- Submitted 5 months ago to | 1 comment
- Comment on Freetube is the best way to watch YouTube 6 months ago:
Oh shit, I just made the switch and I’m liking it. I just “favourite” things from my sub feed in one small window, and watch in the other, and it autoplays (if I want) so I can just start doing shit while the background vids keep playing. Honestly kinda more convienient than youtubes gui. It has sponsorblock built in too, which is nice
- Comment on Google threatened tech influencers unless they ‘preferred’ the Pixel 6 months ago:
Yeah, makes sense chief, but a bigger batteries main purpose would be to be a bigger battery while also being level
- Comment on Google threatened tech influencers unless they ‘preferred’ the Pixel 6 months ago:
Your cover increases battery life?
- Comment on Looking for games that feel like a summer adventure 7 months ago:
Likely in the ok-ish section but Celeste has that vibe going for it
- Comment on Not a single video wants to be played. · Issue #11255 · TeamNewPipe/NewPipe 7 months ago:
The people who-would shift away are users, not creators and currently the major issue with peertube is lack of content. Along with the fact that finding an instance which allows for signups and is federated with good, discoverable content is impossible currently.
I keep trying though and eventually I’m sure I’ll be able to switch
- Comment on Rust For Lemmings - Code Together | "The Rust Programming Language" book club meeting on twitch 1 year ago:
They absolutely will be. I’ll be posting streaming to youtube at the same time in order to keep the vod there as twitch seems to only keep it up for a week unless you’re an affiliate or partner
- Comment on Rust For Lemmings - Code Together | "The Rust Programming Language" book club meeting on twitch 1 year ago:
That’s the spirit! I’m in the same boat myself, though I didn’t get more than a few chapters in. We’ll be happy to have you
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 4 comments
- Comment on What a terrible relationship 1 year ago:
It is about that specifically, jada has said her soul mate was Tupac, who died in 1996
- Comment on [HN] Astrophysicists Put All Objects in Universe into One Pedagogical Plot 1 year ago:
What the fuck is forbidden gravity. I don’t know why that frightens me. What did it do?
- Comment on Watch out for devs trying trick bug reporters into doing work 1 year ago:
Yeah I don’t know man, as a dev this sounds like you are finding things that cannot be reproduced and the dev can only get more information from your machine. It’s like if you were calling up a mechanic on the phone. He can’t take the wheel. Would you be ok with giving them access to your PC remotely to try and find the bug?
Nah man, we’re not trying to weasle you into finding the bug yourself. We would very much prefer to interact with end users as little as possible.
- Comment on Lenovo PC boss: 4 in 5 of our devices will be repairable by 2025 1 year ago:
My dude, that was 8 years ago. I am 23. There are people younger than you. In high school I was not interested in pc companies, let alone privacy. This has since changed.
I was 15 when the news broke. I liked playing video games and dnd.
You are a very strange man to think me thanking this person for sharing their knowlage and changing my opinion accordingly is trolling.
- Comment on Lenovo PC boss: 4 in 5 of our devices will be repairable by 2025 1 year ago:
I don’t remember the superfish scandal, had never heard of it actually. Thank you telling me about it though, I was a child when this was a thing. Looks like it came out in 2015 and settled in 2017. That is not recent. Though, I can understand the aggression you’re giving me seeing as how you’re being downvoted for something which may be a legitimate concern. I’m sorry for that, and would like to confirm I’ve not been participating. My thanks was honest. Though, I cannot see the link to it being a “chinease spyware” situation. Would you be able to provide links for that one? I see superfish is and was headquartered in california. What makes it chinease?
For the lazy, here’s some excerpts from a PCWORLD article:
According to the FTC, the software allowed VisualDiscovery to see all of a consumer’s sensitive personal information transmitted over the Internet, including log-in information, Social Security numbers, and more
In 2015, Lenovo CTO Peter Hortensius called the decision to use Superfish a “significant mistake.” (Big whoopsy daisy, we sent all your personal information to an add company, we really ballsed this one up)
For 20 years, Lenovo will be required to put in place a “comprehensive software security program for most consumer software preloaded on its laptop,” subject to external audits, the FTC said. If Lenovo does put adware onto its laptops, it must “get consumers’ affirmative consent,” it added.
Wow, maybe that one shouldn’t be limited to 20 years. Maybe that one shouldn’t be limited to lenovo, huh
According to McSweeny, VisualDiscovery and its Superfish software “would alter the very Internet experience for which most consumers buy a computer,” she wrote.
I assume for the better right guys? right?
According to McSweeny, the Superfish software slowed Internet browsing, specifically downstream traffic by 25 percent and uploads by as much as 125 percent. In addition to simply slowing browser speeds, VisualDiscovery also used an insecure method to replace digital certificates, exposing users to risk and preventing their browsers from warning them that the website they were visiting could have been spoofed. And on every e-commerce site, VisualDiscovery’s software would display ads.
That ones fun
Here’s the original article for the curious:…/lenovos-superfish-bloatware-scandal…
- Comment on Lenovo PC boss: 4 in 5 of our devices will be repairable by 2025 1 year ago:
Can you give me some of the articles, studies, etc. which have convinced you of these laptops being spyware?
- Comment on 3D-printed carrot does not rely on large areas of land or maintenance costs, can be cheaper 1 year ago:
Look how happy this man is with his government mandated nutrition cube:
You will not ask for any other nutrition. Thank you fellow citizen, this makes me very happy
- Comment on 3D-printed carrot does not rely on large areas of land or maintenance costs, can be cheaper 1 year ago:
I will eat the nutri-cube and I will like it. I am proud that we’re finally entering the sci-fi era of this dystopia
- Comment on Which software do you mostly use for programming, and why? 1 year ago:
You are a God amongst men
- Comment on Which software do you mostly use for programming, and why? 1 year ago:
Neovim, and secondly lazygit. I guess you could count tmux too
- Comment on Opinion: The Copyright Office is making a mistake on AI-generated art 1 year ago:
Did you trace the linework, did you copy exactly the colouration and composition, could you place one over the other and see it’s nearly exactly the same? if so, yes. Yes you did. If you think to yourself, I like these specific elements of this art and am going to take them into account while creating a new piece, with new ideas, then no. You did not. AI art does the first.
- Comment on Opinion: The Copyright Office is making a mistake on AI-generated art 1 year ago:
That is correct, though there could be campaigns to collect art otherwise. There are plenty of artists in the open source world who could do it, and asking individuals to signal boost these calls to action can get more push. Once more, no matter what, big corps will always have more monitary resources. The power of open source is volunteer manpower and passion. Even if these weren’t the case, the moral argument still stands in using a persons work to replace them without permission.
Regardless of that even, what this will do is cause stagnation in the art field if not protected. Nobodies going to share their art, their method, or their ideas freely in a world where doing so allows a massive corp to take it freely without permission, thus replacing them. This kills ideas of open distribution of art and art information. It will become hidden, and new ideas, new art, will not be available to view.
Allowing people to take without permission will only ever hurt the small artists. Disney will always be able to just “take” any art they make.
Also, you’re not entirely correct on that. Models made for specific purposes don’t actually need the absurd amount generalist models need. However in the context of current expectations yeah, you’re right on quantity.
- Comment on Opinion: The Copyright Office is making a mistake on AI-generated art 1 year ago:
I disagree, you can see signatures and figures drawn by individual artists in even the largest models of today. Also, only a fraction are what you specified
Though trillions may be used, only billions are of dragons, millions of clocks, and thousands of something more specific
I work in the AI field specializing in vectorizatiom, creating automated systems to catch failures, and it’s clear to me what gets imprinted onto the nodes is just other peoples work. The line-work, colouration, composition, etc. on a particular output will be from a tiny fraction of the models training and will be, individually per addition or edit, directly taken from a handful of images.
This is why you can get text based or code based AI to word for word output some of their trained work. Same with image based, though only pieces again.
All the actual decision making, the colouration, the composition, line-work, perspective, base stylistic choice, etc. will be made by another person or people before being detected by the AI and output when the correct input (prompt) is given.
To be clear, If I had called pokemon fish whenever you put in the word fish something stylistically pokemon would be output with nothing to do with fish. It’s not learning what our prompt actually means just what gets it a head pat from the dev.
It’s not just learning what a word means and outputting a new image, it’s finding a way to output the origional data in a way that makes somebody like me, an AI dev, say “yeah that’s about right”. That’s all
Once more, because each time I stare I hate AI I get misinterpreted, I hate that it’s taking without permission. If that is granted then it’s perfectly moral.
- Comment on Opinion: The Copyright Office is making a mistake on AI-generated art 1 year ago:
Ok that’s entirely disingenuous. You can make an AI model open source where you get real permission from artists instead of taking their work without permission and using it to replace them.
It’s entirely possible. Will the large orgs have more resources to collect art? No shit, yeah, and they’ll have better PCs to train on too. No matter what, allowed to take from hard working small artists while attempting to make them irrelevant or not, the big corps will always have a heads up here.
Unless, like so many other projects, an extremely complicated system benefits from collaborative work inside an open environment. Shocking, I know, working on merit over money.
You don’t want a conversation though you just want “epic dunks”
- Comment on Opinion: The Copyright Office is making a mistake on AI-generated art 1 year ago:
I can understand partially your argument, and I’d agree the work you personally do is your own, but the art generated by the AI is not.
Is as much your art as the person who googles extensively to find images that they ten cut out and place into. As much your art as taking it to another person, asking them to make the edits, and revising.
Now, if the image you get from google is royalty free, and the revision artist along with you agree to signing off their rights, you’d be able to copywrite your work. I’d agree in the same situation with AI, if the people who’s art makes up the model agree to that circumstance, you should be able to copywrite. Otherwise you’re just taking credit for others work because you described it well enough while in training it into your own.
- Comment on Hey, new federated user from Hexbear here 1 year ago:
For context, the joke is that the authoritarian dictator of china has outlawed depictions of whiney the poo after chinease people started saying he looked like the character.
You can go to jail for wearing a poo bear t-shirt. A children’s cartoon is now an icon of resistance, which is wild.
This is no different than that LGBT Putin image that’ll get you put in jail in russia.
The yellow skin is, in my opinion, kinda fucked though. I know that the vast majority of people on here using it don’t mean it that way but the effect would be kept while not changing the skin colour. The ears and red shirt are enough. Again though, the people using it are not necessarily racist for doing so.
To pre-empt the enevitable user entirely disinterested in conversation trying to epicly own me as has been the entire post from OP, yes, I’m entirely ok with this. You can ‘mark me down’ as whatever you wish.
For the hexbear users (or others) who want a conversation, out of curiosity, does your issue extend to the existance of this community on our platform?
- Comment on VS Code’s Token Security: Keeping Your Secrets… Not So Secretly 1 year ago:
Glad this was found due to the open source nature of vscode, who knows how long something like this could have festered if someone malicious found it via decompiling and reverse engineering.
Open source is great at finding vonurabilities fast and fixing them, but I can understand the idea behind closed source code taking longer to find but longer to become public, and be fixed
- Comment on [help] So I cant' fork the fork of repo? 1 year ago:
Bit of a workaround, you could make a new account. No clue if it’s possible to do it with one as I tend to avoid contributing to projects on Microsoft’s platform but that would let you do this.
- Comment on "It has to be Chromium" 1 year ago:
But it doesn’t though, not really. There are quite a few things which are still sent back as telemetry. One hell of alot better than chrome but it’s still watching you. It’s still not respecting your privacy.
There are some privacy respecting browser out there but they’re quite inconvenient to use. I haven’t found a real reasonable middle ground personally, but altering librewolf or the mulvad browser to keep you signed in has been nice enough for me