- Comment on BlackBerry may have the perfect opportunity to produce a Canadian made cellphone to compet with Apple and other America brands. 3 days ago:
Didn’t everyone abandon them when RIM kept giving away their encryption keys to any dictator that sent them a request?
- Comment on Jack Daniel’s maker says Canada pulling US alcohol off shelves ‘worse than tariff’ 4 days ago:
They make Crown Royal, why the hell would any of them drink that shit from Tennessee.
- Comment on Good morning. 3 weeks ago:
Sometimes she can almost hear him calling her name and saying please let go
- Comment on It'll happen to you! 3 weeks ago:
VGA should have released VGA2.1 that is what all the cool display cables do
- Comment on For No Reason in Particular Here's a Bunch of Games Where You Kill Nazis 4 weeks ago:
I’ve been playing a bunch of Indiana Jones lately and keep finding myself going out of my way to kill every Nazi and fascist I come across even going out of my way to backtrack and get a few.
- Comment on My friend sent me this but.. 2 months ago:
Gohan checking out the GILF ass
- Comment on Should you trust that doctor? 4 months ago:
There is no way Dr. Mario has any training. He just throws random pills at the problems hoping that they line up and do something other than cause an overdose.
- Comment on If Bethesda released Skyrim today, they would have made it woke 5 months ago:
What about a politician who sexually harasses an employee and making that employee read their erotic interspecies fan fiction.
- Comment on try fingers but hole 5 months ago:
If the flow of current follows in the direction the index finger is pointing, then the the magnetic field lines will flow in the direction the middle finger is pointing, the thumb points in the direction that the force is exerted.
- Comment on Carebear countdown 6 months ago:
So now the show is going to be about the civil war among the care bears about the best way to fight negativity.
- Comment on Observed state 9 months ago:
All the other states can fuck off, probably.
- Comment on xkcd #2933: Elementary Physics Paths 9 months ago:
Cosmology you put enough mass in a small enough area it becomes a singularity.
Quantum mechanics information can’t be destroyed to an unrecoverable state so singularities are impossible.
- Comment on Discovering what this man has done has ruined my day 9 months ago:
Hey that’s the guy that successfully killed that failure Hitler.
- Comment on Boring ass planet 9 months ago:
Well I mean why is Mercury still a planet? It didn’t clear it’s own orbit, it just happens to be in an empty orbit.
- Comment on You are in this solar system, but we do not grant you the rank of planet 10 months ago:
Then that makes it the solar system’s first discovered Binary planets
- Comment on Intrusive thoughts 10 months ago:
I hope they weren’t in California, that stuff causes cancer in California.
- Comment on FCC bans cable TV industry’s favorite trick for hiding full cost of service 11 months ago:
The lobbying group for cable companies said that it would hurt their highly competitive market(I’m sure they weren’t able to type that without laughing) and it makes it harder for them to advertise one price since the cost of the sports and local bundles are regional (though they have no problems getting those prices correct on the bills.)
- Comment on An achievement 11 months ago:
He took too long for the world record
- Comment on Chinese hackers ready to ‘wreak havoc’ on critical US infrastructure with 50-to-1 cyber personnel advantage, FBI director warns 1 year ago:
Maybe not being the same asshole that always cries that there aren’t enough back doors in encryption if he is so worried about hackers.
- Comment on Sony's New Technology Would Adapt Game Difficulty to a Player's Skill Level 1 year ago:
Looking forward to new speedrun strats of jumping to your death ten times to save 10 seconds killing the final boss.
- Comment on And this is why I no longer have cable. 1 year ago:
Weather channel has trash shows about surviving weather events
- Comment on Share with those less fortunate 1 year ago:
They don’t have any debt? I’m still 5 or 6 years from $0 if I don’t get sick or have to replace a car.
- Comment on Why shouldn't electric plugs screw in? 1 year ago:
You know when you are screwing in a blub without turning off the switch how the blub will blink a few times while you are screwing it in? Most electronic don’t like that.