This reminds me I need to clean my PC’s fan filter
Wave Particle Duality
Submitted 10 months ago by to
Comments 10 months ago 10 months ago
It do be like this sometimes ngl lol 10 months ago
You make it look like an innocent peek changes the outcome. In reality you “look” by shooting lasers perpendicular to the plane and observe the electron photon scattering. I wonder if your path changes if I shoot military-grade lasers in your direction. 10 months ago
This is the reason I never understood it at first. People tell you about it, but tend to leave out the key part to actually understanding it. I don’t get it 10 months ago
But aren’t the lasers already being fired regardless if you’re looking or not 10 months ago
This is such a mindfuck, the implications are really weird, like WTF is this universe actually made of? 10 months ago
This is not how the double slit experiment works though. “Observe”, in quantum physics should be read as “interacts with a thing”, it doesn’t require a conscious observer. 10 months ago
No. If that was how it worked it would be impossible to perform the double slit experiment with anything larger than a single fundamental particle, but that is demonstrably not the case. It would also be impossible to perform it in a gravitational field - or any field, for that matter.
The truth is that you cannot talk about what the double slit experiment ‘means’ without going into discussion of interpretations of quantum mechanics. 10 months ago
Waves 10 months ago
Can someone explain please? We had this in school, but my friend here forgot what this was about. 10 months ago
It’s the Young’s double slit experiment. It proves that light (or electrons, or even small bacteria) is both a particle and a wave.
There is a quirk of quantum mechanics. When you observe a system, you fundamentally change it. In scientific terms “observe” has a very different meaning to layman usage. This leads to a lot of woo around the topic. In practice, observing is measuring. In quantum mechanics, the measurement system is of the same scale as the system being measured.
Imagine observing a good train, by bouncing BB bullets off it with a gun. That is classical measurement. You can assume the BBs had no effect on the train.
Now imagine the same measurement. However you are measuring how a bunch of glass playing cards are balanced in a house of cards. You can tell a lot still, but the BBs will smash it up doing so. This is quantum measurements.
In the first, the observer is independent of the system. In the second, the observer is a fundamental part of the system, and so can change its way of functioning. 10 months ago
Another classic case of “Scientists are bad at naming things”
Some people will spend their entire lives thinking math is stupid because of imaginary numbers.
Thinking that electrons behave differently when you “look” at them.
Think that radio towers and microwaves cause cancer because they emit radiation
Many of these are failures of the education system and to be fair scientists don’t have the power of hindsight. Still it annoys me how inefficient it is having these names 10 months ago
The problem with how you are describing it is that its not that the mechanics of measurement are necessarily causing collapse as if you end up erasing the persistent information about the measurement it reverses the collapse, such as if you add a polarizer to the other slit as well or add a polarizer downstream that untags the initial measurement.
So in your example, if you simultaneously shoot a bunch of BBs at empty space next to the pile of glass cards where they could have been, or discard the BBs which reflected measuring the cards in the first place, suddenly the pile of glass cards reassemble themselves.
Attempts to try and dismiss the ‘weirdness’ of the measurement problem or QM behavior IMO ultimately do the reader more of a disservice than a service. 10 months ago
Particles act different when you aren’t looking. 10 months ago
But Why? What should I Google to find Infos about it? 10 months ago
When the wall socket is just out of reach in the dark 10 months ago
This is an old one, but it makes me happy every single time. 10 months ago
repost 10 months ago
Wave Particle Reality=The Flash 10 months ago
This is a wonderful post. 10 months ago
Electron while you look: 😑
When you don’t look: Image 10 months ago
And now I’m imagining the boos from Mario. 🤪 10 months ago
Now that is some MSN emoji shit I can get behind. Do I even dare ask how it’s done?