My neighbor sent a text to his wife once that said something like “make sure to get that pussy nice and clean for me cause I’ve got plans for you this weekend.”
Except instead of sending it to his wife, he accidentally sent it to his dry cleaner.
Comment on Something... 5 months ago
Why would anyone send that message to their wife? Seems like something that would either be shaved already or you just deal with the bush
My neighbor sent a text to his wife once that said something like “make sure to get that pussy nice and clean for me cause I’ve got plans for you this weekend.”
Except instead of sending it to his wife, he accidentally sent it to his dry cleaner.
I have a very dear friend that for a variety of backstory reasons I’m not gonna go into is very conservative sexually, and not at all the type of person to talk about her sex life. Virgin until she married. Her husband has the same first name as me. Shortly after they were married, she texted a picture of her, topless, neck down torso pic, with the words “I can’t wait until you get home, I love you so much”
This isn’t exactly the scandalous text that dry cleaner got, but for her this was extreme.
Luckily, I lived super rural at that time, and routinely had issues getting calls and texts. She texted a few hours later (I’m assuming after hubby got home and she realized what she’d done) and was like “oh my God, I’m so sorry!” And I just pretended like I’d never gotten the text or pics. Saved her a lot of worry about it, I hope
You’re a good friend, congrats on the boobs
Sadly, boob appeal is lost on me. But I’ve got some guy I’m still secretly hoping send me accidental dick pics lmao
What’s a realistic reply to “oh my God, I’m so sorry!” if you are pretending you got that out of the blue without any context?
I’d assume someone close to me died and I don’t know about it.
Iirc, she specifically said she was sorry for the picture, and sent an explanation. I just pretended I never got it
Say: Sorry for what?
“accidently” 😉 5 months ago
Maybe he enjoys a shaved pussy and this was his way of telling his wife that he goin’ down today 5 months ago
I approve of this sentiment.
More men should be enthusiastic about going down on their partners.