- Comment on Just shoot me and save me the trouble 1 week ago:
Just get some tinnitus the fan noise is basically the same!
- Comment on Kindle Is Making It Harder to Switch to Rival eReader Brands. 2 weeks ago:
I use calibre for my kindle, but kavita for web reading on any of my devices.
The calibre web server kept claiming its downloads to my device were corrupted and would just never open books. Kavita just sends the books page as a web page which gets rid of that particular issue
- Comment on self actuating toggle switch? 4 weeks ago:
This might work with the original parts which would be shockingly nice, I have a few cheap Amazon servos on order to see if they might work
- Comment on self actuating toggle switch? 4 weeks ago:
It would need some changes so it could be pulled to either side but that is the closest framework I’ve seen yet!
- Comment on self actuating toggle switch? 5 weeks ago:
well dang. The ones I linked are $35-55 a pop new and the organ I have would need roughly 73 of them lol. Barring a miracle find from someone I’m assuming the touch screen I’ve been using is there to stay.
- Submitted 5 weeks ago to | 11 comments
- Comment on Adobe Says Artists Should Embrace AI If They Want to be Successful. 4 months ago:
Because phones are still not able to shoot as well as a professional camera, never mind the skills needed to frame or light the scene correctly.
- Comment on Adobe Says Artists Should Embrace AI If They Want to be Successful. 4 months ago:
How does it increase earning potential? Best case it would flood the market with shit and result in less income due to either dilution of spending amongst thousands of idiots using “ai” or destroy the need for a market in the first place. If everything is ai why would I pay the “artist” instead of just going to stablediffusion or something similar?
- Comment on The Worst Apology Video on the Planet 4 months ago:
The full statement can be found in this news article instead of YouTube.
“Impact’s first shift began at 7:00 AM on the morning of September 27, 2024, as usual. At that time, there had been no flooding alert or warning. Written evacuation plans were posted in conspicuous areas of the plant many months prior to September 27th, 2024. Impact Plastic’s Inc. (“Impact Plastics”) parking lot is in a low-lying area between South Industrial Drive and the plant building. Runoff from adjacent properties and surrounding property often pools in its parking lot during or after heavy rain and often necessitates employees and other visitors at the plant to move their cars. Water began to pool in the parking lot around 10:35 AM on the morning of September 27th, 2024, which is not an unusual occurrence. Public warnings were disseminated via cell phones at approximately 10:40 AM, coinciding with a power outage occurring at 10:39 AM. A decision was made within minutes of the power outage to shut the plant down and dismiss all employees including supervisors. Employees were directed to leave the plant property within minutes of the power outage and certainly no later than 10:50 AM. Bilingual employees translated the announcement in Spanish. Senior management conducted a walkthrough of the facility and attempted to move the company’s server and other important documents. They exited the building around 11:35 and were the last individuals to leave. Subsequent analysis of recorded video footage and photographs has identified both current and missing employees who left the property of Impact Plastics and remained on South Industrial Drive for approximately 45 minutes after the plant’s closure. This group has since been either rescued or reported as missing or deceased. Review also indicates that when employees were dismissed as water was pooling in Impact Plastic’s parking lot, but South Industrial Drive, in front of the plant appears to have been passable. The water pooled in the parking lot was approximately six inches deep as indicated by the water level shown at the bottom of small passenger cars parked at the time reviewed by the company. To Impact Plastic’s knowledge, no one was ever trapped in the building or on its premises. Impact Plastics is aware of the allegations circulated on social media that employees who asked to leave were told not to leave by their supervisors and that supervisors left the plant before other plant employees were dismissed. The allegations are false. Impact did not prohibit its employees from leaving. It did not threaten anyone with discharge from employment. Its senior management were the last, not the first, to leave. Senior management was the last to leave approximately 45-minutes after the plant had been closed and all other employees had been dismissed. Impact Plastics made decisions based on the information available at the time. In times like these, words feel inadequate to express the depth of sorrow we are all feeling. The recent flood has devastated our plant and, more tragically, taken the lives of some of our dear colleagues and friends. Our hearts go out to their families and loved ones.”
- Comment on Faces Lawsuit After Teen’s Suicide 4 months ago:
Many states have little to no rules on storage. You also don’t really need a license to buy one just to carry it concealed in public (some states don’t even require this step). Of the states that have storage laws like my own, I’m unaware of any that require you to prove safe storage though. The laws only offer a punishment after the fact when something bad happens.
- Comment on Hacking Kia: Remotely Controlling Cars With Just a License Plate. 5 months ago:
A) you can survive without precooling or set it to start before getting deep into the store.
B)if you want that feature fine, but leave it off everyone else’s car! No cell connections should be installed by default like this. It’s a walking cve list waiting to happen.
- Comment on Which do you like better: Windows or Ubuntu? 5 months ago:
Ubuntu is great for works out of the box kind of tasks, I have it on an old MacBook Pro 2012. With a free Ubuntu pro account I can get security updates for 22.10 lts until 2032! It’s already starting to act its age so security updates but a frozen OS helps not further tax it as software gets more complex. Point being there’s a niche even if in most other cases I might prefer something different.
- Comment on I'm at a loss on what server to buy 6 months ago:
You can look at things like
To see some ideas of what would work, and I hope you feel free to ask around as you look at things! We all had to learn somehow and once you know what you’re looking for it’s just a small puzzle.
Quick suggestion is to decide on the cpu (I’m partial to amd so I’d pick something ryzen based if you want processing power) first then compatible motherboard, as after those two you should be able to just look at spec sheets and see things like the kind of ram you need case type etc.
- Comment on I'm at a loss on what server to buy 6 months ago:
I think this is a fine community, but as a question, is there a reason you aren’t considering building a server? You could fit those requirements into a normal desktop chassis and likely still have some pci slots free for future upgrades.
- Comment on Researchers discover battery-free technology which harvests power from radio and Wi-Fi signals for low-powered devices 7 months ago:
I think you might have meant just hangs for me and never completes the request.
- Comment on Immich relies on a third-party service that seems shady to me 7 months ago:
I don’t use Immich, but if you open a feature request I’d suggest asking for open street maps, which offers a self hosted tile service
- Comment on New Network Stack with unknown issues.. 7 months ago:
Least you got it working again!
- Comment on New Network Stack with unknown issues.. 7 months ago:
Whatever you are using that provides the brains of the network (like dhcp) in your setup probably the router or controller? I’ve never needed to move past an all in one but it seems like an intermittent routing issue. Have you u checked device logs to see if part of your network equipment is crashing or rebooting during these outages?
- Comment on New Network Stack with unknown issues.. 7 months ago:
Is your NAS wired or wireless? The only thing I see linking those devices are loosely speaking being Linux based.
Does the local connection work? Or are you unable to ping other devices on the lan?
- Comment on this picture is 27kb 9 months ago:
We moved to Colorado and 10 miles takes me about 15 minutes to cross the city we’re in, 30 in traffic. Where we grew up 10 miles around the city was 1-2 hours regardless of time of day (except maybe 2am). The country is just way too diverse for distance to be nearly as meaningful at transit time.
- Comment on Beginner needs help with setting NextCloud without a domain 11 months ago:
Glad we got to the root issue! As others have said this is a learning process and you picked one of the more complicated ones to start with. Once this is done e everything else will start to feel much easier!
- Comment on Beginner needs help with setting NextCloud without a domain 11 months ago:
If you are on the raspberry pi with a physical screen/keyboard and mouse you can also try accessing with the ip address “localhost:80” and see if there’s a connection that way as well.
- Comment on Beginner needs help with setting NextCloud without a domain 11 months ago:
We can get the port list another way. From the terminal on the raspberry pi run the command “nmap localhost”. Let us know what that shows, but I would expect to see either 80, 443, or both.
As a side note, if you did not give the nextcloud container a certificate when you made it, you cannot use https:// on the browser, as it has no way to talk using that security mechanism. It is only capable in that case of using http:// and port 80. You will need to disable forced https to access the site (this is fine on the local network if every device is trusted, and only encrypted vpn service in like zerotier is used imo). This might be your problem here, especially if you are seeing both ports listed as open on the pi.
- Comment on Beginner needs help with setting NextCloud without a domain 11 months ago:
You would be given a safety risk warning page by your browser if you did the sec signed certificate that you’d need to tell it to connect anyway, so that likely isn’t the issue. Looking at ports, how are you trying to connect to the server? If you did not assign a certificate at all, you would want to use port 80, port 443 if you did install a certificate.
For instance, my Nextcloud is on ip With that in mind I would be using:
No certificate: Certificate:
Does this look like what you are typing in?
As two additional questions, what is the output of “docker container ls” typed into the terminal? And what operating system did you install on the pi, was it raspbian?
- Comment on Beginner needs help with setting NextCloud without a domain 11 months ago:
At a glance your first issue is finding the correct ip address, you should only have one local ip address to access it with (inside your home network).
To find your local ip, type “ip a” into the terminal, and look for the address under “eth0“ for a wired connection, or “wlan0” for wireless. This will allow you to connect using the ip and port while on your home network to test the connection and make sure it works right.
After that, I highly recommend the vpn option, it will simplify connecting to it while not at home without creating security issues like setting it up with a domain. I personally use zerotier, that guide will help you get it set up on the raspberry pi. Not the last bit about a “managed ip.” That will be the address to tell your phone to connect too once you have the vpn set up on the phone as well.
- Comment on Jellyfin on FreeBSD 1 year ago:
This appears to be correct. See:
EncoderAppPath was simply not present at all in encoding.xml! There was only the display value: <EncoderAppPathDisplay /> My own installation was completely fixed by adding <EncoderAppPath>/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg</EncoderAppPath>
From the page
- Comment on Tunnelling a port from a separate computer 1 year ago:
There’s a similar software called zerotier that only routes traffic you want across. You select an IP range (for instance 10.144..) and it gives your computer a new address. For my main computer let’s say it’s The only traffic routed over the vpn is traffic addressed to that address. You can append the port to web traffic like (zoneminder used as an example) and it would use the vpn for that connection but nothing else.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
Docker on its own won’t think to look at that interface unless you tie it to it. Assuming you want to listen to both interfaces and external watchdog would be the call. You’d set the watchdog to look for iptables issues and then run commands if it went down (ie to restart iptables and then restart your containers).
- Comment on Advice on encrypted storage 1 year ago:
Second the key-password combo. It keeps the keys you have on the flash drive but adds a password component that thieves would need to figure out as well. Just make sure to pick a good password!
- Comment on UK's O2 network is blocking domains 1 year ago:
T-mobile was doing this in the US but only blocking certain ports when talking to my home server, might try putting it on a non-standard port as well and see if you can access the service then.