Arenyou gonna start calling Ceres, Haumea, Makemake, and Orcus planets?
We went through this 150 years ago ehen the asteroid belt was discovered. Every astronomer wanted credit for discovering a new planet, so at one point there were 15 before all the astronomers got together and said it was untenable. 10 months ago
Stay strong. A dwarf planet is a perfectly valid kind of planet, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. 10 months ago
It’s not the size that counts but the ability to clear your orbit. ;) 10 months ago
this condition makes “planetness” into a local condition. so theoretically, we can throw enough junk into space and stop anything we want from being a planet.
pluto just got unlucky in terms of the amount of trash it has in its way. its not fair :( 10 months ago
No, because if it’s a proper planet it will clear its orbit. 10 months ago
So tell me about Jupiter 10 months ago
Good question! I had forgotten about Jupiter’s Trojans and Greek asteroids!
I went and checked the definiton of Clearing the Neighborhood by IAU, emphasis mine:
Trojans and Greeks orbit Jupiter’s LaGrange points in a stable orbit and so they are governed by Jupiter’s gravity. You could say they’re really weird moons orbiting semi-stable points Jupiter creates. Image 10 months ago
Does it dig mines and sing upbeat work songs? 10 months ago
ROCK AND STONE……… and orbits 10 months ago
I am a dwarf and I can’t clear orbits, can’t clear orbits, can’t clear orbits