- Comment on Many Top Researchers Show Implausibly High Publication & Co-Author Rates, Raising Concerns. 1 week ago:
Shocked Pikachu, etc.
- Comment on Turkey Temptation 3 months ago:
Why they putting ideas in people’s heads?
- Comment on whales are the mightiest of fish 3 months ago:
So witches are fish?
- Comment on I'm not sorry. 4 months ago:
You can’t generate helium unless you have a fusion reactor.
Actually, nuclear powered flying T. rex sounds cool, so let’s go with it.
- Comment on I'm not sorry. 4 months ago:
Then there’d be one really deep print as they kicked off.
- Comment on Why Vacuum Cleaners Are So Loud 5 months ago:
This is some Mushi-shi level theory.
- Comment on Autoclave 5 months ago:
- Comment on Autoclave 5 months ago:
Why do aircraft parts need to be sterile?
- Comment on Happy Weekend boiz 5 months ago:
lab grade ethanol
That’s usually methylated spirit. It probably won’t kill you, but you’ll lose your vision.
- Comment on Custom ROMs have had just about enough of being Android's second-class citizens 6 months ago:
I hope some OEM (especially those opposed to google) picks up and develops mainline linux like Pine Phone.
Huawei is being forced to do it. But like Android, their HarmonyOS is not 100% open-source. There’s also KaiOS, which some Nokia and Alcatel, and all Jio, devices use.
even Dalvik and the android runtime itself is an inefficient relic of 10+ years ago when mobile devices had at most 2gb of ram and a tiny low power ARM processor.
Both the ones I mentioned are designed to be more memory efficient. KaiOS in particular is aimed primarily at feature phones and entry-level smartphones.
- Comment on big bro jupiter 6 months ago:
But all of its atmosphere leaked out into space
Wasn’t that because Mars isn’t heavy enough?
- Comment on The low effort presentation of the tenured prof is often way better btw 6 months ago:
It’s regulation protecting the quality of education in the nation.
I understand and agree with that logic (although personally I have experienced excellent teachers who had no PhD). But like you said, I don’t think it is a useful criteria in research.
My personal opinion/experiences are that those that are the worst in their field are the ones that clutch onto their degrees the most and will think lowly of a mind that hasn’t amassed as much documentation
Lol yes!
- Comment on The low effort presentation of the tenured prof is often way better btw 6 months ago:
Is a PhD a required qualification in your uni? I know it’s expected, but there are quite a few well-respected academics, particularly in engineering and comp sci, who don’t have a PhD.
- Comment on Look you've just to got read the prologue that was a limited edition IHOP giveaway in 2015 and the story is awesome 7 months ago:
Each Eva is the story Anno wanted to tell at each point in his life, as he grew and became a healthier person.
Sounds like something someone who sold out would say! (/s)
Anno wanted the darkness when he was younger
I still like the OG ending. I think the ‘darkness’ of EoE was partially a reaction to the death threats he got, and the Rebuilds feel unnecessarily convoluted (but the animation was great). Anyway, to each their own.
- Comment on Look you've just to got read the prologue that was a limited edition IHOP giveaway in 2015 and the story is awesome 7 months ago:
What do you mean, needlessly confusing? The release order was genius. Opening with the movie showed exactly the kind of show it was. It also allowed the climax to be in the last episode of the season, while still having it happen in the middle chronologically (as Haruhi wanted).
But the second season was where KyoAni outdid themselves. It was an improvement on the first season. While the first season was great, the second was even better. Sometimes you see a series dip in quality in S2, but here it was the opposite - the quality improved. For the second season showed an uptick in the narrative. The first season had already pushed the limits of storytelling, but the second went further. While the first season was greatly enjoyable, the second was even more so. Perhaps the most ardent fans may try to quantify the quality, and say that it was, I don’t know, eight times better than the first.
- Comment on Look you've just to got read the prologue that was a limited edition IHOP giveaway in 2015 and the story is awesome 7 months ago:
Most manga and anime don’t have filler. The long-running ones do, because, well, they want to milk them for all they’re worth.
- Comment on Look you've just to got read the prologue that was a limited edition IHOP giveaway in 2015 and the story is awesome 7 months ago:
A little over a thousand chapters, but a volume has about ten chapters.
- Comment on Look you've just to got read the prologue that was a limited edition IHOP giveaway in 2015 and the story is awesome 7 months ago:
- Original series (all 26 episodes)
- End of Evangelion (optional, but recommended. This happens chronologically at the same time as Ep 25 and 26)
- Everything else (optional, not recommended)
The OG series is the story Anno wanted to show. Some fans wanted a more concrete ending, so Anno gave them a concrete ending in EoE. Then some fans wanted a happy ending where Shinji gets the girl so Anno said fuck it, sold out, and made a series with a happy ending where Shinji gets a girl. But now some fans want a happy ending where Shinji gets the right girl so Anno gave up on them as lost causes and went and directed Shin Godzilla.
- Comment on Microsoft is reportedly banning Palestinians in the U.S. for life for calling relatives in Gaza 7 months ago:
Write down a list of the software you use (e.g. web browser, office suite, notepad, image viewer, video player, … ). Download Linux Mint from here and use Balena Etcher to write it into a pen drive. Switch off your computer, plug in the pen drive and switch on. DON’T INSTALL YET. Run Linux ‘live’ for a couple of hours, see if everything (speaker, printer, webcam, all the software you listed above) is working correctly.
Once you have confirmed that all is well, copy your files into an external hard drive, confirm that everything important has been backed up, and then install Linux from the pen drive. (You can have both Windows and Linux on the same computer, but then Windows should not be given internet access or it will ‘update’ and mess up everything. This can be repaired using, for example, this software, but why bother?)
- Comment on Objectivity 8 months ago:
If all scientific knowledge were to suddenly disappear and we were to start from square one, it would all reappear exactly like it is.
Three competing theories of evolution arose, independently, in our world - one from British and European scientists studying the tropics, another from Russian and US scientists studying Siberia and northern North America, and a third by a Japanese scientist studying statistics and genetics. While the current consensus in evolutionary biology is that all three are true (at different timescales), the vast majority of people (and even other scientists) only know the first. This is partly because Darwin got there first, and partly because a lot of powerful people benefit from spreading social Darwinist woo.
Ironically, in a post-apocalyptic world, the powers that be would probably support the symbiotic theory, with Darwinism frowned upon as selfish individualism.
however the process of science will ensure that the truth comes to light eventually.
As Keynes said, in the long term we are all dead. Science is probably the best tool we currently have to find the truth (assuming there is a truth), but it is always important to remember that it is produced by humans, funded by interests and (mostly, though this is changing) published by for-profit journals. When reading a paper, always read the conflict of interest and funding details, and hope the authors are being honest.
- Comment on Coconuts 🥥 8 months ago:
If I remember correctly, the Polynesians went there from South America, not the other way around.
- Comment on This week in science 8 months ago:
There are two separate avian flus circulating in North America right now. The US has an unknown number of H5N1 infections, but no confirmed deaths. Mexico has one confirmed death due to H5N2, but all contacts tested negative. Of course, with how viruses work, the actual prevalence is likely 10x the official number.
- Comment on Nabiha Syed will join the Mozilla Foundation as [their] next Executive Director 9 months ago:
Mozilla is a nonprofit.
- Comment on Gaza war: Five Israeli soldiers killed 'by tank fire' in Jabalia 9 months ago:
with no communication for ground troops.
I mean, friendly fire due to miscommunication seems like a problem any army would have anticipated and planned for.
- Comment on Biden really, really doesn’t want China to flood the US with cheap EVs 9 months ago:
In my country, it was mostly large dams and hydroelectricity. But they have their own issues.
- Comment on we love those power laws 9 months ago:
While iron is more plentiful than tin, it is harder to purify than tin or copper. The ‘iron age’ refers to the time when humans started smelting iron, and making tools using various steels and other iron-based alloys. These are generally much stronger than bronze.
- Comment on please tell your husband hello 9 months ago:
Pharma companies pay decently well.
- Comment on The retro Nokia phone everyone owned 25 years ago will get a reboot soon – and yes, it has Snake 9 months ago:
I couldn’t find details on this particular model, but all Nokia dumbphones released so far have easily removeable batteries and can be used as a murder weapon in a pinch.
- Comment on please tell your husband hello 9 months ago:
That’s a sealion, not a seal.
- Comment on Imagine denying other living and breathing lifeforms agency to thrive amd change lol lol lol 9 months ago:
Obviously, it would vary from country to country. But some countries do give legal status either to nature as a whole, or to rivers, mountains, etc. In practice, this means that the state / a citizen can sue anyone who pollutes or otherwise harms the river / mountain / nature, without needing to prove that the pollution is bad for other people.