- Comment on Games franchises that need metroidvania spinoffs? 2 weeks ago:
Biohazard might as well be a metroidvania.
- Comment on Those YouTube ads everyone hates made $10.4 billion in just three months 3 weeks ago:
This is the way. Just make sure to disable the YouTube app on your phone so links people send you don’t open in the app.
- Comment on The key is to match the 4/10 pain with a 8/10 high 3 weeks ago:
I told a doctor once that I got a “normal amount of headaches”. He asked me how many that was and I told him 1 or 2 a week, to which he responded “the normal amount is 0”.
I was in to see him about migraines.
- Comment on Engineer turns old 3D printer into a tattoo gun that you definitely shouldn't use at home 3 weeks ago:
High-finctioning ADHD maybe? I loved her life size benchy video.
- Comment on Co-op campaigns are a rarity these days, and that should change 3 weeks ago:
Split fiction looks super cool!
- Comment on where the magic happens owo 3 months ago:
The bases and hot blocks are interchangable with that series. We recently upgraded to the Opus but our previous CFX96 had the T1000 touch base.
- Comment on where the magic happens owo 3 months ago:
Top left is the CFX96/384, which is also a qPCR instrument.
Bottom left is the 3500 Genetic Analyzer, as someone identified. It’s used for sanger sequencing I believe. My last lab had one but I was never trained on it.
- Comment on Patient gamers, what are your favorite OSTs? 3 months ago:
No game will ever have a better soundtrack than Halo 3
- Comment on Tiny pp 3 months ago:
No need to body shame. Call people out on their attitude not their given biology.
- Comment on Hmmmm 4 months ago:
Cell signalling pathways was the worst part of microbial genetics for me. Luckily I don’t have to deal with that anymore as my day to day is digital PCR and NGS.
- Comment on Dreams come true 5 months ago:
Someone’s probably already coined the term, but I’m going to call it LLM inbreeding.
- Comment on Steam does the opposite of forcing Arbitration on its users 5 months ago:
Happened to me playing helldivers last night. Luckily I did not die.
- Comment on ISPs tell Supreme Court they don’t want to disconnect users accused of piracy 5 months ago:
If someone is using meth in prison, the whole prison should be shut down.
- Comment on He really wants to kill that platform lol 6 months ago:
And OnlyFans
- Comment on Cruciferae 9 months ago:
That’s basically how we make them, but we also top them with diced green apple, feta cheese and a balsamic drizzle. Absolutely heavenly.
- Comment on Calculus made easy 9 months ago:
“All the, derivatives. True care. Truth brings.”
- Comment on Vaccine breakthrough means no more chasing strains 10 months ago:
And you are absolutely right to be skeptical about that, that is a crazy level of extrapolation.
- Comment on Vaccine breakthrough means no more chasing strains 10 months ago:
I am a molecular biologist, and it kinda works this way. B cells are called memory cells because they hold onto that “memory” of the invader for a really long time. You probably haven’t had an MMR or a Tetanus vaccine in 10+ years because the body is really good at remembering. But we have to get flu boosters every year because the flu mutates so rapidly that traditional b cells won’t recognize the flu after a year of mutating. (RNA viruses can’t correct their mutations so they change much faster than bacteria or DNA viruses). RNAi was still pretty new when I was in school and I haven’t kept up with the research so I can’t speak to it’s effectiveness at long term immunity.
- Comment on Vaccine breakthrough means no more chasing strains 10 months ago:
Given the position of this statement in the article, I’m guessing they are trying to imply a correlation in rate of aging. Like 1 dog year = 7 human years. They are further implying that if a mouse maintains immunity for 90 days, a human would maintain immunity for 10 years.
It should be clear that it is the reporter stating this, not the original authors of the study.
- Comment on I'm Heading to Phoenix Can Anyone Recommend Anything Cool To Check Out While I'm There? 11 months ago:
Definitely check out the japanese friendship garden!
- Comment on Looking for emotional game recommendations 11 months ago:
The Last of Us can be very intense, and the ending of both 1 and 2 are heart wrenching. I definitely recommend them both. Also take reviews of 2 with a grain of salt. A lot of red pill misogynists hated it.
- Comment on How to show your affection 1 year ago:
Just tested number 5… DO NOT RECOMMEND. I’m now sleeping on the couch for the rest of the week.
- Comment on ifn't 1 year ago:
No cap(frfr){
- Comment on Moderna’s mRNA cancer vaccine works even better than thought 1 year ago:
They have to manufacture it unique to the individual. Luckily, manufacturing custom mRNA is not very expensive.
- Comment on Mozilla 2023 Annual Report: CEO pay skyrockets, while Firefox Marketshare nosedives 1 year ago:
This is for the year 2022. The reddit migration was 2023.
Also the fediverse is less than 0.1% of social media market share.
- Comment on If someone pleads not guilty in court and is then found guilty of the crime anyway, does perjury get added to the list of crimes as well? 1 year ago:
In the US. Your milage may vary in other countries.
- Comment on Challenge accepted 1 year ago:
Tell that to the British royal line
- Comment on Challenge accepted 1 year ago:
A recent XKCD was just the blank map with ~64 “states” and the direction to try and name them all.
- Comment on 1.1 History 1 year ago:
In my field of work (molecular biology) anything with a linear relationship gets exciting! I got an R^2 of .9968 last week that had me jumping for joy.
- Comment on Rebalancing the price to represent the value... 1 year ago:
Fusion360 tracks everything you do and keeps it in a parametric(?) timeline, which lets you go back in time to make a design change, and that change is automatically applied all the way to your present time design.