- Comment on Help with lxc write access 6 days ago:
Can you mount SMB shares in unprivliged containers? I thought that was blocked.
- Comment on Help with lxc write access 6 days ago:
Can the host itself write to the file share? You can check this by trying to create a file in it via the host’s shell. If it can’t write to it the container won’t be able to either.
- Comment on Framework Laptop 12 is a cheaper, more colorful take on a repairable laptop PC 1 week ago:
I’m looking forward to the 12 the most as while my 13 is nice something smaller and even more portable would be wonderful.
- Comment on EA has open sourced Command & Conquer: Red Alert under GPLv3 1 week ago:
- Comment on Why I ditched my Pi-hole but still block ads - 2 weeks ago:
What was this guy doing to break his pihole all the time? I can’t remember the last time I logged into mine at all.
- Comment on ODROID-H3 and H4 SBCs get NetCard 3 card with four 5Gbps ports 2 weeks ago:
Ooh that could make a very nice opnsense box.
- Comment on Britain’s grid battery storage record is maddening | The UK is great at building renewables but not the batteries needed to use green electricity effectively 5 months ago:
I mean in the UK that’s almost exclusively the form of grid scale energy storage takes, indeed one of the largest generating plants in the UK is a pumped hydro facility.
As to why ti’s not deployed more it’s matters of location and cost often feature heavily.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
Broadly no but there are some tlds that are controlled entirely by certain entities that don’t allow use by people other than them, governments being most if not all of these. Also some countries will only allow residents/citizens to use that nation’s tld.
- Comment on ICANN approves use of .internal domain for your network 6 months ago:
Either ignore like I do or add a self signed cert to trusted root and use that for your services. Will work fine unless you’re letting external folks access your self hosted stuff.
- Comment on Stonehenge tunnel scheme scrapped by government 7 months ago:
Well small mercies from the revived austerity bollocks I guess that this project is dead.
- Comment on Funny, those guys don't usually agree on that much 9 months ago:
I am the only true leftist. The rest of you are posers and/or feds.
- Comment on As a leftist when I saw this post in twitter I had to be rushed to the hospital. My blood pressure read 2567 over 1547 9 months ago:
If you were more racist these things wouldn’t happen to you. Probably.
- Comment on we are in dire need of new memes to criticize marxist-leninists 9 months ago:
I misspelt sorry I meant Dengist. Named after Deng Xiaoping who was a leader of the ccp after Maos death and his political ideology is a big part of china’s current political landscape. I dont have any resources though I know he wrote a couple of books that will be a good resource.
- Comment on we are in dire need of new memes to criticize marxist-leninists 9 months ago:
Surely China would be best described as dengost at this point?
- Comment on Two charged over Sycamore gap tree 10 months ago:
I feel we should return to our pagan roots and sacrifice them at the foot of the tree to stave off the anger of the gods. You don’t just go around cutting down fancy trees. That’s the kind of nonsense that causes big problems.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
They tried but they’re losing.
- Comment on Google fires 28 employees after protest over Israel cloud contract 10 months ago:
I mean for many (myself included) setting up shop in Israel is reason enough for boycotting an organisation.
- Comment on Valve: Windows 11 market share on Steam drops to 41.61% 11 months ago:
There is a lot of inertia behind windows both in market share and user knowledge that will take a lot to get over. For example a bug part of why I stay on windows is because I’m simply a lot better at using it than Linux so troubleshooting is easier and quicker. Plus I haven’t found a distro yet that feels as idiot proof as windows as macos can be.
- Comment on Canadians Are Buying $12,000 Yurts To Avoid Ridiculous Rental Prices 11 months ago:
That’s bad.
- Comment on More believable for a Linux OS 1 year ago:
Yeah I’m a big fan of it. People complain about the verbosity of it but I like that for readability and autocomplete makes that a non issue I find. Plus if you really want to save on typing when using it as a terminal tool you can just make aliases for all your common commands.
- Comment on Sudo is coming to Windows 11 1 year ago:
The trick to powershell is to make incredibly liberal use of tab completion to speed yourself up. Or make aliases for commands you use really often.
- Comment on Sudo is coming to Windows 11 1 year ago:
Sentinel is MS’s SEIM product, defender is likely people referring to their paid av offering, Entra is what they renamed AzureAD recently which is their identity management platform. Not sure why they renamed the last one azureAD was a good name for it.
- Comment on USB-PD is a de-facto low-power DC voltage standard, with USB-C being the universal plug. Hurray! 1 year ago:
For phones I’ve found the issue is lint/dust getting in the port and clearing that out makes the port work like new again.
- Comment on Gravity Storage 101 Or Why Pumped Hydro Is The Only Remotely Real Gravity Storage 1 year ago:
Did Williams ever actually race the flywheel kers? I know it got used in WEC and some road applications.
- Comment on Gravity Storage 101 Or Why Pumped Hydro Is The Only Remotely Real Gravity Storage 1 year ago:
There are places and use cases where batteries aren’t a great idea for energy storage and there are environmental concerns. I’m interested to see how mechanical flywheels progress for energy storage as while they lack the density and have higher upfront costs they have much lower maintenance costs and longer serve life.
- Comment on Microsoft is adding a new key to PC keyboards for the first time since 1994 1 year ago:
If you’re into custom keyboards you can also configure the entire PCB using things like QMK so any key can be anything you want. It is a significantly more expensive route the AHK though.
- Comment on Fairphone has created a smartphone that owners can repair themselves - This sustainable smartphone aims to reduce global electronic waste 1 year ago:
I’ve just never had that be a problem for me. I’ve had wireless charging phones before and I never really felt having a wireless charger any more convenient than just plugging my phone in. Really the only time I used wireless charging was on an old phone when the micro-b port failed but with the advent of type c being and the ease of swapping a charging port on the FP5 it just seems to be adding needless expense to the device to have a less efficient method of charging the device.
- Comment on Fairphone has created a smartphone that owners can repair themselves - This sustainable smartphone aims to reduce global electronic waste 1 year ago:
Usable battery size? The FP5 has a 4200mah battery which is about 500mah less than the s23 plus which is pretty reasonable and I’ve found it very usable for day to day use. Wireless charing is a pointless gimmick personally and I don’t see the utility of it. Lack of a headphone jack is a pain though.
- Comment on Mr. Bean, vulkanized 1 year ago:
And here I was expecting him to be covered in rubber.
- Comment on Leaks confirm low takeup for Windows 11 1 year ago:
You can check the games you want to play here
Overall its a mixed bag but generally getting better quite quickly. Some games are one click launches and some do require some config.