- Comment on Blessica Blimpson 4 months ago:
Say the names together quickly and it sounds like the tire company, Michelin.
- Comment on Blessica Blimpson 4 months ago:
I just realized I dated someone with that name as her first and middle name.
Kicking myself that I never realized this obvious joke.
- Comment on Patient gamer philosophy 4 months ago:
That’s a great point and a very poignant reason for why patient gaming is important.
I think I was personally focusing on the saving money part!
- Comment on Patient gamer philosophy 4 months ago:
Great point. Completely agree this applies to any niche games or even any niche market as a whole.
My personal connection and the reason I posed this is me considering whether or not to pay full price for the fate/stay remaster as well as the tsukihime release.
- Submitted 4 months ago to | 13 comments
- Comment on Balatro is now out on Mobile. Humanity is doomed. 5 months ago:
I’m having trouble finding the link this moment but I remember reading about a billionaire or ceo who is addicted to this game saying that productivity around the world will crash once this game was released on mobile platforms.
- Comment on Something... 5 months ago:
Say: Sorry for what?
- Comment on Persona 3 Reload: Episode Aigis - Launch Trailer 5 months ago:
That would be bad I agree. I however think what they’ve said still allows for a physical Ultimate edition release with all dlc included without the usual additions of “Royal” or “Golden”.
If you are correct that there will be no complete physical version then my feelings are indeed muddled.
- Comment on Persona 3 Reload: Episode Aigis - Launch Trailer 5 months ago:
Yo! I totally had made that assumption being a longtime persona/smt player but I see now that you are correct they have said that.
I’m still going to wait a bit and see, just picked up SMT V Vengeance so I’m in no rush but this is wonderful news!!!
- Comment on Persona 3 Reload: Episode Aigis - Launch Trailer 5 months ago:
Also waiting for P3R FES or whatever they are going to call it.
- Comment on I don't know which one of you needed this information, but you're welcome. 9 months ago:
I don’t think you meant it like this but I couldn’t help reading it in the cadence of “if you’re sliding into first and your pants are gonna burst, diarrhea” lol
- Comment on Fate of Chinese vlogger unknown after scheduled release 9 months ago:
Sounds like she was having some major health problems in detention at least partly caused by her hunger strike. I wonder if she is even still alive.
- Comment on The History and Future of Digital Ownership 1 year ago:
I’m surprised that no one has mentioned this but a lot of physical discs nowadays are nothing more than glorified license checks, especially with games. Even buying the physical version does not guarantee you safety from these problems.
- Comment on This airBNB was supposed to be a "relaxing retreat" but now I need therapy after this shit. 1 year ago:
I love how no one has mentioned the shoddy electrical wiring running along the baseboard. TV is too distracting!