yeah, no evidence other than spreading antisemitism on x and litterær fucking heiling /s
Comment on Nobody Wants a Nazi Electric Car 1 day ago
For the Americans that don’t know the word Nazism:
Although he has right-wing ideologies, there is no evidence of Elon Musk being a Nazi. A car can’t be a Nazi either.
I’m tired of all of the populism and strong headlines on Lemmy. Actual factual journalism gets burried deep in the feed. 1 day ago 1 day ago
well, his family, too.…/elon-musk-peter-thiel-apartheid… 1 day ago
I legitimately didn’t know about that tweet. Can you share a source? I find a lot of articles but none of them quoting the content in full. 1 day ago
Fuck off with this sea-lioning bullshit. The Nazi salute and AFD promotion were intentional news.
Seriously, what are you getting out of this? It’s like arguing the sky isn’t blue. 1 day ago
Its to move the Overton window. It is clear the Elon gave a “Roman” Nazi salute. There are forces trying to control the narrative. Gaslight. Obstruct. Project.
Deny. Defend. Depose. 1 day ago 1 day ago
I don’t think I could do a better Nazi salute on purpose. 23 hours ago
there’s 0% chance he didn’t practice in front of the mirror like a fucking dork 23 hours ago
Man, you can really see Adolf saying “Sieg Heil!” Scary stuff.
Not to mention the guy on the left. 1 day ago
I guess you could say the same about Hitler, since he didn’t personally kill any jews. If killing jews isn’t a requirement then there is definetly evidence that musk is a neo-nazi 1 day ago
This is exactly what this polarizing title intended to do. Attract people like you who relativise the atrocities Hitler has done. Populism is a bitch and you’re falling right for it.
Just give me a informative article with normal title and stop filling Lemmy with all of this clickbaity populistic shit that helps nobody. I’m tired of it and tired of discussing it too. 1 day ago
Relatively speaking, Hitler was one of the worst people to ever live! And the richest man alive today idolizes him.
Imagine if Mansa Musa and Hitler teamed up! The world needs to not experience that! 1 day ago
Let’s look through your own Wikipedia link.
Nazism […] [has] disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system.
The union hating, multi-million dollar lobbying, vote-bribing billionaire totally supports actual democracy guys, trust me!
Its beliefs include support for dictatorship
He actively supports Trump’s unitary executive theory and related policy goals.
Elon supporting an antisemetic tweet
He blames communism for making his trans daughter mad at him
He actively supports stopping aid to Ukrainians and ceding their land to Russia
scientific racism
white supremacy
Here’s him spreading scientific racism that claims people of European descent are superior
Elon refuses to enforce Twitter’s policies against homophobia and transphobia
ableism, and the use of eugenics
white supremacy
He regularly promotes white nationalists online
The only very few, specific categories I didn’t find any explicit mentions of him doing in my 10 minutes of searching around were anti-Romani sentiment and social darwinism, and you’d be hard pressed to prove that everyone you’d probably otherwise consider a Nazi throughout history believed every single possible bullet point in this Wikipedia page.
If all this doesn’t make him a Nazi, then I don’t know what does. 1 day ago
nazis didn’t exist, they were all confused autists making awkward gestures 1 day ago
History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme. Musk isn’t a member of the Nazi party. He does hold a lot of important views in common with them, however. He also associates with people who fit most of the rest.
What percentage do you think is needed before calling someone a Nazi? 5 hours ago
Saluting like a nazi is sufficient as far as I’m concerned. 5 hours ago
I would personally add a small amount of slack for bad taste satire (we were all young idiots at some point), but basically agree. Any signs of the other points, and that slack is gone, however.
I was mostly curious if the OP was acting in bad faith, or a useful idiot that could be reasoned with. 1 day ago
No evidence, except for that the entire first paragraph of that page describes his exact behavior. No need to be a bootlicker 1 day ago
I disagree. He’s done enough that calling him a Nazi feels accurate to me. Or at least enough of a Nazi sympathizer that I totally support not doing business with him.
What I get frustrated by is justifying hurting the people that have his cars. Having a Tesla does not make one a Nazi sympathizer. You could maybe make the case that buying one today might, but even then I don’t think it’s justified attacking people for having a car.
If you want to be an extremist about it, hurt the dealerships and the company. Don’t go after people who are almost certainly not that different from you. The people keying cars just want to feel smugly superior to someone and feel morally justified for being an asshole, they don’t want to make anything better for anyone. If that’s how you act, you’re just a fascist with a slightly different ideology. 23 hours ago
Oh fuck off, bootlicker. 4 hours ago
Thanks for the civilized discussion. Have a nice day to you too. 3 hours ago
Civility is what is demanded of the oppressed after the oppressors robbed, assaulted and threatened. No more. ✊ 1 day ago
“Ignore your lying eyes.”
Fuckin’ Nazi apologists. 1 day ago
No need to get personal. I’m open for a civilized discussion but not this. 1 day ago
Wwwaaahhh! Defending Nazis gets people to say man things to me! 1 day ago
You’re not open to calling a Nazi a Nazi. Fuck you. 5 hours ago
You don’t like being called a nazi apologist, don’t make excuses for nazis.