Creating mediocre at best memes and comments since 2023.
If not marked otherwise, everything I post is OC.
Website: FQQD.de
For my posts prior to 14th of January 2024, visit /u/FQQD@feddit.de (If the instance still works)
- Comment on Fruit 2 days ago:
Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW
- Comment on Turn left in 300 m 2 weeks ago:
I appreciate it :)
- Comment on Turn left in 300 m 2 weeks ago:
I made one a long time ago, sadly it’s not as active as I thought
- Comment on Work place horror 2 weeks ago:
Your phone has speakers in them for a reason 🙄
- Comment on Nice try fed 2 weeks ago:
seems like a nice guy
- Comment on imagine how romantic it would be for your friend to sing a poem they wrote about you during national TV? 2 weeks ago:
Username doesn’t check out
- Comment on The internet...was certainly something lmao 3 weeks ago:
those who know
- Comment on Someone should research, why older people struggle to identity whose phone is ringing, if it's their own. Even if no one else in their social circle is using the same ringtone. 3 weeks ago:
Yes it is :)
- Comment on Someone should research, why older people struggle to identity whose phone is ringing, if it's their own. Even if no one else in their social circle is using the same ringtone. 3 weeks ago:
Pronunciation is a big one - they often struggle with the “r”, and sounds like “ch”. Also, instead of “the”, German has “der”, “die” and “das” with no obvious structure when you should use which, so people fail to say the correct one.
- Comment on Someone should research, why older people struggle to identity whose phone is ringing, if it's their own. Even if no one else in their social circle is using the same ringtone. 3 weeks ago:
All good, it’s German. We have terrible comma usage
- Comment on Someone should research, why older people struggle to identity whose phone is ringing, if it's their own. Even if no one else in their social circle is using the same ringtone. 3 weeks ago:
Idk man, I’m not a native English speaker
- Submitted 3 weeks ago to showerthoughts@lemmy.world | 18 comments
- Comment on This still doesn't look like Steve Harvey 3 weeks ago:
You tried your best. Maybe you’ll get it right next time. Practice makes perfect
- Comment on Uncanny sandwich 2 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Uncanny sandwich 2 3 weeks ago:
Yes, you are.
- Submitted 3 weeks ago to [deleted] | 16 comments
- Submitted 3 months ago to showerthoughts@lemmy.world | 20 comments
- Comment on Read-onlys are cancer. Post stuff you want to see. 3 months ago:
username checks out
- Comment on Stop whining. Do it yourself. 3 months ago:
And still, the community I started ( !dontdeadopeninside@lemmy.ohaa.xyz ) somewhat exists alongside it. Although Im afraid you’ve won.
- Comment on Read-onlys are cancer. Post stuff you want to see. 3 months ago:
- Comment on Stop whining. Do it yourself. 3 months ago:
Can recommend. Sometimes it does really well, sometimes it doesn’t. Its worth a try anytime anyways
- Comment on Who all wants a silent spring? 4 months ago:
The bees are fine, the wasps are shitty. Especially if you’re allergic to their stings.
- Comment on Designed this simple and easy to print cable holder 4 months ago:
But then 3d printer owners don’t feel like their investment has a purpose
- Comment on Marble machine that displays pixel art by Engineezy 4 months ago:
I know that there’s that other marble clock guy with the heave accent, who’s currently making the second part of it
- Comment on I have the weirdest aesthetic preferences 4 months ago:
It’s the same with text.
- Comment on Legendary gamer gear. 4 months ago:
Maybe they should actually make gamer branded hygiene products.
- Comment on Beans 5 months ago:
- Comment on Let's Argue! 5 months ago:
I doubt this will end well xd
- Comment on Dress mess 6 months ago:
they sure are
- Comment on And stupid me always taught that injecting yourself with radioactive donuts causes cancer 6 months ago:
why is California the only state that knows about cancer?