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Comment on What is the better game...The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time or Final Fantasy VII? 6 months ago
FF9 was better than 7.
I know, you guys hate me now. 6 months ago 6 months ago
Thank fuck for that 6 months ago
I hadn’t played that one yet. 6 months ago
I’m here to add my opinion that FF9 is superior to FF7.
In general, I prefer when your characters have set classes. It feels like it lets the characters have more fleshed-out personalities.
Without spoiling anything, it allows you to tell story through the medium. Have a character who spent his whole life in one class, relying on specific skills, and he maybe goes through a huge fight to signify that he’s changed for the better? Congrats. You have a class change! Now you’re a level nothing!
Maybe someone traumatizes a caster, and now they can’t concentrate, giving them a chance to fail their spells! 6 months ago
If you can, I would like to recommend that you do. 6 months ago
I don’t. 6 months ago
Comrade! There are DOZENS of us! 6 months ago
Any reasons why? Seriously asking because I had a hell of a time getting into FF9 for some reason, to the point where I actually never finished it.
I’m leagues older now and, hey, maybe I can go back and appreciate it differently…who knows. 6 months ago
I love a lot about IX. However the combat is much slower than the other games. IIRC, an attack has to complete entirely and the character returns before the next character goes. While in VIII, the next queued attacker starts moving before the last one finishes their movements. Additionally, IX has 4 characters in battle. If you’re bring strategic, it can be very slow moving. Also, every boss has a valuable steal, but chances of stealing it are low. So if you take the bait, you will spend a lot of time repeatedly trying to steal. Also, your abilities are tied to your equipment unless you grind out enough points to unlock them, meaning you either keep bad equipment, upgrade and abandon abilities, or grind until the abilities are unlocked.
Also, the chibi-style art isn’t for everyone. I had more issues with 7’s style. But it’s a preference. 6 months ago
Style is probably the biggest thing IX has going for it, maybe character writing. The main plot wasn’t gripping or novel, you’ve already touched on some gameplay missteps, and Tetra Master is garbage. 6 months ago
Tetra Master is almost a lot of fun. It just needs to turn down the RNG and not be so mysterious with digit meanings.
I liked the story. Although most of the substance is late-game, which is common for FF games. But I thought it was pretty solid.
Character writing is definitely top-tier. The style is perfect for PS1 too. I think it has aged the best of the PS1 games. 6 months ago
I played it a very long time ago, so I don’t remember specifics, but I generally just liked the story and characters better. 6 months ago
9 is one of the two I haven’t played yet. 6 months ago
Every Final Fantasy I have beaten has been better than 7. 6 months ago
I like 4,5, 9, and 12 all more than 7 as an adult.
But 7 was a cultural phenomenon, and it devoured my teenage imagination when it came out. 6 months ago
When I was a kid, I didn’t really get into RPGs until after 7 was already out. I got into Arc the Lad, Jade Cocoon, and FF8 on the PS1. When I tried to go back and play FF7, it looked so ugly, I had a hard time connecting with it.
As an adult, the story and mini-games were frustrating. The obsession with the game is annoying as well. Although it’s undeniable the impact it has had on gaming.
For the record, I’ve beaten 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 13-2, 15, 16, Crisis Core, Dissidia, Dissidia 012, Theatrhythm Final Bar Line 6 months ago
Yeah that’s basically my story, but you’ve beaten more than I have. 6 months ago
Have you not beaten 7? 6 months ago
Wow, I didn’t realize what I said was actually a paradox. lol, I’ll reword.
FF7 is the worst Final Fantasy that I’ve beaten. 6 months ago
Well now I need to know if you’ve beaten 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, or 15. Because how can any of those be better than 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 or 1?