- Comment on No Frills PCB Brings USB-C Power To The Breadboard 1 month ago:
That is a bit more expensive and complex. Looks like this is configured with a couple of resistors for 5v from USB which is simple to get and a voltage reg to drop down to 3v3 optionally. Full PD requires a chip and active negotiation for higher voltage levels. Though there are chips that do that it does increase the complexity and cost and soldering skills a bit. Might not be worth it if all you work on is 5v or 3v3.
- Comment on Figuring Out The Most Efficient Way To Reuse Bags Of Desiccant 4 months ago:
but doesn’t damages dessicant.
As quickly*
Some damage still occurs.
- Comment on Recommendations other than Bambu and Prusa? 5 months ago:
Or the RFID chips on their spools.
They do quite a lot of things that are fine atm but are gateways to giving them a huge amount of control if they every want to flip that switch - like if they get brought out or their investors start wanting to squeezing them for all they are worth.
- Comment on Recommendations other than Bambu and Prusa? 5 months ago:
Sovol V8 is a nice printer, especially for its price. Based on the voran v2.4 but pre-assembled.
- Comment on Arch Linux and Valve Collaboration 5 months ago:
Probably nothing. This is more steamdeck related stuff since the steamos is based on ArchLinux.
- Comment on Arch Linux and Valve Collaboration 5 months ago:
Arch normally immediately updates to the latest version of every program
This is not true though. Arch packages new program versions as soon as they can - for popular stuff this happens quickly but not everything updates quickly. And when they do publish a new package it goes to the testing repo for a short time before being promoted to the stable repos. If there is a problem with the package that they notice it will be held back until it can be solved. There is not a huge amount of testing that is done here as that is very time consuming and Arch do not have enough man power for this. But they also do not release much broken things at all. I have seen other distros like ubuntu cause far more havoc with a broken update then Arch ever has.
- Comment on When we started burning coal it was called the industrial revolution. Was there a name when we started burning oil? The car revolution? 5 months ago:
We burned wood. Then we burned coal. Then we burned oil. Then we burned atoms.
That is not a useful way of thinking of things. We have been burning oil and coal for a very very long time. Coal has been used in smiths to forge metal and oil to light lamps for 1000s of years.
It is not what we burnt that changed, it is what we did with the energy that changed things. Aka the steam engine was the real keystone technology in the industrial revolution. It was not the burning of oil that changed anything - but the internal combustion engine being put into cars.
- Comment on Does leaving a single board computer caseless can be a problem or not? 5 months ago:
You might do damage. Though that is very hard to actually do and quite rare in practice.
- Comment on When we started burning coal it was called the industrial revolution. Was there a name when we started burning oil? The car revolution? 5 months ago:
I don’t think it was burning coal that started the industrial revolution. We had been burning coal and oil for far longer. If anything it was the steam engine. And the internal combustion engine was still part of the industrial revolution. Though the development of cars lead to the automotive era.
- Comment on Rockstar Games DDoSed Heavily By Players Protesting New AntiCheat Code 5 months ago:
The devs from ΔV: Rings of Saturn give a completely different story. Yeah, most bug reports come from Linux - but platform specific ones a vanishingly rare:…/despite_having_just_58_sales_over_38…
Do you know how many of these 400 bug reports were actually platform-specific? 3. Literally only 3 things were problems that came out just on Linux. The rest of them were affecting everyone - the thing is, the Linux community is exceptionally well trained in reporting bugs. That is just the open-source way. This 5.8% of players found 38% of all the bugs that affected everyone. Just like having your own 700-person strong QA team. That was not 38% extra work for me, that was just free QA!
Not to mention the quality of the reports from the Linux users was vastly more details and useful to them.
- Comment on Would you consider making a sandwich to be "cooking?" 5 months ago:
I mean more general than heat with a stove. Not as is every form of meal preparation.
But yes. I would cook a salad - stir frys are basically just cooked salads with some rice or noodles. I would not consider tossing some raw ingredients together cooking though.
- Comment on Would you consider making a sandwich to be "cooking?" 5 months ago:
I see cooking as a more general term. Both baking and grilling are forms of cooking. You can also roast and grill things in the oven. Cooking on a stove also has different specific terms, boiling, simmering, frying etc.
- Comment on Researchers develop lithium-sulfur battery that can be cut, folded - Energy Storage 5 months ago:
One of the fabricated battery pouch cells was even able to work after being folded and cut off. “That proves its high safety for practical application,” the researchers emphasized.
If you can cut it in half and it still works I doubt piercing it will do much.
- Comment on Do lesbians like boobs as much as straight guys? 5 months ago:
I believe that either gender has a genetic disposition towards the feminine form.
I am not sure you can conclude that. Environmental factors likely play a large role here as well as genetic factors. I feel we tend to idolize and sexualize the female form far more then the male form these days. But if you look back and different cultures that did the same with the male form I suspect you would see an opposite trend to both genders preferring the male form more often.
- Comment on UK's first 'teacherless' AI classroom set to open in London 5 months ago:
There is probably a forced arbitration clause and class action waver in the TOS…
- Comment on Are LLMs capable of writing *good* code? 6 months ago:
They can write good short bits of code. But they also often produce bad and even incorrect code. I find it more effort to read and debug its code then just writing it myself to begin with the vast majority of the time and find overall it just wastes more of my time overall.
- Comment on With the amount of microplastics we're carrying around in pretty much every tissue in our bodies, is our weight measurably different as a result? 6 months ago:
Huh? Logic is only valid if the assumptions it is made under are also valid. That is how logic works. You cannot draw a conclusion for something based off a faulty assumption. And while I do not know if your is true or not I don’t see good reason to consider it a good assumption to make and can easily see if being a false assumption here. Which makes your arguments hard to rely on without more proof that your assumptions do hold ground.
- Comment on With the amount of microplastics we're carrying around in pretty much every tissue in our bodies, is our weight measurably different as a result? 6 months ago:
Your brain is not rigid though - it can collect fluids and swell a tiny bit. Which essentially increases pressure inside it and if happens too much can be fatal. But that means you can squish a little bit more into without replacing mass - at least for a little while. Bones also regrow constantly, and with genital pressure and a lot of time you can reshape them.
I always assume that the microplastic is replacing body mass.
I dont think this is a valid assumption to make. I would see it more as your body working around the microplastics to do what it needs to do as best it can it does not have some limit as to the amount of mass it can use at any one point.
- Comment on With the amount of microplastics we're carrying around in pretty much every tissue in our bodies, is our weight measurably different as a result? 6 months ago:
This logic is flawed. If you stand on some scales and pick up a credit card, the scale will measure you are one credit card heavier. You don’t get lighter by adding mass (at least when that mass is also denser then air). And what evidence is there that this plastic in our bodies is additional mass or replaced mass? That is the assumption your logic is based on.
- Comment on I've finally done it, a perfect first layer in progress 6 months ago:
You also don’t celebrate when you are near to the finish line. The number of videos of athletes starting to celebrate near the finish line and then getting passed by the guy in second is just astonishing.
- Comment on Do you think the Creality K2 Plus is worth waiting for? 6 months ago:
You might want to check out the sovol V8 that came out not too long ago. It is based on the voran v2.4 but comes mostly prebuilt with mass manufactured parts to lower cost. But still holds true to the open nature of the voran.
Only down side is it does not have an automatic filiment changer though I don’t really care for that feature.
- Comment on How exactly does one eat 1500 calories a day? 6 months ago:
While being accurate about it is hard outside the lab it is very easy to tell where you are on the balance and how much out you are. Just count the calories you consume and weight yourself regularly. If you are gaining weight then you are eating too much, so lower the number of calories you are consuming, if you are losing weight then you are eating less than you are burning. If you weight remains stable then you are in balance. And the amount you are gaining/losing tells you how much of a surplus or deficit you are in.
Over time you can then change the amount you eat by I few hundred calories at a time and you will see yourself move on that balance point. If anything else changes but your intake remains the same then it is likely your calories out that has changed. But even if technically you are digesting less for some reason it does not really matter - the bigger/easier leaver you have to pull is the number you are eating.
Because you are measuring the final output - your weight - it is fairly accurate over time and helps you track actual progress. There is no need to get super accurate about how much your body adobes, shits out or you burn off at rest or through exercise - those might be important in the lab but in real life the far easier to measure weight and how much you are eating is more important.
- Comment on How exactly does one eat 1500 calories a day? 6 months ago:
You cannot accurately measure just that. But measuring calories you eat is a good enough approximation to help you control how much you eat. You can estimate you calories out by your weight, if you are gaining weight you are eating (and adsorbing) more then you are using, if you are losing weight then you are eating less - and that is the most important part.
There is also water weight to account for, but realistically there is an upper and lower bound to that and over several weeks you can get a pretty good idea for what level of calories you ingest leads to weight gain or loss. And if that changes for any reason you can adjust the amount you eat in correspondence. We are just looking for averages over time and the overall balance here, no need to be super accurate with exactly what you adsorb and what you have accurately used during an exercise. I never even measure calories burnt as it does not give much value vs just weighting your self over time.
- Comment on How exactly does one eat 1500 calories a day? 6 months ago:
While strictly speaking calories in < calories out is the most important factor in weight loss, what you eat can drastically affect your hunger and thus indirectly affect your calories in - or at least make you far more miserable in sticking to lower calories. Eating more protein can help but I also find blander food helps as well - which typically means avoiding sugars and sweet foods. You are going to find it extremely hard to stick to a calorie limit eating nothing bot oreos and hostess snack cakes.
- Comment on Why do people complain about multiple streaming platforms existing? 6 months ago:
I dont think multiple streaming platforms is a problem. The problem is exclusivity. I dont want to pay for every subscription service to watch popular things. I wont to watch any show I want on one platform that I choose. Much like I do for music. But no, with TV shows everyone has their own walled garden of exclusives. Fuck that.
- Comment on Google Says Sorry After Passwords Vanish For 15 Million Windows Users. 7 months ago:
You can have backups of physical books. Just copy the text from one to the other. Yeah it is manual work but so is writing the first one in the first place. You can then store the second copy in a fire resistant safe or at a friends or family members house (maybe inside a safe as well).
- Comment on What is the recommended way to bond a resin-printed part to a PLA part? 7 months ago:
I just gotta figure out how you subtract material and it increases surface area.
Say you have a smooth shape like: ███ That has a nice and simple area and surface area. But if you take a chunk out of it: █▂█ you now have less area, but surface area is the same plus those two new vertical walls - so it has increased. That is basically what roughing up the surface does. Might also do some deformation and add some peaks as well though far less than the material removed.
This all leads into the coastline paradox and fractal patterns which show that you can have a finite volume surrounded by an infinite surface area. Here are some interesting videos on the topic:
- Comment on What is the recommended way to bond a resin-printed part to a PLA part? 7 months ago:
Perhaps the roughing up of the area permits for micro-gaps which allow for the two to better stick?
I think it is more to do with increased surface area - more molecules of the glue are in contact with the part.
- Comment on Inside Labour's plan to build 'mini' nuclear reactors around UK 7 months ago:
Where did you get that from? suggests the opposite:
$2,000 to $6,000 per kilowatt for SMR vs $4,000 to $9,000 per kiliwatt for large scale ones.
Plus they don’t take 10+ years to build, and each one is not a bespoke construction leading to better scalability as the more you can build the cheaper things become.
- Comment on To what extent, if at all, would have CrowdStrike's faulty update have been made easier to deal with with an immutable distro? 7 months ago:
Ideally yes. All core files would be handled by nixos. Except I doubt that is how crowedstrike would work on nixos if it existed on nixos.
Crowedstrikes downloads and manages it own definition file that gets updated multiple times per day. It is this file that was malformed causing the driver to break. This needs to be updated regularly, more then other packages and so would very likely not be something managed by nix package manager but more treated as application data and outside the scope of the nix package manager.
This is how updates to steam and discord are handled in nixos. Only the core updater is packaged and the rest of the application is self managed. So there is a precedence for this behaviour on nixos (although these won’t break your system if a bad update happens as the files are in your user dir).