Inhale vegetables explained half of it. The other half are two memes about Taylor Swift. One is the right-wing conspiracy that she’s secretly a far left agent (and thus might have an interest in things like “ACAB” and getting cops fired). The other is criticism of her for her environmental impact by virtue of how much she flies everywhere in a private jet (you may have seen a bunch of other memes on your Lemmy front page entitled "TayTay on her way to…” showing her private jet).
Comment on *ACTION ROLL* 11 months ago
Not sure I get this one 11 months ago 11 months ago
The other bit of this is that Taylor Swift sent a C&D letter to Jack Sweeney who is the guy who has been publishing flight paths of various celebrities. Sweeney obtains this data publicly because since 2020 all aircraft (with few exceptions) are required to use ADS-B transponders. The ADS-B system has numerous safety benefits compared to previous systems, but a side effect is that every aircraft now constantly broadcasts its position, velocity, and altitude information, and anybody who wants to can build a ground station capable of receiving this information.
Generally, threatening legal action against somebody who isn’t doing anything wrong or illegal is considered a dick move, and puts Taylor Swift in the same category as Elon Musk (who has also previously threatened legal action against Jack Sweeney). So we are proceeding to make fun of her without remorse, as it was her decision in the first place to fly privately, which is very bad for the environment.
Instead of threatening to sue the guy who’s breaking no laws and publishing information that is already public, she could just consider another mode of transit if privacy is that important to her. But in the meantime we will enjoy the memes 11 months ago
Every motorized form of transportation requires publicly-visible identifying information on the vehicle.
If she were traveling by car, anyone who had cameras watching roads could report everywhere she went.
I hope you can see how that would be the same process of collecting and then publishing public information, and how it might still be worthy of a lawsuit given how a record of everywhere someone’s car has driven to is creepy. 11 months ago
This take is hot off the press and I haven’t really thought it through, and you can call me an extremist if you want, but billionaires don’t deserve privacy 11 months ago
every aircraft now constantly broadcasts its position, velocity, and altitude information, and anybody who wants to can build a ground station capable of receiving this information.
Isn’t this a pretty serious security concern? What if some armed group gets their hands on these real-time aircraft flight paths? 11 months ago
Ignoring the fact that everyone has their hands on these flight paths because it’s publicly available data, what if they did? Genuinely, what do you think is the worst that can happen? 11 months ago
I mean everyone can already get their hands on it:
The exceptions to ADS-B requirements include military aircraft. Awhile back a friend and I were in the Nevada desert and some F-35s buzzed past us at only a few hundred feet. I was curious about the flight so I checked ADS-B exchange, and sure enough there was no trace of it. Friend got a cool picture though. 11 months ago
Generally speaking we rely on a culture of trustworthiness more than we rely on a culture of security in the US.
It’s why you can buy things with a credit card without showing ID. You can sign with a slightly squiggled line and it never gets looked at. 11 months ago
Taylor Swift jet stuff + that cop who shot at the suspect already in custody because an acorn fell on his car. 11 months ago
Taylor Swift being on the left
This isn’t part of it 11 months ago
Well if she was on the right, she wouldn’t be going out of her way to end police careers 😌 11 months ago
I remember when wanting to end the careers of idiotic cops who shoot at acorns wasn’t a partisan issue. 11 months ago
Recently an acorn fell on a cop car, the cop thought it was gunfire, empied his magazine over it, and then did a fucking barrel roll. 11 months ago
did it end the cop’s career though? 11 months ago
No criminal charges for him or his partner, who started blasting too. The first one resigned after the sheriff’s internal affairs investigation told him that he did an oopsie. 11 months ago
so no real consequences as expected 11 months ago
Who/what was he firing his gun at? Who did he think was the enemy? 11 months ago
They shot at their cop car. His partner opened fire too. Also there was someone in the backseat of the car too. 11 months ago
But they didn’t shoot at his cop car. It was an acorn that fell on his cop car. 11 months ago
There was a handcuffed man in the back of his cruiser that they thought shot (and hit) him