- Comment on Secret calculator hack brings ChatGPT to the TI-84, enabling easy cheating 5 months ago:
They let us use them for all my college math classes.
They really don’t help much at all if you don’t understand the math, and if you do understand, you don’t need the calculator most of the time.
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 8 months ago:
For the voters, they really don’t believe it. I have conservative family members. Everything is always “Oh that’s just bullshit cooked up by the crooked Biden crime family” “Oh he didn’t mean the words he said very clearly, what he really meant was blah blah blah”
I just don’t get it. What makes this guy seemingly have a force field that can make people deny their own eyes and ears?
- Comment on Getting old sucks 10 months ago:
I grew up with gmod idiot box and dane cook bits animated with stick figures.
I think the kids today are doing just fine, at least on the memes front.
- Comment on Asking a girl out for comic book store date? 11 months ago:
From what OP wrote, they aren’t total strangers given he knows she likes comics. He sounds fairly young so I’m guessing she’s in his social circle or someone from school. If they were total strangers or just met for the first time, then yeah I’d say it would be a good idea to strike up a casual conversation or two before asking them out. You just really don’t want to develop strong feelings for them before you ask them out. It’s a recipe for pain if she says no, and can make things pretty awkward if they’re going to have to keep seeing each other regularly.
- Comment on Asking a girl out for comic book store date? 11 months ago:
It’s a good idea. You may want to plan a second activity like lunch or a walk in the park as well.
And just be direct. Something like “Hey, do you want to go on a date with me? We can grab something to eat and go to the comic store.”
If she says no, don’t push it. Just say okay and wish them well.
I too was terrible at talking to girls. I still am but my girlfriend doesn’t seem to mind lol
Whatever you do, just don’t try any pickup artist or smooth talking tactics. It’s gross and cringey, doubly so if you don’t have the confidence to pull it off.
- Comment on Boeing: Last Week Tonight 11 months ago:
You can take the quotes off too big to fail, they literally are. Their only competitor in the world is Airbus. Boeing going bust would be catastrophic to the global aviation industry and doubly so for the USA.
That said, I wanna see Lockheed step up and do a commercial plane. Gimme a jumbo jet that breaks the sound barrier and has a radar signature the size of a credit card pls.
- Comment on ‘Front page of the internet’: how social media’s biggest user protest rocked Reddit 1 year ago:
And God forbid you’re anywhere right of Marx himself or you’ll get people telling you you’ll be the first against the wall when the revolution comes.
Like come on, we want 95% of the same stuff, let’s just work together and have some productive discussions and enrich our political mindsets instead of flinging shit at people who are basically on the same side as you.
- Comment on Single-use e-cigarettes contain batteries that last hundreds of cycles despite being discarded 1 year ago:
I’ve had good luck with nicotine giant, but pretty much everywhere has stock issues. They definitely carry both of those flavors but no stock at the moment.
- Comment on Single-use e-cigarettes contain batteries that last hundreds of cycles despite being discarded 1 year ago:
I spend maybe $60 a year on vaping and I do it a lot. Key is though, mix your own juice and build your own coils.
A premade coil costs a few bucks. Replacing the cotton and wire in a diy coil is maybe a nickel. A bottle of premade juice is $20 these days where I am. Mixing my own costs at most, a dollar and that’s if I use more expensive flavor additives.
I won’t pretend it’s good for you, but if you’re gonna do it, no sense in half asking it and spending way more than you need. Plus it’s fun to experiment with new custom flavors.
- Comment on Video of ceramic storage system prototype surfaces online — 10,000TB cartridges bombarded with laser rays could become mainstream by 2030, making slow hard drives and tapes obsolete 1 year ago:
10k TB would be enough to backup all my data hundreds of times over. If I made a cold copy every 3 months of everything, even accounting for increasing data over time, I’d probably die before making it through a single one.
- Comment on Nowhere is safe 1 year ago:
Yeah, I can lucid dream, but it’s really difficult to make text look coherent. Even if I could visualize code, it’s damn near impossible to retain the details after you wake up.
- Comment on patience 1 year ago:
A lot of those other games played like shit compared to HL1 too. System shock 1 is pretty much unplayable by modern standards purely due to controls, just as an example.
- Comment on Tv box recommendations? 1 year ago:
OSMC makes some good Kodi boxes if you don’t need proprietary streaming services. I use the jellyfin plugin to read from my JF server, works great. Supports 4k, HDR, audio passthrough, many codes, all the good stuff.
Between that and my PS5 it covers all the bases
- Comment on The three-year cruise is canceled 1 year ago:
Cruises are surprisingly cheap. Often considerably cheaper than a retirement home. Some people literally just take back to back cruises when they get old.
If it were a choice between some depressing elder care facility or cruisin and boozin til I go out for the same price, I know which one I’m picking.
- Comment on Satellites Make up to 80,000 Flashing Glints Per Hour. It's a Big Problem for Astronomers - Universe Today 1 year ago:
You will be pleased to know starlink has recently started doing exactly that after working with astronomers to mitigate this issue.
- Comment on Your Windows 10 PC will soon be 'junk' - users told to resist Microsoft deadline 1 year ago:
Check protondb for reports on whether a specific (steam) game runs.
In my experience, pretty much everything that doesn’t have anticheat works. I can’t remember the last time a game didn’t work fine, from stuff so old it stopped working in Windows Vista to day 1 AAA titles. Even DOS stuff is playable with DOSBox.
Just be aware, Linux is not windows. If you try to use it like windows, you will only experience pain. It’s not hard, especially with mainstream distros like Ubuntu or Mint, but you really should invest at least a bit of effort into learning how the system works and how to use it properly.
- Comment on Your Windows 10 PC will soon be 'junk' - users told to resist Microsoft deadline 1 year ago:
iGPU+dGPU, esp with Nvidia is pretty bad on Linux. It’s pretty flawless these days if you’re using only one vendor and it isn’t Nvidia.
- Comment on Decentralized Matrix messaging network says it now has 115M users 1 year ago:
A lot of IRC communities migrated, and it’s pretty much the go to option now if you want live communications for your project or org, but don’t want something proprietary. It’s a pretty good replacement for Teams or Slack.
- Comment on New Breakthrough in Energy Storage – MIT Engineers Create Supercapacitor out of Ancient Materials 1 year ago:
Most of Europe and Japan is pretty mild most of the year. I wouldn’t be surprised if a very large chunk of that difference is simply climate, a lot of the USA gets very cold/hot.
- Comment on Samsung joins Google in RCS shaming Apple 1 year ago:
Not the same guy but this is basically impossible. I was able to get maybe two of the dozens of people I have to contact regularly to use it, then they dropped SMS support and it’s been dead ever since for me.
- Comment on SpaceX Might Have Lost 200+ Starlink Satellites In Just 2 Months Shows Data 1 year ago:
No, they vaporize on reentry.