This simple:
Trump’s battle against “windmills” began back in 2006 after he had purchased seaside land for a golf course and subsequently learned that a wind farm was being planned offshore. This annoyed him because it would disturb the view and possibly eat into profits. His attempts to prevent the construction of the wind farm turned into a feud with the Scottish government, and in Trump’s mind, converted the wind turbines into giants that needed to be attacked.
“You know, I know windmills very much. I’ve studied it better than anybody.”
That’s it. Old man hates windmills. Nothing else to it. 2 weeks ago
A billion-dollar bribe 2 weeks ago
About fucking had it with these dragons holding us back. 2 weeks ago
But what about their hoardings??! 2 weeks ago
Hey, I only hoard garbage in my depression nest #notalldragons 2 weeks ago
They are very flamable 2 weeks ago
dragons are based and hot. this fuck is not. 1 week ago
what really cements them as abjectly evil in my mind is that they could just, you know, buy a wind turbine manufacturer, but noooooooooo instead they’ll fight to kill wind turbines because that’s 5% more profitable
we’re not even demanding that they stop making profit, just that they make slightly less profit so as to not poison the entire planet for fuck’s sake 1 week ago
We’re not even demanding that they make less profitm I’m sure theres loads of profit in a diverse clean energy portfolio. I’m sure a lot of people would buy their own renewables for their home. You could sell tones of shit here. They just dont want to change. They have grown fat with greed in their thrones. Their apathy knows no bounds. 2 weeks ago
there’s also that time he whined and cried all the way to uk supreme court to try to stop a windfarm. losing once… twice… “three times a loser”.