He (or she) could actually be attractive with some simple changes.
- Ditch the nerdy glasses, not working for their face. Contacts are cheap enough and switching back and forth with glasses changes your look, very cute.
- Get a decent hair cut that suits them. Find a stylish people like and go there. Gay dude at Walmart used to cut me, damn I looked good. If you’re a man, find a gay stylist, best ever. (He moved. Stylists are like gypsies, gotta get their personal card and follow 'em around.)
- Dress nicely. And dressing nice costs almost zero money. Stunning what you can find at the thrift once you land on a style that’s attractive on you. I make plenty, but I still mostly dress out of thrift stores. Got a nice collection of watches for example. Got a sack of cool ones for $1 at a roadside thrift. A couple of $.75 batteries and some polish, nice.
Probably lots of others easy/cheap things. My dentist made mouth molds for tooth whitener. $80 for molds that last forever, buy the cheap refills on Amazon. Done. And what a dramatic difference two treatments makes.
The nose is a little much, but work with it. I started parting my bowl-cut hair in 8th grade. Read that dudes with a big snoz shouldn’t do that, part on the side. Stuff like that.
They’re not fat, so there’s not that to overcome. Nice chin and hands, smile and mouth. Take his/her ass outside and move around. A little color and muscle tone is easy with quick results.
tl;dr: I’ve rarely seen a truly ugly person. Almost everyone can be at least modestly attractive, easily and cheaply.
9point6@lemmy.world 8 months ago
I wish there was a Google translate for memes
Got no idea what’s going on here
egeres@lemmy.world 8 months ago
Left side: Black mirror S01E02 “fifteen million merits” . A guy tries to “break the system” but this backfires and his critic that was supposed to change people’s minds is absorbed by it and turned into an entertainment product
Right side: “Being ugly : My Experience” A youtube video of a guy explaining his experience being ugly
Devorlon@lemmy.zip 8 months ago
Thanks Peter!
Katana314@lemmy.world 8 months ago
Time to make a video complaining that no one has ever granted me the ability to turn water into vodka.
200ok@lemmy.world 8 months ago
bibliotectress@lemmy.world 8 months ago
Wow! Thanks for the explanation! That’s a really great meme that went completely over my head.
Kidplayer_666@lemm.ee 8 months ago
Left panels are regarding Black mirror, where the guy becomes famous by ranting about the system and threatning to kill himself if his life didn’t get meaning. Ended up becoming the meaningless entertainment himself in exchange for more money and better living
toofpic@lemmy.world 8 months ago
My guess is that after he posted the video, a pretty (I dunno by what exact standards, but she does look good in my opinion) girl contacted him:
The left half of the picture - no idea, but it looks like some movie reference related to overcoming shit and shit