For me they weren’t allowed in Calc I, II, III, Alg I, II and Differential equations. Every other class pretty much required it.
if there’s one thing language models suck at, it’s doing basic math.
If you’re using a GPT 3.5 turbo level models, sure. Synthetic data is perfect for teaching LLMs, o1 will be good enough up to Calc III IMO, maybe even better.
The only thing I don’t like about this is that it uses a TI, yikes. 4 months ago
Time to build a wolfarm applet 4 months ago
Dude, I was wondering why someone hadn’t done this the moment they discovered Ai was terrible at math. I would have imagine the crowds who deal with both would have some overlap at least. 4 months ago
Wolfarm, the militant brother of WolframAlpha SCNR