Yes I inverted it to burning coal is called the industrial revolution because I think it’s neat way to look at it.
We also have the nuclear age. So is oil simply the oil age?
Submitted 5 months ago by to
Yes I inverted it to burning coal is called the industrial revolution because I think it’s neat way to look at it.
We also have the nuclear age. So is oil simply the oil age?
Many people think of industrial developments in slightly different terms. Industry 4.0 is a fairly modern way to look at it.
“The First Industrial Revolution was marked by a transition from hand production methods to machines through the use of steam power and water power. “
“The Second Industrial Revolution, also known as the Technological Revolution, is the period between 1871 and 1914 that resulted from installations of extensive railroad and telegraph networks, which allowed for faster transfer of people and ideas, as well as electricity.”
“The Third Industrial Revolution, also known as the Digital Revolution, began in the late 20th century. It is characterized by the shift to an economy centered on information technology, marked by the advent of personal computers, the Internet, and the widespread digitalization of communication and industrial processes.”
Well, you’ve run into a problem.
What you’re asking in the post isn’t what you’re asking in the comments.
See, the industrial revolution is not, and was not, defined by the burning of coal as an energy source.
While flipping terminology around to stimulate thought is a great thing, it makes the question you asked in the post unanswerable.
There wasn’t a term for when oil started being a fuel source, nor a specific one for automobile use. That’s the answer to your title question: there wasn’t.
That being said, the automotive era would be a decent term for the use of machine powered transportation.
But I think separating fossil fuels into separate eras when they overlap so much is pointless. It’s all fossil fuels, and that’s where I would suggest any term for that would be based, not the specific fuels.
Either Industrial Revolution was not named because of the burning of coal in and of itself. Coal burning for part was part of the widespread and rapid transformation of society. Coal played a part in facilitating previously unthinkable changes in a short time.
The adoption of cars has been more iterative and gradual. In the U.S. there are certain periods important for them such as, depending on how much you think it had an effect, the General Motors streetcar conspiracy. There was also the post WW2 push by Eisenhower to building National highways. But those didn’t radical and quickly change life in the way industrial revolutions did.
Similarly nuclear power production has not caused widespread fundamental change in a short period.
Yes I inverted it to burning coal is called the industrial revolution because I think it’s neat way to look at it.
I’m not sure what you mean by this. The industrial revolutions were not just about burning coal.
The industrial revolution is when we went from mostly normal farmers to industrial scale production in factories, hence the name. The next “revolution” will either be a “renewable revolution” or there will be no revolution, only devolution
You’re not wrong, but your response doesn’t contribute much to answering the question.
I don’t like his question since its a stupid question that ignores basic history
No, I think, they both (burgersc12 and OP) have an important point.
We can think of technology in two different ways: input and output; i.e. what do we put into the machine (source of energy) and what do we get out (factory products). They’re just looking at it from two different angles: OP is asking about power source, but burgersc12 is talking about factory outputs.
At least in the USA, it is known as the Robber Barron period as the extremely wealthy monopolized everything.
So…we’re still in the Robber Barron era then?
The second Industrial Revolution overlaps the use of robber barons. Coal had been used in applications like trains and engines before the period, and coal power plants opened after the term had been coined. Coal use was not, in and of itself tied to the term.
Robber barons are just a more evocative way of framing the period, similar to calling it the Gilded Age, but all the terms are roughly talking about the same time period.
There has been a Second and Third Industrial Revolutions.
It would be the Second one, but it’s not the oil that marks it. It’s electricity.
It would be the Second one, but it’s not the oil that marks it.
… So it would not the be second one.
It happened at the same time, there’s no other name.
Kerosene and whale oil have been around for a bit longer than cars.
Lol the internet revolution was adapted to the name tech bubble after it burst.
I think I just had a lot of talks about this with someone recently. Feel free to DM me if you wanna know more.
Yes, you’re right; The sources of energy have a society-defining role.
There’s two major sources: carbon-based (coal, oil, gas, biomass) and electricity.
Right now, we consume approximately 50% of either, but this is about to change. I predict that solar power will shift energy consumption to nearly 100% electrical in a few years.
I don’t really know about a specific name for when we started burning oil, but you might wanna look at Peak Oil Theory because it explains the mass of oil consumption over time as a bell curve. 5 months ago
I don’t think it was burning coal that started the industrial revolution. We had been burning coal and oil for far longer. If anything it was the steam engine. And the internal combustion engine was still part of the industrial revolution. Though the development of cars lead to the automotive era. 5 months ago
Yeah coal has been used for millenia. Humans have been burning coal/charcoal for metalworking for millenia. Like even in the wooded age we still use coal/charcoal.