You… tasted a septum ring?
Comment on Can't get that metallic taste out of my mouth 8 months ago
They don’t taste any different but I still don’t like them.
Same with the septum rings.
No hate just disappointment for just how many girls are doing one or the other. 8 months ago 8 months ago
You may think inside the nose is tasty but it’snot. 8 months ago
Bravo 8 months ago
Mine is 8 months ago
I mean I don’t discriminate a whole lot when I’m having a good time licking things. 8 months ago
username checks out 8 months ago
“Is weird to have preferences”
That’s what you’re really saying. 8 months ago
Why are you disappointed? What is the disappointment here? That you don’t want to sleep with random women who get those piercings? You were never entitled to do so in the first place, so I’m not sure how that could be a disappointment to you. 8 months ago
Are you asserting that nobody should ever have any preferences? Do you meet your own standard?
OP didn’t say he’s throwing women out of bed for having piercings. He expressed a preference for them not to. 8 months ago
I never said he did. I asked him why he specifically said he’s disappointed that so many women are choosing to get those piercings. Re-read my comment. What does random women he has nothing to do with having piercings have to do with him? Why would that elicit disappointment? What is he disappointed in? 8 months ago
What does random women he has nothing to do with having piercings have to do with him?
Are you not a native English speaker? Do you understand that people can give opinions and critique of things they don’t like without it meaning an expectation that someone is going to DO something for them? You immediately made some random, innocuous comment about someone’s aesthetic tastes into an issue about entitlement and I assume implications about sex? Don’t you get how fucking weird that is? It betrays something on YOUR mind specifically that nobody here is talking about.
Do you think people shouldn’t have fashion choices? Do you think humans can’t or should not have feelings about things? Every comment you make here just makes it weirder. 8 months ago
If you had a preference for dark hair and many dark haired women were going blonde you might be disappointed in a general decrease in women who met your ideal aesthetic. If you aren’t shallow or are shallow but aren’t a beautiful rich Adonis you probably aren’t turning down any dates based on such criteria but mathematically trends which run contra to preference mean a decrease in average fitness according to your own accounting.
Imagine if a huge portion of men were really into boy bands and mullets. The trend would mean that if you selected men based on other more meaningful criteria like financial stability and emotional maturity that you have an increasing chance of a mullet in your future. As critical mullet mass approaches you may feel disappointed at the popularity of the trend. 8 months ago
Bro is expressing distaste in a fashion accessory, why you taking it so hard? 8 months ago
He can say he doesn’t like them. That’s not what he said. He said he’s disappointed that so many women are getting them. I asked him why he’s disappointed that random women are choosing to get a piercing he dislikes? What do those random women have to do with him exactly? 8 months ago
No you went on a rant about if op is “entitled” to those women? That’s just a fucking weird take from someone talking about disappointment in a fashion choice that people choose. Don’t reframe your weird comment. 8 months ago
“so many” just means the women he’s interacting with have them more often than they previously remember.
It’s their own anecdotal, subset. A sample.
They are discussing the observation they have on the women they are meeting. Not all women.
To assume they are describing all women, or further, passing some meaningful judgement on all women is an invention of the reader 8 months ago
I’m not really sure who likes them other than the people who get them and other people who like those specific piercings for whatever reasons.
It’s wild how insane people get about their piercings and body modifications though. Like, chill out you freaks. If someone doesn’t like your fashion choice, unhinged rants and attacks aren’t going to make someone magically start loving metal accessories stuck in your soft parts. 8 months ago
…What? 8 months ago
I mean it’s a niche thing, people who are really into piercings really like them, and those who aren’t into them tend to really really not like them, whereas some other fashion accessories are generally more universally acceptable even if not necessarily loved. 8 months ago
The parent wasn’t looking for an explanation.
They were commenting on how hard your wetware bricked. 8 months ago
What convinced you of this? 8 months ago
Saying you’re disappointed with what girls do to their bodies is mad weird, though 8 months ago
I do not give a single fuck about what you choose to do to your body.
But I’m also allowed personal opinions about it.
My personal opinion is that I find them extremely off-putting to a frustrating degree. Also those frustrations are not aimed at the girls getting these piercings but more towards 1) Why do they bother me so much? And 2) Why are they so popular?
Y’all can judge me all you want though it’s a little ironic when I already said I have no hate to people who get piercings. Fuck I’ve got tattoos all over. Piercings just aren’t my thing. Some I can ignore and others I can’t. 8 months ago
The comments are pretty much all with you save one person. If I were you, I’d calmly walk away with that satisfaction before you get baited into a comment that “proves” you are what has been said of you.
(Note that “proves” is in quotation marks there.) 8 months ago
Like you I don’t give any fucks about what people choose to to with their bodies.
I don’t like it either that people’s choices are the subject of so much enragement. I really don’t have to understand why cars need loud exhausts, too. Those do annoy me.
I feel like a healthy perspective is whenever someone gets on your ‘why the fuck would you do that?’ detector is to ask those people why they do it, and not assume the reason and remain being annoyed. 8 months ago
This isn’t an argument about abortion or gender affirming care you nut, this is about fashion. It’s not about “women’s bodies.”
Plenty of women express “dissatisfaction” with the fashion choices men make and it’s fine. What’s the difference? 8 months ago
It is about women’s bodies though, a piercing is a form of body modification.
And yeah, in a world where women’s bodies and attire weren’t policed to an extreme degree it might be the same. But it isn’t. It’s not that there’s some linguistic difference but rather that policing women’s bodies happens in millions of unique ways every day. It does happen in some ways to men too, body weight, height, body fat and hygiene those kinda things. Women are policed for those things too, in addition to a million other factors. And we suffer social consequences for those things in ways men do not. We suffer even if we do meet those expectations, because ownership over our bodies is still being taken.
It would still illicit a similar response of confusion from me if someone said they were “dissappointed so many men were getting nipple piercings”. What is the causal relationship between the speaker and the men in question? Why does the speaker feel entitled to those men’s bodies? It would still be weird and wrong to say that. I hear people making claims about women’s bodies literally every day though, and pretty uncommonly about men’s in the same way.