- Comment on If I'm at threat to lose my job because I never shut up about politics free speech means nothing to me. 2 weeks ago:
I understand where you’re coming from, completely. It definitely feels like being silenced (again, because let’s face it, this shit is mentally throwing us right back into childhood when our needs and feelings were ignored). I understand that desperate feeling of needing to be heard. But we’re adults now, and the people at work aren’t your parents. There’s nothing obligating them to listen. Even my spouse needs time where I’m not ranting about politics. An hour a day is all he can do right now, and this is someone who cares about how I feel. But this isn’t a rejection of my feelings.
One thing I’ve personally had to realize is that the stuff about politics isn’t actually you. You have to find a way to have a degree of separation between the political and your actual core. I know it looks like they’re the same thing right now. But think about what you really want to accomplish, think about what kind of culture you want to create at work. Do you want everyone to be as upset as you are? Would that make a good working environment? If you want others to be more compassionate, I think coming from a place of compassion yourself might work better. Right now it sounds like you’re treating people in ways you probably wouldn’t want others treating you. You can still be true to yourself, your ideals, and values without being quite so forceful. For some reason beyond my immediate comprehension, demonstrating the intensity of your feelings doesn’t translate into people caring - it’s rather the opposite.
This was a really hard lesson for me and took a few weeks to fully understand and think through. I hope you have someone likeminded in your life you can talk to outside of work. If you don’t, please consider trying to find a new friend. You need someone who already understands, who you don’t need to convince, to blow off steam with. Good luck.
- Comment on Who here does NOT have intrusive thoughts? 3 weeks ago:
No, those are different things. Intrusive thoughts are your brain telling you terrible things like you suck at your work or your hobbies, you’re worthless, your friends don’t actually like you, and hey remember that time you did a cringey thing in front of people? They’re not true, and you’re not intentionally having these thoughts, but your brain can’t easily rationalize them away. It’s usually something that builds up over a lifetime so that you don’t even realize it’s happening. Thats how so many people get stuck believing the intrusive thoughts.
- Comment on Adobe Says Artists Should Embrace AI If They Want to be Successful. 4 months ago:
When I am amazed by a piece of art, it’s because a person was able to conceive of a scene and then use techniques they’ve learned to bring that scene from their mind into reality. I think, “Wow, how did they decide to blend those colors together in such a way, and why? I wonder how hard it is to get that right? How long might it take me to learn the same technique?”
But when I look at a piece of art made by AI, I think, disappointedly, “Oh, they didn’t. Nobody leaned the technique to paint this, there may not be any feeling behind it, or any point at all, other than ‘it looks good.’” It’s just not impressive.
And I’m pretty sure that most people could learn how to prompt successfully in a matter of days or weeks. Real artists practice their craft for years, learning and perfecting techniques and often developing their own unique style.
- Comment on YSK that Amazon has different prices for different people 4 months ago:
Right, but that would be a whole crowd’s worth of demand. Why would you raise the price of something after only one person shows interest? One person is not “demand.” And also, there probably isn’t a finite supply of the product in question like there would be for hotel rooms in one town.
- Comment on Why isn't apple a popular ice cream flavor? 5 months ago:
Maybe it’s less popular because so many people buy ice cream to eat with actual apple pie, or some other kind of pie which might taste weird with apple pie flavors.
- Comment on Donating canned goods to food pantries is like donating needles and syringes to a cancer research organization 5 months ago:
Yeah, it’s early and my brain didn’t even register “cancer research org”. When I first read the title I thought you were equating people’s need to eat with drug abuse.
- Comment on Kroger executive admits company gouged prices above inflation 5 months ago:
Unfortunately Kroger is the cheapest option where I am. I refuse to support the dumpster fire that is Walmart. Every item at Albertsons and Safeway, especially produce, is at least 50 cents more expensive than at Kroger. Too bad Trader Joe’s doesn’t offer a little more selection. You can’t even get a whole cabbage there.
- Comment on Americans Are Sharing The "Normal, Everyday" Aspects About The US That Are Actually Dystopian, And I Can't Believe We Tolerate Some Of These 7 months ago:
I think that may be similar to what we have in Washington state. All employees pay something like $2 from each paycheck into the FMLA program and you can use it for maternity leave as well as other family health emergencies. It’s a state program so I don’t think the employer has to pay anything. I don’t know how many other states have programs like this but it would be nice if there was a federal one.
- Comment on Americans Are Sharing The "Normal, Everyday" Aspects About The US That Are Actually Dystopian, And I Can't Believe We Tolerate Some Of These 7 months ago:
Retail and restaurants are unlikely to give you 4-12 weeks of even unpaid time off. No way would they pay anyone for that much time off unless they were forced to. Not saying this to defend them, but restaurant margins can’t absorb that kind of cost unless it’s a large non-franchised chain.
- Comment on Is my girlfriend gaslighting me? 8 months ago:
… Nah. As a woman, this is not a question I would ever think to ask anyone, regardless of how unsafe I felt. How does agreeing to murder someone AFTER something happens to you help you feel more safe? It doesn’t, at all. Besides, she could have called him from the Uber when she didn’t see him outside. It’s not like they just kick you out of the car immediately.
OP described this behavior as “the usual,” which means this is a thing she does regularly. I would say this isn’t normal for most people to do regularly. If the location is actually not safe, then the conversation should be centered around “when are we going to move somewhere safer?” rather than “how would you murder someone if they hurt me” and especially getting into the specifics of “what would you do with the cat while doing the murder…?” I think this might be some kind of recurring “daycare” or maladaptive fantasy that keeps playing out in her imagination. There are certainly steps she could take to keep herself safe. But because she doesn’t, she feels powerless and then blames OP for her perceived lack of safety. OP cannot be responsible for her safety 24/7. That is an unfair expectation to have of anyone.
- Comment on YSK: You might save on car rental by cancelling and re-booking over time before your rental due date 9 months ago:
If you really are dizzy after a long flight, you probably shouldn’t be driving, especially in an unfamiliar car in an unfamiliar area. Maybe you were just being hyperbolic about the dizziness, but people can make the same kinds of mistakes driving while sleep deprived as while driving intoxicated.
- Comment on We are going to have to reevaluate our moralities when people in the future can look like children while not actually being children 10 months ago:
I can’t imagine there would be that many people who would want to look like an actual child. 20-ish, maybe, but not 12. Think about it. You’d have trouble keeping a job because no one would take you seriously. You’d probably get harassed by cops if you tried to drive anywhere. Everyone would treat you like you have no experience or knowledge.
Trust me, I am one of those people who looks 10-15 years younger than I am. I don’t look nearly as young as 12, but I still do not enjoy looking young. I often feel alienated from my age group because they don’t see me as one of them until they find out my age.
- Comment on Is this a boondoggle or is it actually useful investment? 10 months ago:
I see your confusion. They could have worded this better, but it’s two grants being split between eight nonprofit financial institutions. My understanding is these entities will lend that money to communities to do ongoing infrastructure projects. The goal is “turning $20 billion of public funds into $150 billion of public and private investment to maximize the impact of public funds.” I don’t know how that part works exactly, but to me that doesn’t sound like a handout. Of course I would hope they would be held responsible for any mismanagement.
As for why they need to create a financial nework to do this: These kinds of projects can take many years and sometimes need ongoing financing. Apparently, when Obama tried to fund something like this, there was a lending bottleneck where I guess banks didn’t want to finance community infrastructure projects or something, so a lot of the funding just sat there until the grants expired. This is supposed to prevent that from happening.
- Comment on Adobe faces big fines from FTC over difficult subscription cancellation 1 year ago:
I started a free trial of Adobe stock. I forgot to cancel after the first month. They charged me $30 for the next month, ok, that’s on me. But when I tried to cancel during that second month, they said I had signed a contract to pay them for a year (I didn’t, all I did was sign up for the free trial) and I now owe them $165 to cancel the subscription. So in essence they were going to charge me $195 for one month of Adobe stock. That’s insane.
- Comment on YSK that chiropractors are not medical doctors and "Systematic reviews... have found no evidence that chiropractic manipulation is effective" 1 year ago:
Unless you have so much pain that you’re unable to do even the most basic PT exercises, like me. PT did absolutely nothing, and it was $200 out of pocket for each stupid appt.
- Comment on Tax time 1 year ago:
Lol I never said ignore it. Just don’t blindly pay without looking into it.
- Comment on Tax time 1 year ago:
Just a PSA, the IRS recently instituted some kind of AI algorithm that is re-flagging a lot of things that have already been resolved… a friend got a bill for $1500 which they had earlier sent a letter of apology for. He doesn’t actually owe anything, it’s just the glitchy algorithm sending the old bill out again.
If you don’t understand why you owe more, don’t just give up and pay it. The IRS can make mistakes too.
- Comment on AI Camera's took over one small American Town. Now they are everywhere. 1 year ago:
software latches onto existing installations, which can include government-owned surveillance cameras as well as privately owned cameras at businesses and homes.
How can that be legal, or even possible? If you and your partner film yourself in the bedroom, I guess they’re gonna tap into that too?
- Comment on Am I strange for not loving Everything Everywhere All At Once? 1 year ago:
I agree. Beef had an Asian cast, and I thought it was way more entertaining and emotionally provocative than EEAAO.
- Comment on Am I strange for not loving Everything Everywhere All At Once? 1 year ago:
But those kinds of plots (as well as the whole multiverse thing) have already been done in lots of shows like Rick and Morty, Futurama, Marvel, etc. I never understood why there was so much hype to begin with - the movie wasn’t groundbreaking at all. It played out basically exactly how I thought it would, except with some incredibly unrealistic parental apology fantasy tacked on.
- Comment on Is there a way to block hexbear 1 year ago:
Why is it hard to believe or understand that this, right here and now on lemmy, really is most westerners’ first time interacting with actual communists? A lot of us dems are pretty open minded and a lot of us want the US to move toward socialism. But most of our exposure to communism has just been “communism bad.” So of course we don’t understand the fuller spectrum of leftism, because our fascist conservative party has forced everything so far to the right, and our education system is abysmal.
Then we come here and see a bunch of “stupid libs” memes, which from the outside we can’t understand because we identify as liberals (leftists). You folks give off the same vibe of how our fascist conservatives treat us (own the libs, kill a dem to save America, etc), and I think thats why people assume or equate you with Nazis. We’ve never met real communists, and a lot of stuff on the internet is fake. It’s entirely understandable.
- Comment on anyone else? i made this to represent my struggle. 1 year ago:
Doesn’t work for everyone, unfortunately. Lactose might not be the only thing in dairy that people have a reaction to.