- Comment on Little know fact 1 week ago:
Yeah, he does give off unemployed actor/barrista who’s only going to need to sleep on your couch for a couple more nights because he’s got stuff lined up vibes.
- Comment on Rock diagram 4 months ago:
I love Sisyphus FM. It plays boulder music than the other stations.
- Comment on Wildlife Photography 5 months ago:
Yeah, but if he hit the camera he might have bruised a knuckle or two.
- Comment on Be still my beating tastebuds 7 months ago:
Seems more like sociopathic guac.
- Comment on There’s a lot going on here 7 months ago:
Or he’s wearing one REALLY crusty pair of underwear.
- Comment on hot dog 9 months ago:
Since she’s a weiner and boobs, does this mean she can give herself a titjob?
- Comment on xkcd #2929: Good and Bad Ideas 9 months ago:
::Fallout theme starts playing::
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Can’t wait until the AI enhanced sex toys.
- Comment on Caption this. 10 months ago:
What I have to do every morning.
- Comment on Is the new Fallout TV show depressing? 10 months ago:
I don’t know about the show, but the games are known for their dark humor, weird npcs, and unusual creatures. But, it is a post-apocalyptic setting, and I’m sure some moments will be darker than others I would imagine.
- Comment on Greatest train robbery ever 10 months ago:
There’s a kernel of truth in that statement.
- Comment on mycology 11 months ago:
I’ve found that just tearing into their raw (but washed) flesh with my teeth works just as well, and imo is even tastier without all those distractions.
- Comment on Pornhub shuts down in Texas... and predictably, VPNs benefit 11 months ago:
When I was a teenager, we got our porn the old fashioned way, by shoplifting it from the magazine rack at the convenience store.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
So the future is AI ad creators versus AI ad blockers, with all of us caught in the middle. Yay?!
- Comment on Waffle Squarf 1 year ago:
Yeah, but I live in the Chicago area, and with all the trouble some folks have had here with their electric squarves in this bitter cold, they’re thinking about switching back to gas squarfs.
- Comment on Cant play monster hunter 1 year ago:
Dumb thumb drum?
- Comment on Nic Cage through the years 1 year ago:
You’re welcome. Glad I could help you face the situation.
- Comment on How many Star Trek fans will see red because they don't see red? 1 year ago:
I’m more annoyed by the fact that he’s a conehead now.
- Comment on Today is a good day for pumpkin spice latte 1 year ago:
I take issue with the title though, everyone knows that prune juice lattes are the drink of warriors.
- Comment on Nic Cage through the years 1 year ago:
You may have to face-off against some people who wonder why you posted this.
- Comment on Frequently 1 year ago:
One thing you can do for a pause in the conversation, is simply to put a thoughtful look on your face and stroke your chin for a moment while you figure out the best answer. This way the person you’re talking to knows that you were listening, so they don’t feel ignored, and it gives you that moments pause you need. Plus, bonus, sometimes they think you’re smarter and more thoughtful than you actually are.
- Comment on A Day of Honor Story 1 year ago:
Son of a Peta’Q! How dare you imply a human BB gun is somehow more dangerous than a Bat’leth!
- Comment on A Day of Honor Story 1 year ago:
The movie was much better in its original Klingon.
- Comment on Medieval 'curse tablet' summoning Satan discovered at the bottom of a latrine in Germany 1 year ago:
Saw the headline before the instance and thought this was an article from The Onion.
- Comment on Directed by JJ Abrams 1 year ago:
Sulu’s the one driving the ship, Scotty just hangs out by the engines and whacks them with a wrench occasionally.
- Comment on Our Man Clint 1 year ago:
I tried to understand your meme, but it was hard.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 80 comments
- Comment on YouTube's plan backfires, people are installing better ad blockers 1 year ago:
But that’s because most people watch Netflix through smart TVs and those TVs are closed systems that don’t have apps, or very limited ones. Trying to get people who barely understand how to operate their remote to stream from their computer or other device, isn’t going to happen.
- Comment on See?! 1 year ago:
Don’t crush my dreams.
- Comment on By 2035, falling satellites will kill or injure someone every two years, says FAA - Gizchina 1 year ago:
It can hit in someone’s vicinity causing them injury. It would rarely be a direct strike.