Youtube is my reminder on new browser installs to install Ublock Origin. And I saw this newest effort to block it once. Updated Ublock, restarted the browser and it was gone again.
Comment on YouTube is slowing down for users with ad blockers in new wave 1 year ago
I don’t understand how anyone can put up with youtube without premium. Every time I visit a friends house I am shocked at the level of bullshit they are ok with. I’d pay a lot more than 10 bucks. 1 year ago 1 year ago
If I started waving little billboards in front of your face, how much would you pay me to go away? 1 year ago
Do you have anything to offer besides the billboard in my face? If not, you get dropped. 1 year ago
But muh free stuff 1 year ago
I dun wan it.
- Some Idiot from GoT, probably. 1 year ago
Or just use an adblocker and save the $$ 1 year ago
I was a day 1 subscriber of Google Play Music All Access, which I converted into a family plan when that was available, and was told that the rate I was paying would be grandfathered in. I didn’t like the switch to YouTube Music, but it did the job and came with ad-free YouTube, so I was okay with it.
But then they told me that they were changing the $14.99/mo I was paying to $22.99/mo despite being grandfathered in, a more than 50% increase, and I said fuck that. Unsubbed, swapped to Spotify, and never looked back.
Would I pay for just ad-free YouTube? Maybe. But not for almost $300 each year. I’m keeping Spotify, so if Google made a plan for no ads for like …$1 or $2 per month?, maybe then I’d consider going back.
The end result now though is that I just use YouTube less. 1 year ago
I was/am in the exact same boat, but share the subscription three ways (wife+brother) so the numbers are still somewhat favorable given our music and YouTube usage as a household. 1 year ago
I don’t understand how anyone can put up with youtube without premium 1 year ago
Easy: Just use the right browser and adblocker, and you basically have premium, but without the ads they still throw at you. 1 year ago
A couple of five second ads doesn’t bother me at all.
I’m from a generation that had no pause or fast forward on the TV before the internet. Every fifteen minutes or so you’d have near enough five minutes of ads. YouTube ads are nothing by comparison.
$10 a month isn’t a huge amount, but it’s $120 saved by the end of the year that I’d rather spend on something else. 1 year ago
I’m from a generation that had state television where there were no ads at all. I liked it that way. 1 year ago
Exactly. Starting from the premise that these services deserve the revenue from ads is completely wrong. As advertising has grown, so has corporate greed in extracting more value from users while providing a worse service. 1 year ago
Starting from the premise that we owe corporations the opportunity to subject us to mental abuse for any reason is the problem. Let’s not forget what ads are and how they work. 1 year ago
I'm from that generation too and as soon as I moved out of my folks' house I never subscribed to cable or watched broadcast TV because that constant onslaught on advertising was offensive and I didn't want it in my home. 1 year ago
I’m from a generation that had no pause or fast forward on the TV before the internet.
Me too, but using ublock for a while it's easy and quick to become intolerant of ads. 1 year ago
I do understand the appeal but I also quite like a lot of the smaller content creators and I think they deserve to get paid.
Pirating from a corporation that makes several millions in profits is one thing, I’m not going to pick the pockets of my fellow man. 1 year ago
I mean I had that too, but fuck ads. All my homies hate ads. 1 year ago
I’m from a country where we barely had ads on TV back in the day, and even now it’s nowhere near as bad as on American TV. I’ve tried watching US channels online and it’s feels like nothing but an insult. YouTube is bad enough for me. 1 year ago
I’d happily pay for premium as I use YouTube religiously. But it’s Google so fuck them, they already process my information in order to show me ads. I think that’s payment enough, so I’ll just find any free way possible to watch YouTube without ads. 1 year ago
So you don’t have any services like Netflix, Hulu, etc? I can guarantee they do the same things in one way or another.