- Comment on Meta AI is obsessed with turbans when generating images of Indian men 9 months ago:
You don't think nearly 1/6th is statistically significant? What's the lower bound on significance as you see things?
To be clear, it's obviously dumb for their generative system to be overrepresenting turbans like this, although it's likely to be a bias in the inputs rather than something the system came up with itself, I just think that 5% is generally enough to be considered significant and calling three times that not significant confuses me.
- Comment on I finally got access to the catholic AI 10 months ago:
I don't see what the problem is. I've definitely heard that with god, all things are possible, are we acknowledging that that's not the case here? Can god only do spells with specific ingredients? Kinda sounds like witchcraft.
- Comment on Yep 10 months ago:
Thanks, I hate it.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
So for the 99% there is an abolishment of private property, leaving only personal property and public property, everyone has an equal share, and the state has been dissolved?
Because if not, at least one of us doesn't understand communism. It's entirely possible we both don't. Would you be willing to clarify the term as you understand it?
- Comment on high energy 10 months ago:
Yeah, read through this thinking that from my perspective, NTs have some talents I don't, but since they're common people think of them as baseline rather than talents. Shit sucks.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
I would like you to consider the possibility that people can both disagree with someone's stances on issues like how to treat queer people, while at the same time not wanting those people to be shot, bombed, starved, etc. There are a lot of people in the world who would see me killed if they had power over me. I am not compelled by that to want them to die, and can in fact want them to live happy lives that last for as long as they want to keep living, without control over the sort of life I lead or how long it lasts.
- Comment on Relationship advice? 1 year ago:
I know for a fact he meant "legible". I've read a lot of his work and talked a great deal with people in the rationality community, and legible makes perfect sense there.
- Comment on Relationship advice? 1 year ago:
Ah, the last section. Not incredibly relevant to my post?
On the whole I don't really model an average of the polycule as a general thing. If dating someone I'm not currently would make me happier I talk to my partners about the possibility of a relationship. Thus far this has never gone in an either / or direction; it doing so would be a significant reduction in expected happiness.
Unrelatedly, that paragraph drove my autocorrect / suggester absolutely stupid. It kept trying to shove "def" into the last sentence, and suggesting other nonsense.
- Comment on Relationship advice? 1 year ago:
Why are you the voice of my insecurities? :p
Clearly it's because I'm another dedicated player for the polycule tabletop game.
Not sure where that 75% number is coming from?
- Comment on Relationship advice? 1 year ago:
Being poly makes this a non-issue. In the case that one of my partners meets someone else they want to date at least as much as me, they do. This seems to lead to greater overall happiness.
I know for a fact that Eliezer is open to dating poly people, although I don't know if he is himself poly or just poly compatible.
- Comment on Relationship advice? 1 year ago:
If they chew open mouthed and are not amenable to change that is a straight up deal breaker, sorry not sorry, my misophonia doesn't leave room to compromise on that.
- Comment on Adobe Photoshop's AI tools put women politicians in bikini bottoms and their male colleagues in suits 1 year ago:
Used to living with the fallout, because I don't expect people will get better at media literacy.
- Comment on AI Companies Lose $190 Billion After Dismal Financial Reports 1 year ago:
Listening to Peter talk about GPT as if it was an all comprehending oracle when he was interviewed on Hannah Reloaded was unsettling, because I know he's not alone in thinking it's (paraphrased) "a pattern detecting intelligence, that can see things we can't" my brother in Christ it is a better Markov chain engine.
- Comment on YouTube is slowing down for users with ad blockers in new wave 1 year ago:
I mean I had that too, but fuck ads. All my homies hate ads.
- Comment on Which is less religious: Xmas or Christmas? 1 year ago:
Surprised nobody has posted Newtonmas. Celebrate a historical figure who had major impacts on our civilization by advancing science, and who was actually born on December 25!
- Comment on Looking for an actual left leaning Lemmy instance 1 year ago:
Tolerance was and remains a peace treaty: you be tolerant, and we'll tolerate you. Once someone opts to break the treaty, they receive no further protection from it.
- Comment on What's the best way to read a book in a dark room? 1 year ago:
Alreader, I believe on both android and iphone. I use it at a very low intensity level with red text and black background.
- Comment on Do "chest pillows" hurt for women to do? 1 year ago:
When they were growing in it would have. Even laying down felt like getting knives in the nipples. It's fine for me now, though.
- Comment on "Fun" competition 1 year ago:
Men really will do anything to avoid going to therapy.
- Comment on Apple Is Holding the Final Nail for X’s Coffin 1 year ago:
Yeah, I caught that in a video from a content creator I watch. Not sure what to make of it, still thinking about it. Actual personal growth would be pretty surprising from the guy who kneecapped the pandemic response because he was worried he'd smear his makeup.
- Comment on Apple Is Holding the Final Nail for X’s Coffin 1 year ago:
Trump is a narcissist, he is incapable of admitting any flaw or fault, be it in an accidentally sent typo tweet, or letting the experts address a public health issue rather than pushing himself to the forefront and suggesting putting sterilizing lights into the body.
- Comment on Apple Is Holding the Final Nail for X’s Coffin 1 year ago:
That's what actually happened, yes. That doesn't mean that many people who worship him have not tried to find an explanation that means it was completely intentional, and I think it's worth knowing about how far people will go in his defence, even when it requires them to twist themselves into pretzels to defend something that would have been completely fine if he had just laughed it off.
- Comment on Apple Is Holding the Final Nail for X’s Coffin 1 year ago:
Yes. Many people have tried to explain it. Parts of the qult are claiming that it's a cure for the covid vaccine, (Co)Cobalt, (V)Vanadium, and two (Fe) iron.
- Comment on Google admits it's making YouTube worse for ad block users 1 year ago:
Not yet!
- Comment on YouTube comment deletion is out of control, can't say anything anymore even when completely sensible. Is there a text format (alternate characters) that allows you to bypass detection? 1 year ago:
You don't need to post comments on youtube. You're asking for people to do you a favor. They're asking for more information before they do the favor. If you don't want to fulfill the requirements, fine, but quit trying to act self-righteous because you're willing to spend far more time trying to claim you don't need to answer the question than it would take to answer the question, and going to that much effort to obfuscate rather than elucidate, suggests that whatever it is you are hiding would be seen as bad.
- Comment on New report illuminates why OpenAI board said Altman “was not consistently candid” 1 year ago:
Entirely. We all die. The light cone is turned into the maximum amount of "profit" possible.
This is still better than a torment maximizer, which may come as some comfort to the tiny dollar bills made of the atoms that used to be you.
- Comment on Why do it 1 year ago:
In fairness, after I got bottom surgery I got a lot of laughs with that line.
- Comment on Why does it seem like women are more wont to make noise in sexual situations while men don't? 1 year ago:
Glad I could help! Enjoy your time here!
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
So, people like to think that you can do something clever like invent a code to hide things, and technically, yes. And if they ever search your place and find it, they'll assume it's serious business and you'll get the XKCD Security treatment.
- Comment on Microchips 1 year ago:
They're the same picture.