There is no greater fucking idiot than the one who thinks a social gathering for discussion is subject to the rules of double-blind scientific testing. Watching some arrogant fucking shithead attempting to slander 12-stop programs as “not scientific” is hilarious because OF COURSE IT ISN’T SCIENTIFIC!! IT MAKES NO CLAIMS TO BE.
Comment on It's almost impossible to deny being an alcoholic without sounding like an alcoholic 1 year agoThey do AA in Germany? I thought that pseudo science was just an American thing. 1 year ago 1 year ago
That’s all fine and dandy until you get court ordered to attend these meetings as if it were a scientifically proven method of quitting drinking. It’d be like doing something bad and then being court ordered to attend church so that you can “gain a moral compass.” 1 year ago
That I agree with…but that’s a criminal justice problem 1 year ago
Out of curiosity, where are people being remanded to AA specifically?
Having some experience in those circles. Courts often order “recovery programs” not AA, usually some form outpatient/inpatient group therapy, run by licensed therapists. 1 year ago
In the US, you can have court ordered AA f as punishment for alcoholic related crimes. This is sometimes given as an option over jail time or fines, so the legality is questionable, but people in those situations rarely know their rights or want to extend the court process. 1 year ago
It makes no claims to be scientific… so it’s measurably worthless?
You seem to be agreeing my dude 1 year ago
Nope. It works for those it works for. It is social, not scientific. There is no possible way to measure it’s effectiveness because you can’t monitor the entire lives of everyone who has wandered into a meeting. For myself, I had no intention of quitting but went ro a meeting because a feiend asked me to. I never drank again after my very first meeting in 2004. Many, many others had relapse repeatedly. Others did not. But there is no way to know what the success rate is because nobody knows who we are or if we’ll ever drink again before we die. It is a program of suggestion only, with no requirements. 1 year ago
Damn bro rather be me without legs than you with millions you disgust me 1 year ago
You measure these things with surveys and interviews and design statics. AA claims to have success and relapse numbers, but I’d prefer independently run ones. Not everything scientific needs to be or can be a double blind trial.
If it’s measurably, it can be improved. Even if AA works, does it have a better success rate then quitting cold turkey? Even if works, are there things that can be changed to make it work even better?
You’re a very bizarre form of evil.
You sound like you’re in a cult. 1 year ago
Group therapy is pseudo-science? 1 year ago
Others have mentioned it, but to elaborate, Alcoholics Anonymous is not merely sitting in a circle and sharing your problems, but a belief system which requires you to submit to a higher power to move forward. 1 year ago
Knew a guy who insisted he wasn’t addicted, but he can’t go a day without attending an AA meeting. 40 years, non stop. Even when in other countries for work, he finds them. Left his own daughters wedding dinner to make it to one.
He runs his own chapter where he lives. He’s had people follow the steps, sure, but some don’t. No matter how successful the latter are, he tears them apart for “not doing it right” and has turned his back on them for not following how he did it. 1 year ago
My favorite quote on fanaticism applies here:
“Fanaticism consists in redoubling your efforts when you have forgotten your aim” - George Santayana 1 year ago
I didn’t know you could be addicted to AA meetings. I guess alcohol is a gateway drug to AA meetings, lol. 1 year ago
That’s 12 step. Not all AA is 12 step. 1 year ago
Almost All… But yes in recent years AA has tried to distance itself from the higher power ( God) rhetoric.
AA is somewhat decentralized, and you will splinter groups.
Also to clarify, 12 step is a process created by the founders of AA. It’s not a separate thing. 1 year ago
I assume they mean this?
Source: Wikipedia 1 year ago
You don’t know about AA, do you? 1 year ago
I know they get preachy but you can ignore that, many alcoholics get help from them without joining the cult of Christianity 1 year ago
You have a better grasp of them than the people down voting you.
AA has done a lot to separate itself from religion in the past couple decades. But if you pay close attention, they use the exact same manipulation techniques used by religions to control their congregations.
That said, AA does a LOT of good, and in my opinion they do genuinely have the best interests of their members at heart. 1 year ago
No, just AA