Find the design on Printables: Wedge Laptop-stand by impulse1delta
You’ve created a simple laptop bending device. I would add a LOT more support to both areas where it contacts.
Submitted 7 months ago by to
Find the design on Printables: Wedge Laptop-stand by impulse1delta
You’ve created a simple laptop bending device. I would add a LOT more support to both areas where it contacts.
Hello, Many of you are concern this stand could damage the laptop by bending it with the leverage force. It’s true that I didn’t consider this case when I designed it 🤔
While trying it out, I didn’t feel like it would damage the laptop, unless something catastrophic would happened like an heavy object or a pet dropping on it, but it is a legitimate concern ! I might reconsider using it… I was wondering why this type of stand is common for phones but inexistant for laptops, well now I understand !
Thank you all for the constructive feedback !
I think you could keep the basic design but add a pillar to support the back edge at the mid point and substantially reduce the risk.
Yes, I am thinking about something like that now. I will try to come up with a solution that still allows to be easy to print all in one batch.
I like to hold my laptop at exactly those points where your design holds them and I suspect that that is the reason why my laptop is bent now. I hold it like that whenever I move it so not for long durations but frequently. I’d definitely recommend against doing it for longer durations.
My cat will take it as personal challenge to break it
this hurts me emotionally because it puts that machine at so much risk . terrible idea
I don’t like this at all. All the force of typing going into bending the front edge of the laptop. I know from my Framework that holding it by the front corner causes enough deflection that the touchpad no longer can be clicked so even more force causes concerns about damage.
I agree with the other comments. Yet, it’s a really nice design. What software do you use ?
So, this is what people meant, when they’ve called for 3D printing regulations!
I used to run tech support for a middle school and that’s exactly how the kids used to hold the laptops and the Chromebooks. I’d frequently warn kids not to do it, but sure enough…
One day, you’ll hear a tiny crack, a concerning click, or a new creak and you’ll notice some of your keys don’t work anymore.
And then it’s just downhill from there
Can anyone explain to me the use cases and benefits of these types of stands that hold laptops at an angle?
I think it’s so you can set it on a desk, have the screen at eye level while using a connected keyboard and mouse.
This is precisely, and solely, why I use it at a sit-stand workstation, yeah.
When using the laptop as a second monitor and keeping it at the same height as the external monitor
So if you have a 2016-2019 Macbook you can speed run destroying the video cable.
Everyone worried about the bending force, the retaining slots will tear out and drop the damn thing on the desk well before it bends. 7 months ago
It makes me feel uncomfortable to see the entire weight of the laptop held by just the bottom of the device. I assume it won’t damage it? But I still personally am not a fan of not having the whole device supported 7 months ago
The chassis/case is definitely not designed for that kind of load for extended periods of time. 7 months ago
Especially when it’s running hot… extended heat and bending forces just makes me nervous.
I love the concept though and doing something like this on the back hinge in a scenario where it’s docked but allowing it to be slight open like a clamshell would be cool.
You could more easily vent the heat, the “back” the laptop is pretty resilient as long as you’re sharing the weight with the bottom and top (not just the hinges) 7 months ago
I’d be worried about something (perhaps unintentionally) applying torque at the top of the device. 7 months ago
That too - any pressure will cause the whole thing to bend 7 months ago
It’s worrying for sure, but I think the PLA might give up earlier than the chassis. That said - you never know, it might still bend the laptop. 7 months ago
Even if it doesn’t permanently bend the chassis or break it, the chassis might flex enough that you’d get some damage to the electronics.