- Comment on I made this today 2 days ago:
Very cool. That would make fantastic terrain for a tactical mini game. The mushrooms are some kind of sea-thingy, aren’t they?
- Comment on Because I couldn't give straight spoons to my gay friends 3 weeks ago:
Praise Anoia! Rattle your drawers!
/Terry Pratchett
- Comment on Dnd Terrain pieces 1 month ago:
Nice paint scheme. Acrylics?
- Comment on What do you create? 2 months ago:
Free RPG content, which I’d be happy to share with you:
- Comment on Has Fast Food Gotten Worse, or Am I Just Getting Old? 2 months ago:
My wife, a keen gardener of heirloom tomatoes, says it’s because the varieties that sell commercially are bred for long shelf-life and nothing else.
- Comment on What do you like/dislike about lemmy? 2 months ago:
Okay, now explain to me which is the best Star Trek captain and why anyone who disagrees needs to die by cheesegrater in a three-day ordeal.
- Comment on What do you like/dislike about lemmy? 2 months ago:
Some people here take themselves way too seriously. Not every conversation needs to be an argument.
- Comment on Why don't we just gather up all the ocean's trash and all the nonrecyclables, put them in a rocket, and launch it into the sun? 2 months ago:
It costs about $10,000 US to get a kilo of payload as far as Low Earth Orbit. I’m not sure this is going to scale up.
- Comment on Metal is plastic. 2 months ago:
In my country we refer to gravel roads as metalled roads, for no reason I can explain.
- Comment on Veganism is pro-fossil fuel 2 months ago:
Since you’ve already decided how my part of the discussion is going to go, you may as well go ahead and hold it without me.
- Comment on Veganism is pro-fossil fuel 3 months ago:
Turnabout is fair play, surely?
- Comment on Is it normal to feel tired of technological progress? 3 months ago:
I think technology’s great, but the way people have chosen to use it is occasionally awful.
- Comment on People assume that the secrets of the universe will be revealed to them in an afterlife, but you might just remain your same dumb self and have to spend eternity going to church. 3 months ago:
People assume the universe has secrets. People assume the secrets are worth knowing. People assume the secrets can be understood without an advanced education in cosmology.
- Comment on What do you call your first cousin's child? 3 months ago:
I have several first cousins I’d like to have removed. But I’ve always known their kids as my second cousins.
- Comment on The popularity of Minecraft has probably led some children to believe you can swim up waterfalls 3 months ago:
*While carrying 64 1m x 1m x 1m cubic blocks of stone in your hand.
- Comment on quantum mechanics 3 months ago:
Schrödinger was responsible for so much good work in science, but all we remember him for is his cruelty to animals. :(
- Comment on How do our brains process reality? I heard our eyes were just low-res cameras and our brains were doing all the heavy lifting in 'rendering' reality. 3 months ago:
Here’s an interesting related factoid - your eyes are constantly making tiny micromovements called saccades. During these movements, you don’t received any visual information. Your actual view of the world comes in stuttering fits and starts. You don’t notice this because your brain literally invents what you think you’re seeing during saccades. It’s good enough not to get you weeded out of the gene pool.
- Comment on The 42 year old new hire at your job confesses to you that he has had 48 different jobs in his life. What is your opinion on that? 3 months ago:
That’s going to depend a lot on context. Did he travel the world for five years, working a different temporary job at each stop? Or did he repeatedly get fired for pissing in the boss’ in-tray?
- Comment on When we started burning coal it was called the industrial revolution. Was there a name when we started burning oil? The car revolution? 4 months ago:
You’re not wrong, but your response doesn’t contribute much to answering the question.
- Comment on Would it be weird if I took something my neighbor put out for trash? 4 months ago:
It wouldn’t be weird, but talk to your neighbour first.
- Comment on The three little pigs is actually just the aristocracy blaming the poor for their problems 4 months ago:
Ever worry that you might be reading things into a text that just aren’t there?
- Comment on What interesting things can I do with my home WiFi network? 4 months ago:
Oh god, Net Send.
At one point it was my job to track down and upgrade old PCs that had been moved by users. To my delight, I found that Net Send was enabled on all the org’s devices. I had the bright idea to use it to pop up a message on the affected PCs asking them to call me and provide a location. I copied a script from an old website and modified it to work with a list of hostnames. It, uh, worked - but while I was testing my script I ran it without commenting out the line that sent the message to all devices on the subdomain.
I turned my phone off for the rest of the day.
- Comment on Have you shared your own posts from platforms like this (or Mastodon) with others you know offline (besides your partner)? 4 months ago:
No, but it wouldn’t bother me if people I know IRL see them and recognise me. It’s happened a couple of times before (on Reddit).
- Comment on how do I accept that a doctor earns more than double what I do? 4 months ago:
I believe he also had to go through the hell that is residency, I didn’t believe nurses do.
Nursing education never ends. All the nurses I know are a bit loopy from the constant need to retrain and recertify.
- Comment on Would a surgical puncture to the skull relieve a pressure headache? 5 months ago:
The thing all those patients have in common is that they are dead.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
Anyone with cold symptoms will be propelled away from you at speeds high enough to fracture human bones. Carefully consider how you’ll use this power.
- Comment on Who/what are racists according to UK protests? Why are they protesting? 5 months ago:
Outnumber a fascist ten to one and he tends to remember his manners.
- Comment on The rat race, society, the world has gotten so ridiculous that my "Last Man on Earth" fantasies have been replaced by "Only Man on Another Planet" fantasies. 5 months ago:
This is why I love Minecraft so much. Single-player rules.
- Comment on There should be a semicolon punctuation for exclamation and question marks. 5 months ago:
You just said you were handwriting.
- Comment on There should be a semicolon punctuation for exclamation and question marks. 5 months ago:
That’s when you underline.