so other see the bullshit Adobe is spouting? 4 months ago
I had the same confusion a while back… This is just an article… There’s no point in downvoting the post sharing the article… 3 months ago
Same dumb people that don’t want to put a like on news about war because they don’t like the fact people die 3 months ago
Adobe should embrace my dick 3 months ago
And my turds! 3 months ago 4 months ago
Sure, because screw artists with unique talent and style, let’s just have AI crank out the same style crap every day…
I’m rapidly getting tired of this new AI art era, looks like the same shit every day anymore.
Where’s the human factor anymore? Where’s the talent, where’s the skill? 4 months ago
That’s not how we should see it. Digital artists spend a lot of time creating and trying different things. On the other hand we have people with different conditions who have ideas without the skills yo execute anything.
This allows everyone to do more and quicker, increasing the earning potential. AI is useful as long as it levels out the playing field. It’s the malicious use we need to moderate and like drugs, thats a slippery slope. 3 months ago
When I am amazed by a piece of art, it’s because a person was able to conceive of a scene and then use techniques they’ve learned to bring that scene from their mind into reality. I think, “Wow, how did they decide to blend those colors together in such a way, and why? I wonder how hard it is to get that right? How long might it take me to learn the same technique?”
But when I look at a piece of art made by AI, I think, disappointedly, “Oh, they didn’t. Nobody leaned the technique to paint this, there may not be any feeling behind it, or any point at all, other than ‘it looks good.’” It’s just not impressive.
And I’m pretty sure that most people could learn how to prompt successfully in a matter of days or weeks. Real artists practice their craft for years, learning and perfecting techniques and often developing their own unique style. 3 months ago
How does it increase earning potential? Best case it would flood the market with shit and result in less income due to either dilution of spending amongst thousands of idiots using “ai” or destroy the need for a market in the first place. If everything is ai why would I pay the “artist” instead of just going to stablediffusion or something similar? 3 months ago
While they manage to build the crappiest image generator 3 months ago
Hot take here: they’re not wrong. AI speeds up tons of processes that many traditional artists won’t be able to keep up, just like digital painting sped up tons of processes that traditional painting could not keep up.
This doesn’t mean that traditional art will die. Physical art will surely find it’s niche and it will be sought after by collectors, for example. But in the commercial environment, faster is better and AI will be a factor. 4 months ago
One can look at art as either being about “the end result” or about the process of human expression. AI can produce the former (of varying quality), but not the latter. 4 months ago
I too embrace Adobe Illustrator once but i’m not successful. Cool program though.
Wait, wrong AI. 4 months ago
It’s by far my favorite tool. Want to see what AI can actually do and not the crap they are pushing so far 4 months ago
Let the Luddite’s not use it if they don’t want to, they’re only hurting themselves. 4 months ago
plagiarism != art
No matter how many artists’ work is collected, combined, and regurgitated as algorithm puke, it’s still not art and never will be. 3 months ago
Anyone spreading this misinformation and trying gatekeep being an artist after the avant-garde movement doesn’t have an ounce of education in art history. Generative art, warts and all, is a vital new form of art that’s shaking things up, challenging preconceptions, and getting people angry - just like art should. 3 months ago
Stop saying random things you don’t understand 4 months ago
There’s no such thing as AI assist for decades and people still success creating masterpiece. It’s techbro and tech tycoon that hurts everyone. 3 months ago
There were no movies for millennia, leaving people bereft of Seven Samurai. 4 months ago
Shantanu Narayen’s still not giving you a free license 3 months ago
Adobe can fuck right off. They have become a completely shit company. 3 months ago
Forget artists! I’ll just get Adobe AI and create the logo I would have paid an artist to make…if I had ever a need for a logo. What else does Adobe do anyways other than logos 😆.
Goodbye artists, is also saying goodbye Adobe. They gotta thread lightly. 3 months ago
They prolly right. Peeps of da future prolly look back and be like, “damn! Art before 2022 really kinda sucked!” 3 months ago
So when do the artists get to move on to extending AI? 4 months ago
So company with vested interest thinks people should do thing that makes the company money, gotcha