- Comment on Dogs may have domesticated themselves because they really liked snacks, model suggests 3 days ago:
I won’t claim it’s a good show, but I love Krapopolis!
And it’s Richard Ayoade, for reference.
- Comment on Regeneration from the commerical seed bank 3 days ago:
I don’t have any strong feelings about fast food pizza, but two houses ago I lived on a street with lots of little kids. Once one of those kids, I suspect, had heard his parents talking about Pizza Hut and immediately started riding his bike in front of the house, shouting “Pizza Hut is NAAAASTY! Pizza Hut is NAAAASTY!”
So now any time my wife and I consider Pizza Hut (it’s the only option of its kind around here), we have to remind each other of that kid’s opinion of it.
- Comment on that's a cute name 3 days ago:
That’s very cute.
My cat is stripy and, shortly before I got her, I got a giant tattoo of a labyrinth on my back. I decided to call her Maze (because “Labyrinth” seemed too long) so we shared a similarity.
For reasons unrelated to her physical characteristics, I named my other cat Hex, short for Hexadecimal. A bit after I got Hex, I started to date a Wiccan girl; I told her what Hex meant, but she chose to believe otherwise.
- Comment on Maybe tomorrow 3 days ago:
One of the more delicious easy homemade meals I can recall was pasta and peas with a poached egg on top.
- Comment on Stop touching your stuff! 3 days ago:
Hopefully it doesn’t take more than four hours to ascend.
- Comment on Childhood memories 4 days ago:
I have no clue regarding your question, but having a shit cube seems like a good reason to apply the poop knife.
- Comment on me want cookie 5 days ago:
According to a combination of webpages, geodes can take anywhere from thousand to millions of years to form … So you’re right, this new isn’t just old, it’s geological.
- Comment on ‘The tyranny of apps’: those without smartphones are unfairly penalised, say campaigners 5 days ago:
All good. Hope you have a great day!
- Comment on ‘The tyranny of apps’: those without smartphones are unfairly penalised, say campaigners 5 days ago:
The OC said in a different comment that you must be on the college network to set it up.
You don’t need to tag me, by the way; I get a notification if someone responds to me directly.
- Comment on ‘The tyranny of apps’: those without smartphones are unfairly penalised, say campaigners 5 days ago:
Ah, that does complicate matters. Good luck.
- Comment on ‘The tyranny of apps’: those without smartphones are unfairly penalised, say campaigners 5 days ago:
You could install an android emulator on your personal computer then run the authenticator from there.
- Comment on Always fascinating to learn how things were invented 5 days ago:
I was wondering whether the original post was intentionally referencing this.
- Comment on let's goooooo 5 days ago:
- Comment on Washington DC to be renamed to St Donaldsburg 1 week ago:
Lumpy Space Princess?
- Comment on place yer bets 1 week ago:
Some examples of very enjoyable related media that are not Don’t Look Up include The Last Policeman book trilogy and the Netflix animated series Carol & the End of the World.
(There’s nothing wrong with Don’t Look Up, but it’s the only recommendation I ever see.)
- Comment on Hell nah brah 1 week ago:
If not in person, I prefer asynchronous conversation. It doesn’t require my constant full attention, so if I’m working or something I can still engage; and if it’s any kind of serious conversation (whether emotional or just reasoning out something complex), I can take my time to think about an answer to ensure I provide a complete and accurate (to the best of my ability) thought.
That said, no one ever seems to respond to texts, even if they started the conversation. It’s a lot harder to do that in a voiced conversation.
- Comment on The science speaks for itself 1 week ago:
Assuming it’s not a bit, good luck at your interview. I believe in you!
- Comment on Why hasn't the deep state stopped trump? 1 week ago:
[…/5dc3c779480fef4314821daedd1e55c0.j…](Simpsons lawyer business card)
- Comment on In a last-minute decision, White House decides not to terminate NASA employees 1 week ago:
That’s the exact opposite of what NASA wants!
- Comment on I'm doing my part! 1 week ago:
According to American Dad! widespread continued use would have gotten us the blorfer.
- Comment on For those of us that can spot the URL for "Never Gonna Give You Up" at a glance, we are getting rickrolled without ever clicking the link. 1 week ago:
Don’t have to recognize the whole URL. XcQ, link stays blue.
Never understood the joke anyway, though.
- Comment on why do people say annoying/rude stuff and then tell you “it was a joke!” 1 week ago:
And also is still writing books! I think it came before Jam, but Mogworld is a great one.
An interesting but largely unrelated aside: he’s also the one who climbed the term “PC Master Race,” apparently.
- Comment on why do people say annoying/rude stuff and then tell you “it was a joke!” 1 week ago:
You’re fortunate. I had a friend who was similar, but rather than verbal, his jokes generally involved intentionally acting in a way he knew you found annoying. I once told him that being annoying was, in fact, annoying and not amusing. He said “sorry I upset you. I’ll probably keep doing it though.” I said that that wasn’t what sorry meant … He didn’t respond and did, indeed, keep doing it.
He and I have both grown up a lot since then. I don’t see him often, but I don’t think he’s intentionally annoying anymore.
- Comment on Do snakes prefer to drink warm or cool water? 1 week ago:
Are you sure? Maybe you should reconsider.
- Comment on YSK there's a web page where the defense team of Luigi Mangione shares updates about his case and dispels misinformation. 1 week ago:
For reference, I’m not the original commenter, I was just answering the follow-up query.
- Comment on YSK there's a web page where the defense team of Luigi Mangione shares updates about his case and dispels misinformation. 1 week ago:
Happy to be of service!
I don’t really like saying “the Lemmy equivalent of Reddit X,” but accurate or not, it is the easiest way to convey the concept to an erstwhile redditor. If they fit in here, they’ll stick around and learn the terms and community. If not, they haven’t lost anything.
(I’m very much not a Fediverse authority or expert in any way. I just occasionally know things and have a burning desire to help when I can.)
- Comment on YSK there's a web page where the defense team of Luigi Mangione shares updates about his case and dispels misinformation. 1 week ago:
Community. The Lemmy equivalent of subreddit.
- Comment on Discord introduces a feature that lets you quietly ignore users without them knowing 2 weeks ago:
I’ve been blocked a time or two on discord. I don’t remember the exact message, but it matched what you would see if you tried to message or add a user who didn’t exist. I could tell from context that it was a block, but if it hadn’t have happened mid conversation I would have thought I got the username wrong or something.
I haven’t been blocked in quite a while, so this may no longer be accurate.
- Comment on Eatin’ on the roof 2 weeks ago:
You’re not even gonna try this?
- Comment on PSN Is Still Down After 14 Hours And No One Knows Why 2 weeks ago:
This was back in 2006 or so. I don’t recall if 4G was around then, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t available as an internet provider. If it was, I wasn’t aware.
I’m pretty happy with my current internet solution, but I’ll keep your suggestion in mind. Thank you!