- Comment on Harry and Ron were always bored in class because Rowling's magic system is boring as hell 2 days ago:
That guy had at least three magic systems going at once. It was a lot.
There was sympathy, which was kind of like voodoo dolls? Sygildry or something which was programming with magic runes. And Naming, which I believe was like grokking something so well you could just command it to do whatever.
- Comment on What’s an acceptable gender neutral replacement for “techbro”? 2 days ago:
“this asshole”
- Comment on How the hell is there not a Green Arrow video game? 6 days ago:
Yes! You get what I’m looking for exactly.
- Submitted 1 week ago to games@lemmy.world | 11 comments
- Comment on what was the last game you played in 2024? 2 months ago:
Guardians of the Galaxy. The gameplay could have been a bit better, but otherwise it was fantastic. Better than any of the movies except the end of 2.
- Comment on Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 3 months ago:
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
It’s one of those games I love but haven’t actually finished because I always want to try a new character. Pushing myself to stick with one to the end this time. I got the season pass 2, and there’s a recent DLC that sounds like the local equivalent of Mass Effect 3’s Citadel DLC.
- Comment on I want to feel like a bad-ass wizard 3 months ago:
DS3 and Elden ring do magic best of the Fromsoft game IMO. An MP pool works much better in an action game than the Vancian “casts per rest” of the earlier games.
- Comment on There are only two types of Bad Star Trek Episodes 4 months ago:
Where is TNG “Masks”? Sorry Brent, but that’s gonna be a skip from me every time.
- Comment on What happened to the turn based RPG and RTS genres? 5 months ago:
That’s a fair assessment. There are a ridiculous number of classes and subclasses each with their own quirks. And that’s without getting into multiclassing or Wrath’s mythic path system. I’ve definitely spent 20+ minutes leveling up before.
Do you like JRPGs? Yakuza: Like a Dragon is fairly recent and has a sequel (that I haven’t gotten to play yet). The story is NOT your typical RPG fare, it’s a modern drama about an ex-gangster trying to get back on his feet after prison. But the combat is a classic turn-based RPG and it’s fun, stylish, and just barely complex enough to stay engaging.
- Comment on What happened to the turn based RPG and RTS genres? 5 months ago:
The graphics are much simpler than BG3, but Owlcat has done some fantastic work with their Pathfinder games.
Wrath of the Righteous is much more polished and expanded than Kingmaker, but they’re both great. They both have the option to play in turn-based like BG3, or real time with pause like the old BG games.
- Comment on Pager sales are probably really, really down right now, even for pagers. 5 months ago:
Big Bob Pataki in shambles rn
- Comment on Kotaku being Kotaku 5 months ago:
Children deserve better movies than this soulless green-screened cash grab.
They also deserve better games than Minecraft IMO, but that’s a different conversation.
- Comment on What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from? 6 months ago:
Twisted Metal: Black II please. Or even one that’s a little more of a dark comedy like TM2. I just know I hated everything after Black. (Why the fuck were we racing instead of fighting sometimes?!)
- Comment on What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from? 6 months ago:
I haven’t gotten to try it yet, but I hear Dread Delusion has a lot of Morrowind’s visual style and weirdness, if not quite the same gameplay.
- Comment on What is the better game...The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time or Final Fantasy VII? 6 months ago:
Comrade! There are DOZENS of us!
- Submitted 8 months ago to showerthoughts@lemmy.world | 5 comments
- Comment on [Meta] Did we drop the "what are you playing" monthly thread? Also, mods haven't been active for a while, should someone take over? 8 months ago:
I’m hooked on Marvel’s Midnight Suns right now. It’s a little bit XCOM, a little bit Persona, and some deckbuilding on top. Some exploration and light puzzles in the hub area between missions if you like, mostly for the friendship/lore/cosmetic stuff. Got it free from Epic last month, but I’d say it’s at least worth $25 or so if you find a sale.
- Comment on Ignoring the movies, Josie and the Pussycats were a way better cartoon band than Jem and the Holograms 9 months ago:
Neither of them compare to The Neptunes. They had a fucking shark on the drums.
- Comment on Marvels Rivals requires creators to sign a contract that removes your right to give a negative review to access the playtest 9 months ago:
This is utter hogshit, but also seems relatively easy to work around. “I am legally forbidden from sharing my opinions on the quality of Marvel Rivals.” is a pretty clear and succinct review that technically flies under their legal fuckery.
- Comment on Elon Musk’s Neuralink reports trouble with first human brain chip 9 months ago:
- Comment on PSA: Don't eat cicadas if you're allergic to shellfish... or at all 9 months ago:
And now I’m even more glad that I buy whole bean rather than ground coffee.
- Comment on Lemmy's major collective account cake days are coming up soon. 9 months ago:
You want beans? I’ll give you all the beans you can handle… Image
- Comment on Wgen you donate, do you ever think of the person that gets your blood and how high their hospital bill will be? 10 months ago:
Some generous billionaire could come along one day and pay off huge medical debts for patients, on a whim.
Go on then, pull the other one.
- Comment on Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 10 months ago:
Just picked up Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origins. Maybe 6 hours in… Never heard of it when it came out. It seems like a pretty great fusion of Nioh minus the stances, and one of the more actiony FFs so far. The story is… there. It seems to be heavily based on FF1 so far, so I’m not expecting much. The rest of the game is fun and batshit crazy enough to make up for it.
- Comment on Could be 8 dicks if you had the dudes tip to tip 10 months ago:
Ah, but what of the feet? Even if you need both feet for one job, that’s still another dick or two.
- Comment on Any good fiction/story driven books with life lessons for men in their 30's? 11 months ago:
Replay by Ken Grimwood.
A man dies in 1988 and walks back up as himself in the 60s, but with current memories.
I think people can probably take different things from this book, but one thing I got out of it was an appreciation for the fact that I very likely wouldn’t have any of the things I treasure in life, had some of my tragedies not adjusted my course.
Even if you could go back and “do things right”, you’re a different person with all your future experiences. What if in trying to fix the past, you lost something you couldn’t live without?
- Comment on True human connection 11 months ago:
Doing a number four, I see.
- Comment on cactus 11 months ago:
Faster shitting, but more to clean. Wonder if it would be more or less efficient.
- Comment on 80s movies 11 months ago:
Happy Days, The Love Boat, and Dynasty were some of the shows ge joined that got him the title. Also the Revenge of the Nerds movies. He was in the first one, then came back for the shark jumping in 3 and 4.
Interestingly, McGinley isn’t always the reason for the shark jump. Sometimes he’s fine, like you pointed out with Married With Children. He just gas a knack for joining series later in their production, as they’re turning to shit.
- Comment on 80s movies 11 months ago:
Patron saint of jumping the shark.