Depends on the area, the US is big. It’s been a while since I’ve been but some areas of Ohio had tons of them every night. I’ve never seen any in the Pacific northwest though. But even that’s a pretty broad region could be some around here I don’t know about
Comment on fireflies 2 days ago
Are fireflies common in the US? Living in Europe, I’ve never seen any… 1 day ago
They were when I was a kid. I haven’t seen them in a long time now though :( 1 day ago
Flying insects in general. When I was a kid I remember so many people’s cars being absolutely caked with dead bugs. It’s not something I see anymore. 2 days ago
I saw so many growing up in Appalachia! 2 days ago
I’ve seen them in the mountains or more wild areas multiple times, both in eastern and western Europe. You have to be outside during the night so most likely camping. 2 days ago
I’m from Switzerland and I’ve seen them here once. They weren’t flying though, only sitting next to a foot path. At first I thought they were just some green/yellow LEDs. 2 days ago
Awww, that’s sad! There are plenty here in the region in Italy. 2 days ago
ok moving to Italy right now 1 day ago
Extremely common here in NJ. I mean less so because exactly what this comic shows. It’s why I don’t rake leaves and leave them under the hedges. Not because I’m lazy. 2 days ago
See some still in Kansas. My grandparents in Wichita used to have tons of them about 35 years ago; not as many now. 2 days ago
Yeah in the warmer regions of North America and I think across the pacific as well. 2 days ago
Yup! I live in Pennsylvania & I see loads of them every summer. 2 days ago
wow I’m jelly 2 days ago
Only time I’ve seen them was in the suburbs around Chicago. 2 days ago
Each evening from dusk till about an hour after sunset, my yard is full of them. By late afternoon, if you look along and underside of folliage adjacent to open areas you can find them ready for the evening. They have a little dance, the steps of which aren’t followed too closely. Let’s see if I can remember it. They stay about 40 cm of the ground and fly up to about 2 meters up. After reaching the apex of their flight they flash their butts, and then proceed downward and slightly forward in a jerking stair-step pattern. The entire time flashing a repeated sequence of flashes the same color as a yellow glow stick. They so this from late spring through summer.