The truck was first shown in 2016, nearly 8 years ago, and only came out last year so there was about half a decade of hype building around this thing that was busy sucking in all the gullible rich people. 8 months ago
I’m shocked they sold that many 8 months ago 8 months ago
Honest question, what’s there to be hyped about? I haven’t ever looked into its feature set because it looks like ass. Do people just like the Tesla name or what? 8 months ago
I mean… It’s unique in it’s looks. I don’t know if that’s positive 8 months ago
It’s unique in it’s looks.
That’s what they said about me. 8 months ago
For many of those years it was the only electric pickup truck. And also, yes people do like the Tesla name. Musk and growing competition has done a ton to tank the reputation lately, but until just a couple years ago Tesla was seen as far and away the best and most advanced electric car, and sometimes car period, by tons of people. That perception shifts slowly outside of well-informed groups, and the Musk hate is really only affecting well-informed left wing groups 8 months ago
Rivian and Ford are killing it in the EV truck space, which doesn’t help Tesla. 8 months ago
It was the first EV pickup, at the time of announcement, and the battery tech sounded excellent, as did the list of features. Most importantly the announced price would have made it one of the lowest priced EVs. How could you not get hyped?
But when it dragged out so long and they were going to deliver on features offer price, maybe they should have cut their losses.
At the time, I was saying Cybertruck was a huge success because it pushed Ford to build the F150 Lightning. 8 months ago
Now that it’s available for sale, and ignoring the looks, I think the biggest thing to be excited about is the steer by wire.
Reviews seem to be saying it drives exceptionally well because of it, and that’d really differentiate it from the other options. 8 months ago
Let me get this straight: you not only actually want a vehicle that decides where to go based on software instead of with a mechanical linkage you can directly control, you want Tesla, of all companies, to provide it?!
Get help: 8 months ago
Reviews seem to be saying it drives exceptionally well
I’m guessing here, but did 100% of these reviews come from a country with some of the worst fucking drivers on the entire planet? 8 months ago
It was introduced as a concept vehicle in the end of 2019, not 2016 8 months ago
It was teased and unnamed in 2016c but we didn’t see the concept truck until November 2019.
The steering system and power delivery is interesting but not not enough to overcome the dangerously sharp, blond sport riddled and impractical body design.
The couldn’t even be bothered to put a digital rear view mirror in the place other companies and third parties have been doing it for a decade. 8 months ago
Who said they sold them? There was a recent story where there was a parking lot full of them that was spray painted “fuck Elon” so we can assume there are other lots of them rusting away. 8 months ago
I think the ones in that lot were sitting there waiting for recall work to be done before they could be delivered to
suckerscustomers. 8 months ago
Over 1.5 million on backorder. They say avg 5 year wait, but if they’ve only made 11,000 (it was 4,000 for the first recall iirc) its gonna be waaaaay more than 5 years wait for those idiots 8 months ago
Except people 3 years into that wait are already getting called up for their turn. A lot of people are declining to take it up 8 months ago
A lot of people are declining a 20k markup for a foundation series.
A lot of people will also declining since the prices don’t match the initial specs, but we really don’t have a clear picture on that yet. 8 months ago
“Backorder” meant “Idiots with a couple hundred dollars”. “Orders” were a whole $100 fully refundable deposit. It was a complete non-commitment, and I know a ton of people who literally bought them solely to resell their “spot in line”.
I knew a dude who put in an order for 5, just to ensure he could sell his “spots on the list”. Dude was a service tech that couldn’t afford even the fake $40k price, let alone the current $100k price. I’ve seen tons of stories like his as well, so there’s a 0% chance even 20% of those are actually converting to sales. 8 months ago
Ahh didn’t realize, thanks for the info! 8 months ago
Right, I considered it …. I’m not interested in a truck but a fully refundable $100 to hold my place in line, for what was at the time the first EV pickup? 8 months ago
Rivian had shown off their EV truck a year and a half before Tesla announced the Cyber Truck. And it’s a much more useful vehicle.
I believe the Ford Lightning EV might have been in the works already too, but not sure if it was announced yet.
Rivian also started delivering its truck in 2021 after showing the concept in may 2018.